6th grader Zoe, 7th grader Louisa, 4th grader Josiah, and 8th grader Maya worked together on a puzzle showing an illustration from the store of Cupid and Psyche on Mythology Day.
Hello Riverside,

The fresh blanket of snow has us re-inspired for winter and excited about this Friday afternoon's adventures to slide down or across the white stuff. Please give that section below a careful read to be sure you're child is well-prepared to make the most of it.

Happy Monday,
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This Friday K-8th graders will all be sliding on snow! At first glance, the information below might look just like last week's, but it is reorganized and includes more specifics. These dates will be January 12, 19, 26, February 2, 9, 16. Note that we do sometimes cancel our plans based on the weather, and try to make those decisions mid-week.

Downhill at Burke Mountain
Parent Chaperones: If you haven't yet, please read through the K-2 Chaperone Duties3-5 Chaperone Duties, or 6-8 Chaperone Duties so that you are familiar with our expectations of you. Nelia will email you this week with as much detail as she can about your assignments for Friday. For the 4-8 program, please find us in the base lodge around 11:45. For the K-2 program please find us at the base of the steps where the bus will unload at 12:30. If you volunteered to bring snacks -- please see the schedule and details she emailed out on Friday.
Thursday Night: Please be sure that students have all the equipment and clothing they need to enjoy the afternoon outdoors, as well as their season pass if they have one. Help them take charge of what they pack and develop awareness of how to organize and care for those items. These life lessons are a big part of why we venture out on Friday afternoons. Snacks will be provided, and money for the snack bar is also acceptable.
Friday Morning: There will be two trucks parked near the orchard for skis, poles, and snowboards: Sean's white one for 5-8th graders and Roy's silver one for K-4th graders. Students should keep the rest of their gear on their hook/in their cubby. Please communicate any changes to your plans with Nelia as soon as possible, before she sends rosters and orders tickets for the afternoon.
Friday Afternoon: 5-8th graders will depart at 11:15 by bus for 12:15 lessons and then have about two hours to free ski after that. K-4th graders will depart at 12:15 by bus for 1:30 lessons and then have about an hour to free ski after that. K-2nd graders will be directly supervised by an adult all afternoon in groups of two or three. 3-8th graders are allowed to ski where they'd like without an adult, as long as they are not alone.
Cost: There is no cost to families to participate in this program, except for rentals ($9-14/day) and chaperone tickets for non-pass holders ($10), those will be charged directly to your school store account.
Pick Up: Please pick up students by 3:30 in the Brown Bag Area of the Sherburne Base Lodge (entrance on the same level as and just beyond the ticket windows).
Questions? Email Nelia.

Cross Country at Dashney Trails
Parent Chaperones: Mr. G and Caroline will review expectations when you first meet up at Riverside at 12:00 on Friday afternoon. If you signed up to help with snacks, Mr. G will email this week with a schedule/rotation.
Thursday Night: Please be sure that students have all the equipment and clothing they need to enjoy the afternoon outdoors. Help them take charge of what they pack and develop awareness of how to organize and care for those items. These life lessons are a big part of why we venture out on Friday afternoons. Snacks will be provided.
Friday Morning: Please leave cross country skis on the ramp-porch of the house, which is accessed near the dumpsters. Students should keep the rest of their gear on their hook/in their cubby. Please communicate any changes to your plans with Mr. G and/or Caroline as soon as possible in the morning.
Friday Afternoon: Students will depart at 12:15 by carpool, will organize themselves in small groups at the trails, and will ski and take breaks as appropriate until 3:15.
Cost: There is no cost to families to participate in this program, except for rentals ($10/day), which will be charged to your school store account.
Pick Up: Please pick up those students at the at the Dashney Nordic Center (70-838 Dashney Rd, East Burke) at 3:15. 

