President’s Message

I spent untold hours last week listening to the Ohio Redistricting Commission meetings and testimonies. I waited for one session that was in recess to reconvene while Rossini’s “William Tell Overture” played in the background in its entirety (12 minutes). My anticipation built as the overture reached a crescendo, and I couldn’t wait for something amazing to happen when they reconvened.

That was February 23, and I’m still waiting. A summary of the last three days of the meetings appears later in this Voter.
Debbie Barber
I want to thank all of you who attended our last All Member Meeting when we reviewed the National LWV program. It was somewhat long and detailed but a great overview of what we support and what guides our advocacy. We are required to conduct this review every two years. In April, we will look at our local positions. This will be your opportunity to become familiar with those positions and make suggestions for updates or new positions.

As of this writing, it looks like some COVID restrictions we have been living with will be lessened. If this happens, we can look forward to meeting in person very soon. There are so many new members we look forward to meeting and welcoming to our League.

I can’t help feeling so helpless while listening to and watching the horrors that are happening in Ukraine. As Americans, we have been told that we will feel some of the impacts of the Russian invasion in terms of higher prices, especially in the energy sector. If that is what it takes to try to stop Russian aggression, I say we should be happy to pay this small price, compared with what the Ukrainians are enduring. Let’s hope this will be short-lived. If you would like to donate to the Ukraine Red Cross, click here.

As we enter March, we can look forward to the time change (March 13), the vernal equinox (March 20), and the return of the wood frogs, our spring birds and beautiful blossoms.

I’m looking forward to seeing you at our next All Member Meeting on March 8.
Beware the Ides of March!

In League and Unity,
KSU experts decipher Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Come hear and discuss the conflict in Ukraine. Experts from a variety of fields—peace and conflict studies, history, and international and global politics—weigh in on what's happening in Ukraine and Europe, what's at stake and where things are headed. The discussion is set for March 1 at 5:15 p.m. in Room 133 of Bowman Hall. You can attend in person or virtually, via Zoom.

This forum is an amazing opportunity to try and understand something as insane as war in Europe with help from some of the smartest people at Kent State University.
Grow your knowledge about how Portage County cares for persons in need at the March 8 All Member Meeting
Save the date for the March All Member meeting. ONLINE! Learn about aspects of Portage County's safety net of human services provided by Kent Social Services and The Haven of Portage County.

Marquice Seward of Kent Social Services will address food insecurities and sharing some statistics. She also will give an update on the new building, its features and the services provided.
Ann Marie Noble of The Haven of Portage County will address shelter insecurity/needs in Portage County and the services The Haven provides. She also will announce a potential opening date for the facility.

Look for a reminder email at about 5:30 p.m. on March 8.

New members! Remember the New Member Orientation at 6 p.m.

Topics and Times: 
New Member Orientation, 6 p.m.
All Member Meeting, 7 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 315 527 2635
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New Member Orientation begins March 8 at 6 p.m.!
Join Membership Chair Sherry Rose for all you need to know about getting the most out of your LWV Kent membership. She also will answer any questions you may have. To join the New Member Orientation (followed immediately by the AMM), click here at 6 p.m. If you need to join the meeting via phone, see the contact information above.

Song of Ukraine freedom resounds across our area
Churches around the world played the Ukrainian National Anthem on February 27. It was very moving to stand with the congregation to show support for our Ukrainian sisters and brothers who are being savagely attacked by the Russians. I wanted to share the words of their national anthem and ask that you keep them close in your hearts during this horrific time for their country.

Ukraine is not yet dead, nor its glory and freedom,
Luck will still smile on us brother-Ukrainians.
Our enemies will die, as the dew does in the sunshine,
and we, too, brothers, we'll live happily in our land.
We’ll not spare either our souls or bodies to get freedom
and we’ll prove that we brothers are of Kozak kin.

Translation of Kozak Kin: “Commonly saying, every Ukrainian is a Ukrainian Cossack since Cossacks are the root of our nation.” Hear the music by clicking here:
Redistricting Roundup for February: Where are we on the road to Fair Districts?

A rundown of what the Redistricting Commission has accomplished over three days.

February 22

The commission members met for 9 minutes, 21 seconds. Now, remember, they are under a court order to fix the maps they submitted. Co-Chair Rep. Bob Cupp, Speaker of the House, asked the staffs to work together to design maps that comply with the court order. Gov. Mike DeWine stated the commission was obligated to follow the state constitution, court orders and the rule of law. Auditor Keith Faber said to get it done. House Minority Leader Rep. Allison Russo indicated that minority members had not been included in discussions regarding additional legislative maps. The meeting adjourned.

February 23

The commission heard testimony from Paul Miller, finance director of Ohio Deferred Compensation, who had presented a map in October that reportedly met all constitutional criteria without any partisan bias. He claimed that maps submitted by Democratic activists were biased. Catherine Turcer, executive director of Common Cause Ohio, and Trevor Martin, a member of the Fair Districts Ohio Coalition, presented a Fair Districts Ohio map, saying that the coalition focused on keeping communities and regions together and were drawn “blind” without consideration for incumbents. The focus, he said, was on representational fairness.

