Message to Members:
Your Meeting Packet
for Congregational Meeting of Sunday, October 24, 2021, 11:45 p.m.
Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento
"We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world."
Reminder of Congregational Meeting
11:45 a.m., Sunday, October 24, 2021
Dear UUSS Community,
We hope you are well. We appreciate all the efforts of our ministers, staff members, lay leaders and other volunteers to keep us connected and to keep our UUSS mission thriving as the challenges of the pandemic have changed over the past 18 months. What a good feeling it is to be able to do many more UUSS activities on campus again! And how great it is that UUSS has learned how to conduct many of our activities in hybrid form, so UUSS is accessible in both online and in-person ways. The upcoming Congregational Meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format. You are welcome to participate on site or from home.
This message, whether you see it as an email or on paper via U.S. Mail, explains how you can participate in the congregational meeting after the service on Sunday, Oct. 24. You can join us by Zoom on phone or online, or show up in person. (The Sunday service has been provided in a hybrid format since mid-July and it starts at 10:30, though we ask you to come early to sign the contact forms, according to Physical Gathering guidelines.)
Non-members are welcome to participate, but only Members may vote. Ballots for selecting our 12 Community Partner organizations for calendar year 2022 will be sent out to members at the conclusion of this meeting. (Nomination forms are due by Oct. 20.) If you are not sure what it means to be a voting member, click to read this article on the UUSS website.
Thank you for your support, and best wishes!
--UUSS Board of Trustees, with Rev. Roger and Rev. Lucy
Congregational Meeting Agenda
Unitarian Universality Society of Sacramento
Congregational Meeting (in person and on zoom)
2425 Sierra Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95825
Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 11:45 am
1—Call to order and welcome: Tonie Darling, Board of Trustees President
2—Invocation and Chalice Lighting—Rev. Roger & Rev. Lucy
3—Review agenda and meeting procedures: Tonie Darling
4—Approve May 2020 Congregational Meeting minutes (no vote required); see draft below.
5—President’s report: Tonie Darling
6—Treasurer’s report: Victoria Owens
7— Ministers’ report: Rev. Dr. Roger Jones and Rev. Lucy Bunch
8—Program Council report: Tina Chiginsky-Lawrence, Co-Chair
10—UUSS Unsung Hero Award: presented by Jon Peterson, Program Council
Draft 2021 Meeting Minutes for Approval at this Meeting
Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento
Congregational Meeting, Sunday, May 16, 2021
Board President Sally White called the meeting to order and welcomed congregants at 12:10 p.m. A healthy quorum of 97 members was established and the minutes from the October 2020 Congregational Meeting were approved without dissension or revision.
Sally delivered the president’s report with special thanks to UUSS staff and our wonderful ministers. She updated the congregation on activities over the past six months including the Safety Committee, Communications Task Force and Physical Gathering Task Force, all of whom have been working hard. The Board has also endorsed the 8th Principle.
Jim Eastman reported on behalf of the Stewardship Committee, offering their thanks to committee members and to all pledgers, noting that we have reached 96% of the goal in pledged commitments. The challenges of moving the campaign online were met and exceeded!
Victoria Owens gave a clear and concise Treasurer’s Report. Terrie Ray moved and Kevin Sitter seconded that we approve the proposed 2021-22 budget. The vote was 100% in favor.
Rev. Dr. Roger Jones and Rev. Lucy Bunch gave their Ministers’ Report, organized by their goals. Among the highlights were our growth in new members, continued offerings of pastoral visits and child/youth RE and Soul Matters ministry; and the hugely successful Auction. We continue to work toward social justice through Mercy Pedalers and the sandwich brigade as well as our engagement with SAC ACT. We continue to deepen our connections with other UU congregations, the Pacific Central District and the UUA. UUSS members are encouraged to attend the upcoming virtual General Assembly in June.
Margaret Wilcox reported on behalf of the Program Council, thanking its members and pointing out numerous and diverse activities that have remained vital and active despite the pandemic. Although some have gone on hiatus, many others have stayed alive. In the coming year Program Council will be reaching out to encourage new and existing programs to consider how they might deepen their engagement with our Strategic Plan.