5-8 Uphill Touring at Burke Mountain
Parent Chaperones: Sean will email you this week to confirm plans and will meet you at 11:45 in the base lodge.
Thursday Night: Please be sure that students have all the equipment and clothing they need to enjoy the afternoon outdoors, as well as a back pack specific for touring with skins, water, additional layers, and room for provided snacks. Help students take charge of what they pack and develop awareness of how to organize and care for those items. These life lessons are a big part of why we venture out on Friday afternoons. Snacks will be provided.
Friday Morning: Sean's white truck will be parked near the orchard, facing the pavilion. Please put touring skis and backpacks in there (not in Roy's adjacent silver truck). Students should keep the rest of their gear in their their cubby. Please communicate any changes to your plans with Sean as soon as possible in the morning.
Friday Afternoon: Students will depart at 11:15 on the same bus as the older students in the downhill program.
Cost: The cost of the pass is included in Riverside's tuition. However if you have one of your own, you can save us that expense. Please make sure Sean knows if you do.
Pick Up: Please look for students at 4:00pm outside base lodge of the resort.
Questions: Email Sean, who is coordinating the program.
Rehearsals and production electives are thoroughly underway for the middle school's spring production of Beauty and the Beast. Mark your calendars for Friday, March 15 at 7:00 pm and Saturday, March 16 at 2:00 pm at the LI Auditorium.

Actors, remember to be working on your lines at home; Will expects you to be off-book on January 23.
As you know school choice continues to be under attack in the legislature at the statehouse. At this point, this year, we would appreciate a few volunteers to communicate with legislators and other relevant parties. Additionally, going forward, we might use those volunteers to strategize the bigger Riverside community response if needed. Please email Roy if this fits your interest.
All PK-8 Families in the NEK Choice District should have received an email in mid December from Sylvia LaCasse, asking you to digitally sign voucher forms for the second half of the school year. Please complete those ASAP. Krystal put some reminders in boomerang folders today. Riverside cannot get tuition payments until they are complete.
7-8th + Adults are welcome to join Pound class in the barn on Monday afternoons from 4:00-4:45. Pound combines aerobics, music & rhythm, yoga, and pilates in a fun atmosphere. The instructor is Kylie of KM Wellness; she asks that you please sign up 24 hours in advance through this link. The fee is $15/class or $60/5 classes, payable through cash, check, or Venmo. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask Krystal.

  • 6-8th Math Counts Club will meet today, 3:45-4:30. We'll be completing some fun Math enrichment problems and discussing goals for the club. 
  • 4th Homework Club will meet today and Wednesday, 3:10-3:30.
  • 4-8th MTG Club will meet today, 3:40-4:30
  • 5-8th D&D Club will be meet next Tuesday, 3:30-5:00.
  • 6-8th Indoor Soccer Club will meet Tuesday, 3:45-5:00.
  • 7-8th + Adults Shine Dance will meet Thursday, 4:00-5:00, and on alternate weeks going forward.
  • 7-8th + Adults Pound Class will meet next Monday, 4:00-4:45. Sign up here now.
Local K-8 French teacher Jack Chase is hosting a French club from 11am-12pm on Saturdays at the Cobleigh Public Library in Lyndonville. This is a great opportunity for Riverside 4-8th graders who will be going to Quebec on our Spring Field Trip this year! If you, or anyone in you know, would like to attend, we will be restarting after the holidays on January 6th. It's open to anyone of any level of French. Email Jack with questions.
It's not too late, this appeal goes on all year. We are sincerely grateful for the numerous ways in which Riverside Families contribute to the health of our school. One of the statistical measures we use to compare ourselves to peer schools is the percentage of parents who donate to our Annual Fund. No matter the size of your gift (even $5 counts, the average gift is $100), your participation truly makes a difference as it demonstrates your support of our school and our mission. We can use high participation rates to leverage other larger gifts. Click on the image below to donate online now.
30 Lily Pond Road, Lyndonville, VT 05851
phone: 802.626.8552
fax: 802.626.4156
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