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Will You Be My Plant? 
In honor of Earth Day, Victory Centre of Sierra Ridge residents adopted adorable, little plants that they will nurture until they are ready to be planted and grow in the community’s Victory Garden. Plants grow so fast!
Victory Centre of Vernon Hills hosted a Grand Opening of its new art gallery by showcasing resident Sue’s eclectic collages and other pieces. Each month there will be a new featured resident artist!
Inspired by Earth Day, Alexian Village artists used recycled materials to create beautiful, “green” works of art.
Spring has sprung at Victory Centre of River Woods with resident artists’ 3D floral portraits. 
Victory Centre of Bartlett residents created colorful abstract expressionist paintings inspired by American painter Jackson Pollock. 
Dreaming of a Bumper Crop
From Victory Centre of River Woods in Melrose Park to Victory Centre of South Chicago, gardeners are getting down and dirty to prep for planting with visions of cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes dancing in their heads!  
Celebrating Local Heroes
Victory Centre of South Chicago resident Barbara delivered pastries and a handmade card to our local Chicago fire department to thank them for all they do in honor of 
National Public Telecommunications Week.

Overcome FOGO
with Confidence

Thanks to the vaccine and return of freedoms, people are venturing back out into the world. While many folks are eager to jump back into life with both feet, others find their feet firmly planted at home.

Many people, older adults especially, are experiencing the newly coined term, “FOGO,” or fear of going out. Learn more about this post-lockdown anxiety and what you can do to overcome FOGO.

Temporary and permanent positions are available.
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Pathway to Living
30 South Wacker Drive, Suite 1300
Chicago, IL  60606
Phone: 1-888-342-4111