David Harlow introduced the 8th Principle. He then moved and Virginia Johnson (as well as others) seconded that UUSS adopt this principle. The vote was 98% in favor and 2% opposed.
Sally White introduced the slate of candidates for Board and committees. It was approved by 100% of the voting members.
On June 13th, immediately following the service, a special brief Congregational Meeting will be held via Zoom to approve ordination of Sangye Hawke, M.Div. a former Student Minister at UUSS, and to approve these minutes.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
How to attend by phone on Zoom (audio only):
From any kind of phone, dial this number:
(669) 900-6833
Then, after it says "Welcome to Zoom," it will ask you to enter your “Meeting ID.” Enter 916 483 9283 and then press #. You may have to press # one more time. If it gives you an error message just re-enter the Meeting ID again. Ignore if it asks for "participant ID." If you get an error message you may want to hang up and try again. If you need a Passcode, enter 1234.
How to attend by computer, smartphone, or tablet:
On your browser, enter Then click the green box for the Zoom Stream. It will take you there. If you find yourself on a screen asking for "meeting ID," you can simply enter 916 483 9283. The "passcode" (if requested) is 1234.
UUSS Endowment Report as of July 2021
Annual UUSS Endowment Trust Report
July 2021
The UUSS Endowment Trust was established in 1980 to safeguard and strengthen our
congregation’s mission and long-term vitality. The trust receives gifts from members
and friends, invests such gifts in a prudent and diversified manner, and annually uses a
percentage of the trust’s value for special and non-recurring needs of UUSS.
* Investment is in a balanced portfolio with Charles Schwab.
** UUCEF: The Unitarian Universalist Common Endowment Fund implements UU values by ESG (Environmental Social, and Governance) investing to address climate change, human rights, and racial justice. In addition, there is strong shareholder advocacy by working with other shareholders to effect positive changes in oil companies, Amazon, and other businesses. The Endowment Trustees are evaluating the merits of shifting all investments to
Status of Loan to UUSS for building renovation and expansion:
- $325,000 loan to UUSS was made in 2015.
- Interest (1%) is paid quarterly (about $700 per quarter).
- Loan is due on June 30, 2025 (loan could be extended).
The Endowment Trust loan to UUSS is interest only, meaning no principle is due
until the loan is repaid, although the UUSS Board of Trustees has elected to make
periodic payments to reduce the loan balance.
Allocations since October 2020
- $500 for Videography Project for Junior High Youth Group.
- $1,700 to cover a portion of the cost of an electric lawn mower.
There are five Endowment Trustees: Three are elected by the congregation, one is
appointed by the UUSS Board of Trustees, and one is a minister. Currently serving
- Celia Buckley, Chair as of July 2021 (began a second three-year term as Trustee in July 2020)
- Rev. Lucy Bunch (began in July 2020)
- Fred Deneke (began a second three-year term in July 2019)
- Denis Edgren (appointed by the Board in September 2017)
- Michael Miller (began a first three-year term in July 2021)
Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento, 2425 Sierra Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95825
Ministers: Rev. Dr. Roger Jones ~ Rev. Lucy Bunch
Minister Emeritus: Rev. Douglas Kraft
Krystal Gollaher, Administrative & Facilities Coordinator
Michele Ebler, Bookkeeper ~ Elaine Cooper, Receptionist
Anthony Tavianini, Music Director ~ Irina Tchantceva, Pianist
Miranda Massa, Religious Education Coordinator
Jesus Hoyos, Custodian
Dirk Tuell, Webmaster ~ Ivan Caballero, A/V Technician
Board Members,
July 2021- June 2022
Tonie Darling, President
Denis Edgren, Vice President
Victoria Owens, Treasurer
Anara Guard, Secretary
Board Members at Large:
Hally Cahssai
Frances Myers
David Harlow
Marilyn Reynolds
Eric Ross
Program Council,
July 2021- June 2022
Susan Davis Co-chair, and
Tina Lawrence-Chiginsky Co-chair
Debby Powell
Beth TenPas
Jon Peterson
Annemieke Farrow
Marilyn Reynolds, Board Liaison