Dear Hospital Partners,

The Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (the Department) thanks all who were able to attend and participate in the Hospital Stakeholder meeting held on Mar. 3, 2021. We discussed ways to improve both the Hospital Expenditure Report and the Hospital Community Benefit Report and their associated templates.

If you weren't able to attend the meeting, the presentation slides and recording are available on the Department's Hospital Transparency webpage, under the Hospital Transparency and Community Benefit Stakeholder Meeting section.  

After the templates are improved, based on feedback from the meeting, the Department will host another webinar to walk through the changes. This webinar will be scheduled in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding House Bill (HB) 19-001 or the Hospital Expenditure Report, please direct your questions to the Hospital Transparency inbox.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding HB 19-1320 or the Hospital Community Benefit Accountability Report, please direct your questions to the Hospital Community inbox.
Thank You,
Nancy Dolson
Special Financing Division Director