February 24, Part I

A gentleman named Linus Beatty presented his map, which appeared to be representative of Ohio voters and relatively unbiased; however, his statement to the commission was most memorable: “Do you weigh your own political future and personal fortunes over the values of our republic and strength of our democracy?” (Quotation may be slightly paraphrased). This was simply testimony. There was no response.

February 24, Part II

Senate President Matt Huffman moved to adopt the “Paul DeSantis” legislative maps. Cupp seconded the motion. Huffman and Cupp said that the house districts met court-ordered requirements and that the target partisan proportionality had been achieved. Roughly 73 percent of all General Assembly districts are new. Co-chair Sen. Vernon Sykes stated that the Democrats had no opportunity to study the maps or offer input on the maps until a few hours before the vote was called. Sykes said the DeSantis maps put the minority party in a more inferior position than before. House MInroity Leader Rep. Allison Russo referred to “monolithic asymmetry,” which the Ohio Supreme Court had cited as a problem with the set of maps the court struck down, stating that such asymmetry continues to exist in the new maps now up for a vote.

By a 4-3 vote, the new maps were adopted. Those voting against the maps were Faber, Russo and Sykes. We now have four-year maps—not the 10-year maps all had hoped for.

The commission will appear before the Ohio Supreme Court on Tuesday, March 1, to justify the new maps.

You can view all of this testimony here.

Ohio is definitely in a crunch time. People who want to run for office will have only 30 days to change residence (if the new map requires that) to be certified as candidates, and overseas ballots must be mailed in three weeks.
New LWV Kent Members!

Jennifer Mapes
Diane Grove-Ackerman
Jason and Catherine DuBois
Book Club keeps on reading! Come join us!
The next Book Club meeting is Wednesday, March 2, at 1:30 p.m., at Christine Bhargava's home, 630 Rustic Knoll, Kent. A Zoom option will be available for our snow birds and those who would prefer not to meet in person.  All are welcome to join. Contact Jane Preston Rose for details about the meetings. Click here to email her. Here are the selections for March and April:

March 2 – Dressed for Freedom: The Fashionable Politics of American Feminism: Women, Gender, and Sexuality in American History by Einav Rabinovitch-Fox
April 6 – Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds by Huma Abedin
Read the latest from the LWV Kent Observer Corps. Click here. Interested in an outreach activity that puts you in the rooms where it happens? Click here.
LWV Kent Board needs your creativity and passion!
In its 102nd year, the League of Women Voters continues to empower voters and defend democracy. The local chapter in Kent, with nearly 200 members, contributes to the continued strength and vitality of the state and national organizations.

The Board of Directors plays a vital role in defining and ensuring the League’s future success. Can you picture yourself in this leadership role? Terms are two years.

You can become a part of the League's legacy by applying for the board.
  • For details about being a board member, click here.
  • To learn about the committees and programs of LWV Kent, click here.
  • To download an application, click here and you will find a fillable form. You can print out the form and mail to Roberta O'Keefe, 970 Cottage Gate Drive, Kent, Ohio 44240. Or scan the completed application and email it to
  • To complete an application online, click here and head to the bottom of the page.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 1, 2022.
April 7 join LWVO online for 2022 Statehouse Day!
Join LWVO Thursday, April 7, 1:30 p.m., for the annual day of learning and advocacy. Experts will conduct a redistricting review of Ohio’s process in comparison to other states and what’s next. Hear more about possible elections legislation from modernizing voter registration, funding Boards of Elections, and changing ID requirements. Finally, you will be given tools to take action on issues that affect voters and our great state from the comfort of your own home. More details about the event registration and agenda will be shared soon. Stay tuned!
LWV Kent has a new Google Voice phone number
We have a new phone number: 330-271-6188. It's a Google Voice number that will be answered by member Barb Hipsman Springer who has been allowing us to use her cell phone number for several years. She gets busy during election seasons and will follow up with inquiries during the year. Thanks, Barb! And thanks to board member Michelle Chapman for the suggestion! Board members are the greatest resource! Become one! See the brief below ("LWV Kent Board needs your creativity and passion!") on applying for the 2022-2024 board, or click here.

March 2 | Wednesday | 1:30 p.m. | LWVKent Book Club | For details email

March 8 | Wednesday | 6 p.m. | New Member Orientation | Online

March 8 | Wednesday | 7 p.m. | All Member Meeting | Portage County Helping Residents in Need | Online

April 4 | Wednesday | 6 p.m. | New Member Orientation | Online

April 4 | Wednesday | 7 p.m. | All Member Meeting | Local Positions & Priorities | Online

April 6 | Wednesday | 1:30 p.m. | LWVKent Book Club | For details, email

April 7 | Wednesday | 10:30 a.m. | LWVO Statehouse Day | Online