April 2022
Women In Construction New Mexico

Mission Statement

“The purpose for which the association is organized is to promote common interests of its members through membership, networking, community outreach, training, and to advance and maintain an enlightened understanding of women in the construction industry.” 

2022 Dates

05/18 Networking
7/20 Luncheon
09/14 Networking
11/18 Christmas Party

Join now!

Hello Members and Friends of WICNM,

Your WICNM Board Of Directors works hard for you! Each board member serves on a committee and we work to advance our mission. We have a board meeting once a month January - November and also have a planning session. We keep up-to-date, and involved in all of the WICNM activities and events while managing the financial health and stability of the association ensuring your return on investment.

The board is currently working on a scholarship program for women entering the trades. Last month, the board enjoyed a retreat while getting to know each other better. The board members of WICNM are proud to serve and also are open to suggestions, comments, and feedback from WICNM members. The list of board members is below.

I hope to see you all at our next networking event on May 18th. Details are coming soon - watch your email box or check out the our webpage for more details.

Jane Jernigan, WICNM President
“Give Back”

We love to highlight our women in construction in our newsletter. If you would like to submit a story of interest or success by you or someone you know, please send an email to WICNM with a picture & story. Please note that this does not include sharing events.
You Helped Women in Our Community
On April 8th, Meghan Sickmeier and Sharon Montoya, both members of the WICNM Philanthropy Committee, dropped off the items that you donated for Crossroads. They were very appreciative to have the much needed hygiene products for their residents.
Next month, we will be collecting cleaning supplies for Crossroads For Women. Thank you to everyone who donated!

The mission of Crossroads for Women is to provide comprehensive, integrated services to empower women emerging from incarceration to achieve safe, healthy, and fulfilling lives in the community, for themselves and their children.

If you would like to join a committee or get more information, please email us at wicnewmexico@gmail.com and you will be put in contact with the committee chair.
The 2022 WICNM Board of Directors
President – Jane Jernigan
Vice President – Gia Espinoza
Secretary – Stephanie Peña
Treasurer – Diane Huerta
Past President – Barb Hatch
Kelly Earnest
Angie Ruth
Tracy Libaridian
Sharon Montoya
Board Spotlight: Gia Espinoza

Gia Espinoza WICNM Vice President 2022

Gia was raised in New Mexico and began her career in the construction industry in 1996 by working at a commercial flooring distributor and then working for a commercial subcontractor for 11 years before
beginning her career as the Member Services Administrator at the American Subcontractors Association,
New Mexico chapter in August of 2011. In May of 2016 she was promoted to the Executive Director by the ASA-NM Board of Directors. She has one son who is 19 years old and he is the light of her life, she enjoys spending time with her friends as well as her dog. In her down time, she likes to fish, watch movies, garden, paint and make jam from the fruit trees in her yard. She enjoys every aspect of being apart of a great group of strong ladies and is looking forward to what the future of WICNM holds.

When asked the following questions, she replied:

Did you plan to work in the construction industry?
No I did not, I answered an ad to work at a commercial flooring distributor in an office as an assistant. Before that I was the receptionist for a land title company. I didn’t have a career picked out, I was just looking to survive as a young woman out on my own at the age of 16. It was the best decision I made at that time, it launched my career and passion for construction.  

What is your favorite thing about working in the construction industry?
The unity it takes to build a project, it begins with a thought or an idea then the magic begins. It takes intense planning and coordinating to build a structure or to complete a project. Everyone and everything must be in sync in order for it to be a success. At the end there is a functioning building or completed project. 

Have you faced any challenges as a woman in construction?
Yes, in the beginning of my career I was around people who didn’t think I knew the difference between a Philips or Flathead screwdriver. My father taught me about tools when I was young so I knew what they were and how to use them. 25+ years ago things were different and I should have been answering a phone, not playing with a wet saw or nail gun in some people’s eyes. I always enjoyed the building and fixing of things as a child along side my father so I didn’t let it discourage me.  

