News of Note

March 2024

A sampling of LGPE events from around the state:

The Clarke Central HS Philharmonic (District XIV), the Lane Elementary Chorus (District XI),

and the Savannah Arts Academy Wind Ensemble (District I)

A Note from the VP of Performance Evaluations...

Happy Spring Break! As spring concerts and graduation are on the horizon, let's take a minute to reflect on the amazing LGPE season. There were 17 orchestra, 31 band, and 24 choral LGPE events from early February through the end of March. Behind each of these events is a dedicated team of organizers, hosts, and volunteers. THANK YOU for your hard work in making events come together. We appreciate our judging panels for providing valuable feedback for the directors and students. Thank you to the numerous administrators at the building and county levels who helped with funding for buses and field trip logistics. It truly takes a village for LGPE, and I'm so glad you are all a member of our GMEA village. 

As you head off for spring break, take a moment to reflect upon your "busy time of year." We are heading into the home stretch. Are there things you want to adjust for next year? What worked well? What needs to be tweaked? Write them down. As you start winding down this year and planning for next year, reflect upon what has gone well this year and what might need to be adjusted. I am planning to adjust our orchestra calendar so that we don't have multiple nights of obligations in a row so I can actually see my family (LGPE week excluded of course!). If I can help in any way or if you want to chat through your year or performance evaluation experience, please reach out. 

Sara Grimes

Vice-President of Performance Evaluations

Upcoming Deadlines and Events


Georgia Music News Spring Issue Column Deadline

6-27 Spring Solo and Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble Performance Evaluations (Four Saturdays)



Exemplary Performance Award Application Deadline

14 ISC Performance and Session Application deadlines

18 Board of Directors Annual Meeting (10:00am)

The Spring District Planning Meetings are right around the corner!...

Click HERE for the schedule of meetings and their corresponding locations.

LGPE Medals & Plaques, as well as Honor Ensemble Medals, are available to order year-round.

You can order yours by visiting this LINK.

If you have any questions about plaque and medal orders, please email

GMEA All-State Events 2024

Our 2024 Statewide and All-State Chorus, Band, and Orchestra events are over, but you can access all GMEA Event publications on our Issuu page here.

Thank you to every educator, parent, organizer, clinician and student musician for your support and participation in these events! 

Mark your calendars:

Next year's GMEA In-Service Conference is scheduled for January 30 - February 1, 2025 at the Classic Center in Athens.

Are you interested in presenting or having your group perform?

Visit the Conference Applications Page of our website for more details.

The deadline is May 14.

Graduating Students:

Please be sure to let us know where you will be working next fall, we want to feature you and celebrate the start of your music education career. To do this, please email with your headshot and new school information.

Advisors: Please email us to be a part of the 2024 College Tour next fall. We want to come and say hello to you and your students!

Thank you to the Georgia Council for the Arts and the National Endowment

for the Arts for supporting the

Georgia Music Educators Association.

The amazing energy from the 2024 GMEA conference has propelled and sustained me through this semester. We had some great sessions and the student work presented at the 5th Annual Music Technology Student Showcase was amazing! I also want to thank the leadership of GMEA and the Executive Staff for their encouragement and support in creating the “Tech Town” space in the exhibit hall. I have received some great feedback on Tech Town and plans are already in the works to improve that experience for next year. I would welcome any feedback from those who visited the space this year. 

Congratulations again to Nadia Saltz (Cedar Shoals HS) and Emerson Green (SOTA @ Central Gwinnett HS) for being the 2024 Best In Show recipients in the showcase.

They are scheduled to spend a day at Tweed Studios in Athens, GA to work side by side with a mixing engineer to have their songs professionally produced. I am also looking forward to spending a day at Soul Asylum Studios in Atlanta on April 4 with some of the other showcase students and teachers. Soul Asylum is opening their studio for these students to spend a day in a professional recording environment and will also be providing some workshops for the participating teachers to learn new skills and techniques that we can bring back to our classrooms.

