
Today's EARTHism is for Quarries, Rocks & Minerals.
Rocks and minerals are very important to mankind. They are not only a source of fuel and power, but also a rich source of minerals. Salt can also be extracted from rocks and believe it or not, rocks also serve as a source of water supply. Rocks and minerals also provide raw materials and building materials, which makes them extremely important to the world’s economy. We believe rocks, quarries, and minerals are an important thing to stop and bless which is why we were inspired to create this EARTHism.
"Nature reminds us how to be in harmony with life itself." -- Harold W. Becker, The Love Foundation
Earthism for Quarries, Rocks & Minerals
I bless all the rocks, minerals, and quarries on Planet Earth. Thank you for your immense strength and stability. I bless your role in the natural ecosystem of the Earth such as providing habitats on steep cliffs where endangered birds may nest. I bless all the rocks and minerals for your role in providing soil nutrients in places like the Redwood Forest, where the tallest trees in the world grow. I bless and thank all the stone quarries on the Planet for their beautiful contribution in providing building materials. I humbly apologize for any damage we may have done to the environment in acquiring the use of your valuable resources. I thank all the rock quarries in the world for the important role you play on Planet Earth in terms of displacing soil and plants or your role in creating artificial lakes. I thank all the lovely minerals on the Planet for not only your striking beauty, but for your part in creating the Earth’s rocks, soil, and sand. The world is a stronger, more secure place because of you.
4.24 minute video on EARTHisms
Help us Celebrate Earth Day all during the month of April. Each day we will introduce a new EARTHism dedicated to Loving, Blessing, Honoring, and Protecting Spaceship Earth.

John Cobb joins Ervin Laszlo, John Perkins, Deborah Rozman and other esteemed guests for the HUMANS 2.0 panel discussion starting at 8am on Earth Day Weekend (April 22nd and 23rd). Panelists discuss the future of humanity and how we can survive into the future. Part of the Earth Gratitude Festival 2022
Planet Blessed promotes personal and planetary sustainability to help individuals and communities Sur-Thrive in challenging times. We also seek to help raise individual and collective consciousness through mindfulness, mindful successful living, positive psychology, BLESSisms and EARTHisms.

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Planet Blessed Cofounders Leslie Riopel, MA Psychology & Charles Betterton, MSCED
Leslie and her loving mom who inspired the creation of BLESSisms enjoying a fun day in the sun
Charles in his favorite "office" a swinging chair designed by friends who worked with Bucky Fuller
Featured Resource Providers for April
Inspiring worldwide cooperation and dramatic action to address the ecological crisis the Living Earth Movement (LEM) was inspired by the legacy works of John B. Cobb, Jr. who celebrated his 97th birthday launching the Living Earth Movement
Mailing Address: Planet Blessed
36 Oakwood Dr. * Kankakee, IL 60901
Phone: 928-554-5940