Smile Report

Welcome to our 2024 Q1 newsletter! You’re receiving this email because we’ve sent you information in the past or you reached out and asked to be added to our mailing list. We’re glad you’re here, and we’re excited to share our updates and stories with you!

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2024 Loan Repayment Info Session

Tuesday, April 23, from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Join our informational session to learn more about the Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation's Loan Repayment Program. Registration is required to attend the session.



2024 Grant Cycle Info Session

Wednesday, July 10, from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Attend our informational session outlining the updates and timeline of this year’s grant cycle. Registration is required to attend the session.



2024 Grant Cycle Opens

Monday, July 15, at 8:00 a.m.

Applications will open on July 15, 2024. If you are unable to attend the July 10 info session, the recording will be available on the Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation page.

Foundation News

As the Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation continues to work to address dental professional workforce shortages, we are thrilled to offer $250,000 in 2024 for The Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation Loan Repayment Program. This program is available to dentists and dental hygienists in Virginia and is administered by the Virginia Department of Health. 

Recipients will receive loan repayment assistance in the amount of $20,000 for dentists and $10,000 for hygienists, in exchange for 12 months of service with a safety net clinic. We invite you to join us during our informational session on Tuesday, April 23 at 2:00 p.m. to learn more about the program and ask questions. Registration is required to attend the session.

Applications for the Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation Loan Repayment Program will be open from April 8 – June 3, 2024. If you have questions, email Polly Raible at or Lauren Browning at Don’t forget to spread the word about this opportunity to eligible dentists and dental hygienists across Virginia’s safety net. 

Who is eligible?

  • A licensed dentist or dental hygienist in good standing;
  • Working full-time (32 hours per week, minimum);
  • Have a valid and unrestricted license to practice in Virginia; and
  • Agree to serve at least one year in a free, or hybrid clinic or a federally qualified health center in a Health Professional Shortage Area in Virginia (HPSA).

Partner Highlights

Members of William Ramsay Elementary School and Neighborhood Health Dental

Looking to make a difference in children’s lives through oral health education and care? Join us as we launch the next cohort of the School-Based Oral Health Program (SBOHP) Learning Collaborative! Our goal is to expand school-based oral health programs across Virginia, breaking down barriers to care and ensuring children have access to vital dental services.

As a participant in the SBOHP Learning Collaborative, you'll have the opportunity to work closely with clinic and school teams, implementing proven strategies and evaluating progress. Supported by the Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation and administered by Virginia Health Catalyst, this initiative offers funding from the Virginia Department of Health to equip clinics with portable dental equipment and supplies.

The success of this program hinges on critical partnerships with the Virginia Department of Education, Virginia Department of Health, safety-net clinics, school nurses and Virginia Health Catalyst. By joining our collaborative effort, you’ll be part of a dynamic team working to address the oral health needs of children in our communities.

Since its inception in 2021, the SBOHP has seen tremendous growth, with more than 100 schools and 11 Head Starts involved, making oral health care available to more than 14,000 children. Now, we’re recruiting for the next cohort! If you're passionate about improving oral health outcomes and want to make a lasting impact, email Ericca Facetti ( to learn how your safety-net clinic or school can join us in this important work.

Foundation in Action

Delta Dental of Virginia team members Polly Raible and Brie Smith preparing to send out oral health supplies to Virginia schools and non-profit organizations.

In celebration of National Children’s Dental Health Month, our commitment to promoting dental hygiene shines brighter than ever! This year we donated 10,000 toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss to schools throughout Virginia.

But behind every toothbrush, tube of toothpaste and pack of floss, lies a story of dedication and teamwork. Gathering, packing and shipping these essential materials to each school is no small feat. It takes a village, and our incredible team members stepped up to the challenge with unwavering enthusiasm.

Not only did our team members assist in the logistical efforts, but some also went above and beyond by visiting elementary schools to teach the Smart Smiles® program which shares invaluable lessons on proper dental care and empowers students to prioritize their oral health.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to every one of our team members who lent their time and effort during our assembly day and educational visits. Your dedication has not only made this initiative possible but has also contributed to creating more smiles and healthier people across our community.

Delta Dental of Virginia team member Krystal Gunther shares dental tips with students.

Delta Dental of Virginia team member Carmen Hardin asking students if they think this is a healthy or unhealthy snack.

Delta Dental of Virginia team member Trish Shifflett (L) and Carmen Hardin (R) showing students how to floss.

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