Finally, I would like to encourage everyone to check out the Music Technology Showcase Winners link on the GMEA website. The document provides a list of the Best In Show recipients from each of the previous student showcases along with a link to their songs. I will also be working on adding links to showcase participants who can be found on Spotify and other music streaming platforms. 

Please feel free to contact me at with questions, suggestions, or other feedback.

Midtown High School Orchestra Student earns substitute role with Boston Philharmonic

Jonathan Fuller (Midtown High School, Class of '22) recently made his professional orchestra debut with the Boston Philharmonic as a substitute cellist! 

Jonathan is currently in his 2nd year at the New England Conservatory of Music. It is very rare for an undergraduate music major to get placed in a professional orchestra, even as a substitute.

Congratulations Jonathan, and your high school director - Ms. Krissi Davis!

Jonathan Fuller (above), Boston Philharmonic

Music Educator Spotlight

Nelson Galarraga began studying the violin at the age of five at the “Colegio Emil Friedman” in Caracas, Venezuela. Mr. Galarraga moved to the United States in 1994 and began taking lessons from Atlanta Symphony Orchestra violinist, Juan Ramirez. He was an ASYO member throughout high school until graduating in 1999. He went on to study at the University of North Texas and graduated with a Bachelors in Music Performance and played with professional symphonies in Texas including the Abilene Philharmonic, Las Colinas Symphony Orchestra (Plano), and others. Mr. Galarraga has served as the Orchestra Director at Greater Atlanta Christian School since 2014. 

What advice do you have for school orchestra teachers who are just starting out?

Make it fun and exciting but more importantly, be clear with your expectations regarding classroom management. Develop procedures and culture, and above all, be consistent!

As a professional violinist, do you think it's important to perform as an educator?

Absolutely! Even though directing a music program is already very demanding and time consuming, I think all directors should make the extra effort to perform from time to time. I feel like performing our instruments for an audience helps us remember why we because music educators, it sort of takes us back to where our love of music began. 

What are some fun things that teachers can do in warm ups with their students? 

Can’t go wrong with the classic “echo game”. With this warm up, students have the opportunity to exercise matching with the director on pitch, rhythms patterns, and articulations.

If someone is like you, and loves to play but also loves to teach, do you have any pointers on balancing both? Balancing teaching and performing can be difficult, and when you add family to the equation it can almost feel impossible to accomplish. Although difficult to manage, it is totally possible. For me it has been a “game” of prioritizing what is important and organizing your calendar.  Also, look for local performing opportunities. 

What advice would you give to someone who is considering teaching at a private school?  Parents provide an amazing support system…use them! As the only director of orchestras at my school, teaching 5th-12th grade can be a lot at times. However, in my experience, the culture in a private school welcomes parents who are more than willing to step up and provide support whenever help is needed. 

What is something that would surprise people about teaching at a private school? 

The high level of musicianship and passion of your music students. These kids never cease to amazing me. Year after year I continue to be impressed with the number of students and the high level of musicianship that can be found in such a small community.  

What is your favorite middle school orchestra piece to program? 

Spartacus by Brian Balmages. 

Who inspired you to become an orchestra teacher?

I'd have to say my high school director, Wells Woodward. His love and passion for music was so contagious and he taught us to be a team and a music family. Also, my good friend Justin Owen-Head. He’s been teaching middle school orchestra in Cobb county for many years. His knowledge and experience have inspired me to continue to grow and to become a stronger and more well-rounded director for my students by thinking outside the box and trying new things.

Don't miss the chance to submit content for the News of Note & the Georgia Music News. The Spring deadline is April 1st.

You can do that by clicking HERE

Be sure to update your information.

Please be sure to update your information in Opus and with NAfME! This will help the GMEA staff know where you are teaching and the best ways to contact you.

Log in to Opus
Log in to NAfME

GMEA Statewide Calendar

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