If you could give advice to a young lady considering her future career, what would you tell her about the construction industry?
Don’t be discouraged, things will be tough at times just like any career path you take. It’s worth the hard work as the satisfaction from succeeding in building a structure or participating in a project is a feeling like no other. When you drive down the road you can say “I worked on that project” and be proud of it. Construction is so much more than shovels and buckets, it takes a team of people to successfully execute a project. This includes HR Managers, Estimators, Architects, Engineers, Project Managers and Supervisors as well as the folks in the field who transfer the drawings on paper to actual structures and projects. Each person is important. Don’t be afraid to start at the bottom and work your way up. Construction rocks in my book!

Next month, we'll meet Stephanie Peña, WICNM Secretary
Congratulations Stephanie Burbage
Winner of our "Post A Pic for Women in Construction Week" Contest

How You Can Help Your Community This Month
Are you Spring Cleaning? Are you Cleaning out your Closets? Consider donating items to S.A.F.E. House of Albuquerque.

While survivors of intimate partner abuse are at the shelter, we provide them with all the basic necessities they need including toiletries, bedding, linens, etc. When they leave the shelter, we work with them to ensure they have what they need to continue safely on their healing journey.
Donations can be dropped off at Thriftique, (6001 Lomas Blvd. NE, Suite Q), our thrift store. Items that are not used by our residents are sold to the general public to help fund the shelter.

ACCEPTING donations
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 am to 3 pm

Seeing is Believing: Why Female Mentors in Construction Matter

Construction is a competitive industry. We’re doing serious work, and everybody wants to build the most impressive and innovative structures, on time and on budget. That spirit is pushing the boundaries of the way building happens.

As more women join construction, the diversity of viewpoints helps to move the industry forward and push these boundaries. While women are slowly seeing construction as a viable career option, both in the field and office, attracting and retaining women in the industry remains a challenge. In fact, only 17% of the construction workforce is made up of women, both in the office and on site, and that number has grown by only 4.4% since 2006. One of the big reasons is a lack of role models. Industry leaders need to embrace the change and be part of creating a positive future by ensuring their female workforce feels supported.

How to Find a Mentor
Early on in my post-secondary studies I began to look for successful women mentors in the industry. I stumbled upon a small ad seeking potential members for a steering committee that a few women were looking to put together............. READ MORE

March 16th Membership Meeting
Thank you to everyone who attended our March 16th Meeting. Thank you to our wonderful speaker, Tamara Kurykendall, Mechanical Bureau Chief, New Mexico Construction Industries Division.

Our next meeting is scheduled for May 18th for a Networking Event.
New Girl Scout Patch Aims to Introduce Youngsters to Careers in Construction.

Published April 12, 2022
Construction Dive
By: Julie Strupp Editor

Dive Brief:
  • The Girl Scouts and the National Association of Homebuilders are teaming up to create a new patch and charm program in an effort to spark girls' early interest in construction and build their self-esteem, according to an NAHB press release.

  • The patch is based on the NAHB Utah Chapter of Professional Women in Building Council's "The House That She Built" book, which aims to introduce young people to the professionals and skills that go into building a home, such as architects and roofers. It's based on the real story of more than 100 women from around the U.S. who built a home in Utah, many of whom are former Girl Scouts, according to the release.

WICNM is Membership Driven
Membership in WICNM is only $50 per year and leaves no doubt to its value and return on investment. As a member, you receive a membership discount on membership meetings, and are able to attend our networking events at no-charge. Just the networking events only are a $45 face value!

The real value of membership is not monetary though, it's about connecting and belonging to a group of women that understand and take pride in the industry of construction just like you. It's what we all have in common whether you're wearing a hard hat in the field or a suit to the office. If you have a hand in the construction industry, this is where you belong.

Why Join?
  • Belong to the only association in New Mexico specifically for Women in the construction industry
  • Support women in our industry
  • Networking evening events
  • Membership Meetings with relevant, informative, and interesting speakers
  • Monthly Newsletter highlighting our association, our members, women in the industry, events, and community support opportunities.
  • Committees - Planning, Marketing & Membership, Philanthropy
  • Opportunities to give to and help women in our community
  • It's FUN!

We Want To Hear From You
Email Us

Follow Us On Social Media

@womeninconstructionnm Instagram

Thank you to our 2022 Sponsors!