A Note from Headmaster Philabaum
Greetings families,
I hope this email finds you well. I trust that you have read all of the relevant communication regarding the recent changes in policy. Please refer to Mr. Twist’s emails for some of the context and rationale behind this week’s amendments to protocol. Rather than reiterate those details here, I would like to share a few thoughts for how I have been thinking about this for our own community.
I want to share with you how we have approached this with our students in the classroom. As a faculty, we recognize that any personal, family choice is done with intentionality, and it is an intimate decision between a parent and a child. Like any parental choice, we know every single person is in a unique context, and that there are a myriad of factors that go into any one decision. Ordinarily, these decisions are kept in the private sphere, and do not become a basis for conversation between our students. As it stands, the nature of face masks and the use of PPE is something that tends to be more visible, and thus, there is a danger in making something private and personal a matter of public discussion. Our shared message to students has been this – that this decision is between you and your parents, and if a friend asks you more about it, the right thing is to simply state that you and your parents have made this decision together.
I have been so impressed with the grace and goodwill of those in our community, especially our students, towards one another. Like anything in this world, it is tempting to identify the things that differentiate us – and a complex or difficult choice can be made into something simplistic. At a time where our eyes can be drawn internally towards things that could potential pull us apart, I continue to see families and students finding common ground on what drew each of us to this academy – a commitment to pursue the things that are meaningful and lasting.
We have strived to build within these walls a sanctuary for our students. One in which they can safely leave aside the cares and concerns of the world, and enter into a sacred space in which Truth, Goodness, and Beauty are front and center. Thank you for your continued partnership in this beautiful project.
Thank you for your time, and should you want to spend any time speaking with me about questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
With Devotion,
Stephen Philabaum
Archway Trivium East
4th & 5th Grade Distance-Learners AZM2 ELA 2/Math 2 Testing
PSO Teacher Appreciation - April Lunch (Sponsored by 3rd grade families)
Thursday, April 29- Friday, April 30
PSO May Day Flowers Service Project - Flower Drop-off Before School
See below for details
Great Gatsby Parent Seminar, 5:30-7:00 PM
Half Day Dismissal at 12:00 PM / ATE In-service / R&R Weekend
*Trivium Spirit Day*
PSO Night at Papa Murphy's
Great Hearts Roosevelt Virtual Town Hall for Archway Trivium East Families
We hope that you had the opportunity to read our recent announcement about the future of Archway Trivium East! Our new campus, to be called Archway Roosevelt, will open in August of 2022. We are very excited about the future ahead, and we know that many of you have questions right now about what this means for your family.
In case you missed it, a video of the Virtual Town Hall for ATE Families that was held on April 20 is linked below. As always, if you have any questions at all, please reach out to Headmaster Philabaum at sphilabaum@archwaytriviumeast.org.
PSO Admin Appreciation Day - THANK YOU!
Thank you to the PSO and all Archway Trivium East families who helped us celebrate Administrative Professionals Day!! We appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity and loved the beautiful sunshine notes and gifts!
Teacher Appreciation Lunch Sponsored by 3rd Grade Families - April 28
This month our 3rd grade families are sponsoring a Teacher Appreciation lunch for our faculty! Please follow the link below to sign-up to support this event. Lunch will take place on Wednesday, April 28. Look for more details in the sign-up. Thank you for supporting our teachers in this way!
Great Gatsby Parent Seminar - Thursday, April 29, 5:30 PM
Don't miss the final The Great Gatsby parent seminar with Headmaster Philabaum on Thursday, April 29 at 5:30 PM. We'll meet via Zoom to discuss chapters 7-9 in the text. You do not have to have attend a previous seminar to join us! This is great way to meet other parents and experience the Great Hearts seminar format for yourself. We hope you will join us. To register, follow this link.
PSO Service Project - May Day Flowers for Local Senior Center
Help us brighten the lives of local senior citizens by showering them with May Day flowers.
Below are some different paper flower crafts your scholar may make that we will use to create a collective gift for May Day to the seniors of Estrella Estates Gracious Retirement Living. These are suggestions. Your scholar may create any paper flower he or she likes. Feel free to make one, two or even ten to share! Volunteers will be available Thursday, April 29 and Friday, April 30 to collect paper flower crafts during morning drop off.
Sample Flower Craft Ideas:
Trivium Spirit Day - Half Day Friday, April 30
Our next Trivium-wide Spirit Day is the half-day Friday, April 30! For Trivium Spirit day, ATE students are encouraged to wear one of the following: Athenian Spirit Wear, a Class t-shirt, an Athenians Sports t-shirt, a Run the Virtues 5K t-shirt or a Trivium Prep spirit wear shirt. This is optional and a uniform shirt may always be worn. All other uniform components should be worn according to our dress code (uniform bottoms with belt, shirt tucked in, and uniform shoes) on this day. Show your school spirit!
PSO Night at Papa Murphy's - Wednesday, May 5
The Trivium PSOs have partnered with Papa Murphy's for a PSO Restaurant Night every first Wednesday of the month from 10am-8pm at the Dysart location in Avondale. The date for April is Wednesday, May 5. $3 from each regularly priced pizza will be donated back to the schools. WOW! You can order ahead online, in-person, or by phone. Show this ad or mention Trivium when you arrive to pick up your order.
School Nurses, Health Assistants and Substitutes Needed!
