2022 in Review
2022 has been a year of rebuilding for CISV and our chapter is no exception. In 2020 and 2021 programs were cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Programs are the lifeblood of our organization. Without the boon programs provide and combined with a global pandemic, we have had a very hard time reaching new members, maintaining current membership, or raising funds to support future programs.
2022 was a breath of fresh air with the return of CISV programs internationally. In summer 2022 the chapter organized and participated in 9 different programs. We sent delegations totaling 23 local participants to represent the United States in France, Mexico, Canada, Norway, and several programs domestically.

We hope to see old faces return to help rebuild our chapter, as their knowledge and experience are invaluable during this difficult time. New members are certainly welcome as well to help drive the growth we hope to see and help our chapter remain sustainable for years to come.
Looking Forward – Youth Meeting
As part of the effort to revitalize the chapter, we have committed to hosting a Youth Meeting in summer 2023. Hosting a program will allow us to get the whole chapter involved by helping with logistics for travelers, hosting leaders and delegates, fundraising, inviting visitors to the camp for Open Day, and more! It’s going to be a lot of work, so we need all hands of deck! If you could help in some way, please let us know.
We need staff members to help with the Youth Meeting that is occurring July 17 - 31. Preferably one of those positions will be filled by an adult aged 25+. We may have positions for 2 Junior Staff as well, one 18+ and one 19+.

To see more details about Youth Meeting and the complete list of programs we have in 2023, you can visit our invitations page at If you or someone you know would like to apply to be camp staff, visit
How to Help
We are fundraising!
Youth Meeting will cost around $30,000 to host the 2-week program for about 45 participants and staff. Any donation, large or small, will help with that effort. So please consider donating any amount you can to help us reach our goal. We have a GoFundMe page ( to help us raise funds.  Donations of items for camp, gift cards to purchase needed supplies, and time are very welcome as well! Contact if you can help!
Help Find Participants!
If you could help us find staff, leaders, or delegates for 2023 programs that would be a huge help. We have created nomination packets to help make it easy to explain CISV, the programs, and direct potential candidates to how they can get in touch with us. There are two different packets- one geared towards to teachers to nominate children in their classes and another for professors or other community leaders to nominate adults to lead a delegation. You may just use them as a guide to suit your needs as well, if you wish. Visit to find those packets. You can also find the application link for Youth Meeting staff at the link. If you want to directly refer someone to participate in a program to us, email

Host Participants!

During the Youth Meeting our chapter is hosting, there will be opportunities to host delegates and potentially leaders and staff. If you are interested in doing that please email
Join the Board!
Have you taken a break from CISV for a while and now find that you are ready to get back into it? Are you new to the organization but feel that with your knowledge and skills you could help? The best way to get back involved with the chapter is to join the board! We have several positions open such as President Elect, Community Shares Chair, Hospitality chair, Secretary, and more! There will be opportunities to be on committees as well. Just reach out to and let us know you are interested!
Renew Your Membership!
The holiday season is a busy time for many people, so renewing your and your family’s chapter membership might not be the first thing you think to do as we look to the new year, but it would certainly help us out a lot. To participate in a CISV program, you (and your family if your child is a participant) must become members for two years. The reason for this is because as a participant in an all-volunteer organization, we constantly need new volunteers to keep the chapter running, so there is an expectation each family participating in a program will contribute. You can visit to renew membership for you and your family today!
Passive Support!
There are ways you can support our chapter without doing anything else beyond initial setup of the service. Several retailers like Amazon, Kroger, and more will donate a portion of proceeds from your purchases to our chapter. This adds up, especially if all of our members are signed up. Visit to learn how you can get that set up.
Upcoming Events
Fun Day Overnight

Come join Fun Day Overnight event January 6 from 7 pm to January 7 at 8:30 am to learn more about CISV, 2023 programs, have fun, and make friends! Fun Day Overnight is for all ages, including JC’s and leaders. Be sure to bring your friends along as well! This overnight event is a great introduction to what a CISV camp might be like.

Three of our programs will be in Italy this year, so we will be making pizzas in honor of that. Bring your favorite toppings to include on your personal pizza! More information and forms can be found on the Overnight Registration Form here:
Chattanooga Mini Camp
CISV Chattanooga is hosting their mini-camp January 20 from 7pm to 11am on January 22 for ages 10 to 21. They have invited our chapter as well as CISV Atlanta. The deadline to request registration forms for pre-registration is January 8, but late registrations may be accepted, space permitting. The cost is $110 for the weekend. Email for more information and registration.
Circle of Change Awards Banquet
Community Shares will hold its next Circle of Change Awards Banquet in April 2024, rebuilding this fund-raising event after a long hiatus. In the past CISV Smoky Mountain has been the #1 donor of items to the silent auction portion of this event. Community Shares is looking for early donations and commitments of donated services to this event now, so that we can complete our 2022 obligations with Community Shares and remain in good standing though donations will also be accepted throughout the year and early 2024. Our chapter gets thousands of dollars by being a full, participating member. Physical items and commitment of services (which can be fulfilled anytime in 2024) can be directed to Bob Grimac at
Pint Night Fundraisers
Throughout 2023 our goal is to hold pint night fundraisers once a month to have a little fun and raise some money for Youth Meeting and other initiatives of the chapter. At these events, we typically raise 10% or even $1 per pint of beer sold during the set time frame at local breweries. It’s a good way to gain visibility with the public as well. We recently held one in December at Pour Taproom, where we had over 20 people come out to support our organization and we raised about $130. That money can be used for things like supplies for our upcoming camp. Watch the website and social media for our next one and bring your friends!

Board Meetings

We currently have board meetings set for:

January 19 - Zoom
February 16 – In Person
March 23 - Zoom
April 20 – In Person
May 18 – Zoom
June 15 – In Person (Bon Voyage Party)

Check our events page at
for more info closer to the date.

Specialized Professionals
The CISV USA Board of Directors is putting together a list of specialized professionals. This network of volunteers would be willing to be a resource to the Board and Chapters on an as needed basis. If you or someone you know might be interested, please share this link with them and have them fill out the form.

CISV Smoky Mountain Calendar

You can easily add the chapter calendar to yours by using this link. That's the easiest way aside from checking our website events and news sections to stay up to date on chapter business. We already have dates set through next year!

Be sure to let your friends know about upcoming events and bring them along!

For more information contact:

Smoky Mountain CISV
Justin Willocks

You can always check out our website for the most up-to-date information

See what's happening on our social sites:
Be sure to let your friends know about upcoming events and bring them along!