NASA Harvest News
In this video, NASA Harvest talks with recent University of Maryland graduate and former Harvest machine learning intern, Bryce Dubayah, on his time working with Harvest's AI Lead Dr. Hannah Kerner.
NASA Harvest's Deputy Director and Manager, Dr. Alyssa Whitcraft, spoke at NYU's Center for Global Affairs on how we can improve global food security in an increasingly interconnected world, particularly in the context of climate change, humanitarian emergencies, conflicts, and structural inequalities.
Dr. Brad Doorn, Program Manager of Water Resources and Agriculture Research within NASA’s Applied Sciences program, recently sat down with NASA’s APPEL team to discuss how NASA is using its space-borne technology and data to tackle food insecurity across the globe.
Gary Eilerts, NASA Harvest's Food Security Early Warning Co-Lead, highlights the impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on crop exports and production as well as the risks posed to countries who normally rely heavily on Ukrainian exports.
Authored by Krishna Prasad Vadrevu and co-edited by Harvest Chief Scientist, Chris Justice, this book covers various land-cover and land use change topics in Southeast Asia. Featuring 34 chapters and over 200 authors, the book explores international, regional, and national agricultural organizations; new techniques in crop mapping and monitoring; prediction and modeling methodologies; and agricultural land use changes.
The Earth Science Applications Guidebook is a web-based, multimedia product synthesizing best practices and lessons learned on the use of Earth science information for decision-making. This online guidebook mixes interactive features with multimedia content to provide and explain the uses of Earth science information, practical guidance on all steps of developing an application, and scientist perspectives on what it takes to succeed.
From Lacuna Fund: "Today, we are pleased to announce a major Lacuna Fund milestone: the publication of our first five funded datasets! From enabling machine learning researchers to predict fish yield, to developing the first large-scale human-annotated Twitter sentiment dataset for the most widely spoken languages in Nigeria, these Lacuna-funded datasets are poised for impact in agriculture and language."
From NASA's Applied Sciences Division: "Farmers and decisionmakers now have a simple way to visualize and monitor crop health throughout the growing season, so they can better identify concerns before a food security crisis materializes. Created by NASA Harvest and GEOGLAM, the Agrometeorological (AGMET) Earth Observation Indicators platform translates satellite data into easy-to-understand maps and graphs on local crop conditions."
Snacktime with NASA, a NASA video series highlighting the agency’s role in agricultural monitoring and food security, was named runnerup for this years People’s Voice Webby Award. Part cooking show, part interview, Snacktime with NASA explore why and how NASA uses satellites to track global food production, monitor water availability, and even grow food in space.
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NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) is hosting a 3-part online training on the tracking of emissions and removals of carbon dioxide and methane from the atmosphere. The training is in support of the 2023 Global Stocktake – an effort by parties to the Paris Agreement to compile national inventories of GHG budgets. At the end of the training, participants will be able to describe how CO2 and methane budgets are derived using atmospheric measurements and explore the data and products necessary to model these budgets. 
The ESA Living Planet Symposium is amongst the biggest Earth observation conferences in the world. For decades, EO has played a fundamental role in advancing our understanding of how our planet works and how it is being affected by climate change. While the need to continue to advance our knowledge and monitor global change remains paramount, EO has entered a new era where it is playing a key role in a myriad of everyday applications to improve daily lives. Harvest and GEOGLAM partners will lead and participate in several EO for agricultural applications sessions throughout the week. Check out the scientific program and register today!
Harvest's John Bolten of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is convening a session at the American Geophysical Union's Frontiers in Hydrology meeting. The meeting will take place June 19-24 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The session, Remote Sensing Applications for Agricultural Water Management, is looking for work that utilizes remote sensing products, numerical modeling, and machine learning to advance decision making around agricultural water management.