Great Hearts Arizona is seeking candidates for multiple roles as Health Assistant/School Nurse or Substitute School Nurse for the 2021-22 school year. Part-time and full-time options are available. If interested, email Ava Cornelius, Great Hearts Director of Nursing at awilliams-cornelius@triviumprep.org.
Join the 2021 Great Hearts Telethon Committee
Great Hearts is seeking an individual/couple to represent our academy on the 2021 Great Hearts Telethon Committee. The Great Hearts Telethon raises funds to benefit the Teacher Excellence Fund, which is distributed to our faculty as bonus compensation on an annual basis. Archway Trivium East received $14,897 in December 2020 from this initiative. The Telethon will take place on September 25th and a full description of the position can be found here. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please contact Haley Kucharo at hkucharo@greatheartsaz.org.
PSO Upcoming Events
Save the date for these PSO events, coming in the spring semester:
- May 5 - PSO Night at Papa Murphy's
- May 10 - PSO Annual Meeting, 8:30 am (Board and Budget approval for AY 21-22)
Happy Birthday!
Join us in wishing "Happy Birthday" to the following Archway Trivium East faculty and staff with recent/upcoming birthdays!
Brenna Kemling - 4A Assistant - April 22
Palmira Marruto - Day Porter - April 22
Justine Loyo - 4A Lead - April 24
Eileen Ramirez - KC Assistant - April 24
Stephen Philabaum - Headmaster - May 7
Emma Elton - 3B Assistant - May 9
Carson Cavaletto - K-1 Art Teacher/ESS Assistant - May 12
Merita Jaha - 2-5 Art Teacher - May 19
Sara McNely - 2C Assistant - May 19
Lisa Picazo - KC Lead - May 22
Important Reminders for Student Drop-off/Pick-up
Parents, as a reminder, at this time there is NO student walk-up for drop-off or pick-up at any entrance.
Parents will need to have their pick-up cards in order to be scanned at pick-up. If you do not have a pick-up card, please email strujillo@archwaytriviumeast.org.
Please review these slides in coordination with the Traffic Flow Procedures in our Family Handbook for information on how to navigate drop-off and pick-up next week. If you have questions about the drop-off and pick-up procedure, please reach out to the Front Office.
Math Textbook Return
If you still have a copy of the hardbound math books that were distributed earlier this year, please return these to your child’s homeroom teacher. We bound these to be re-used each year, so please take a moment to ensure you still not have a copy. If you are a Distance Learning family, you may return these to the front office. Thank you for your support!
Distance Learners Health Screening
All 3rd and 5th grade Distance Learners, as well as scholars who are new to ATE, need to complete a 5 minute hearing and vision screening as part of our academy. Rather than asking students back at a separate time, when your child completes their AZ Merit test, they will be taken to the Nurse to have this done. If you have any questions, please reach out to Carrie Nielson at cnielson@archwaytriviumeast.org.
Help Make Copies for ATE Staff
The copy room sign up for January-April is now available! This year we will be helping our amazing teachers and staff make copies on Tuesdays and Fridays. If you're interested in volunteering please sign up using the link below. All volunteers must be cleared through the Raptor system to volunteer.
Looking Ahead - Important Dates
5th Grade Promotion Car Parade - Tuesday, May 25, evening
5th Grade Final Assembly - Wednesday, May 26
2021-21 Academic Year
A draft of the academic calendar for the 2021-22 school year is now available on our website. Here is a summary of proposed "Important Dates" for the upcoming 2021-22 school year.
Meet the Teacher: Tuesday, August 3, 2021
First Day of School: Thursday, August 5, 2021
Fall Break: October 1-8, 2021
Conference Days: October 11-13, 2021
Winter Break: Friday, December 17-Monday, January 3, 2022
Spring Break: March 4-March 11, 2022
Order Hot Lunch
My Hot Lunchbox is excited for another great year of delivering school lunch! Lunch service in now available for all Trivium students.
If you are a first-time customer, follow these steps to create your free account. Families with students at multiple Trivium schools should create only ONE account per family.
Important Note: You will need to Update Your Profile with the student's correct teacher to view the meal calendar.
If you have any questions, please contact My Hot Lunchbox at (888) 894-8295 or by email at info@myhotlunchbox.com or visit the PSO Lunch page on the school website for more information.
Quarter 4 Lunch Volunteer Sign-up
If you would like to volunteer to help distribute lunches, please sign-up online using the link below. Volunteers must have completed the 2020-21 volunteer background check process and follow all campus health and safety procedures. We will be awarding a $5 a day/per person credit to each school. All credits will be applied at the end of each month. Please email info@myhotlunchbox.com if you have any questions regarding the credits.
Archway Trivium East Summer Programs registration is Now Open!
Summer Programs include:
Summer Camp is reminiscent of traditional summer camps with hands-on, engaging activities, songs, crafts, guest presenters, and much more!
- Kinder Academy is designed to prepare incoming kindergarteners for the upcoming year.
For more information and to register today, please visit our website at:
Register before May 1 and save $25 off each week of Summer Camp.
Quick Links:
Archway Trivium East Main Office: (623) 866-4718
Attendance Line: (623) 218-6607
Communications Updates
You can find all school-wide communications on our website on the Latest News page.
If you know of parents who are not receiving these communications, please ask them to check their junk/promotions email folders, and then email bmcdonald@archwaytrivium.org for assistance.
Archway Trivium East would love your feedback. Post a review to our Google profile.