Aetna Better Health of New Jersey would like to inform you about State law P.L.2019, c.88 that mandates the completion of the PRA form for pregnant women receiving state-supported Medicaid health coverage.
The law began in the state Legislature as Senate Bill 3406 as a package of bills designed to improve the health of expectant mothers and newborns. The goal is to decrease increasing rates of maternal and infant mortality in New Jersey. The PRA form is now required documentation for all uninsured, Medicaid presumptively eligible, and Medicaid eligible prenatal patient. This law impacts obstetrical providers, nurse midwives, and other licensed healthcare professionals.
What do OB Providers need to do?
OB Providers will need to submit the required PRA form to be reimbursed for OB services. If the forms are not received, payment may be impacted.
Please follow the steps and register below to submit the PRA Forms:
Complete and submit the initial visit, follow-up visit and third trimester visit PRA forms. The initial visit PRA form should be completed during the first prenatal visit, the follow-up PRA form when there is a change in insurance or maternal risk factor identified and the third trimester form at 30-36 weeks gestation. All prenatal care providers must register with Family Health Initiatives (FHI) in order to access the PRA/SPECT.
Register online at or call 1-856-665-6000. New users must register by calling FHI at 1-856-665-6000 or emailing PRA forms are submitted by logging into