Dear McCance community,
We are very pleased to share some of the latest news and events from the McCance Center for Brain Health this quarter. Highlights include exciting results on the impact of exercise on brain health, information on our clinical trial on the effects of a dietary supplement on COVID-19-related "brain fog" and a McCance Brain Clinic patient's testimonial. As always, our focus is on identifying the indicators, interventions and ultimately integrations into primary care that will change the future of brain care.
We encourage you to follow us on our social media channels noted at the bottom of this newsletter to stay connected in between issues of this newsletter.
Jonathan Rosand, MD, MSc, Managing Co-director
Rudy Tanzi, PhD, Co-director
Greg Fricchione, MD, Co-director
McCance-Bugher undergraduate trainee joins the team
Meet Zech Davis, Tougaloo College junior and trainee with the American Stroke Association-Bugher Center for ICH (intracerebral hemorrhage). Zech joins us this fall to pursue social determinants of health in stroke prevention. His own family history drives his passion for medicine.
Exercise can reduce risk of cognitive impairment
Dr. Christiane Wrann, along with Drs. Rudy Tanzi and Se Hoon Choi, published research this summer demonstrating the molecular benefits of exercise on brain health, opening the door to potential therapeutic drugs.
Aducanamab controversy
Dr. Rudy Tanzi's July opinion piece explores the FDA approval of Aduhelm, why this announcement is controversial, and what it may mean for future Alzheimer's prevention strategies.
McCance Center clinical trial for COVID-19
Do you know anyone who had COVID-19 and is experiencing "brain fog" symptoms that started while having the virus? Our clinical trial in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Brain Center is looking at the impact of Niagen on recovery.
Ken Ansin: Staying on track with the McCance Center
We recently sat down to talk with Ken Ansin after he visited the McCance Clinic, to learn how he is working to stay on track, and what he's doing to improve his brain care now.
McCance Center poster on the neuropsychiatric effects of “long COVID” wins an award!
Dr. Leidys Gutierrez-Martinez and a team from the McCance Center and the departments of Neurology, Psychiatry and Medicine presented a poster on MGH Clinical Research Day, describing the effects of COVID-19 infection on the brain in patients seen at Mass General.
The bi-weekly McCance Center for Brain Health Seminar Series brings faculty members, guests and their labs together to present on and discuss the development of brain health indicators and interventions, as well as efforts to integrate brain health assessments into primary care.
Dr. Quinti, Department of Neurology, Mass General, has been actively involved in the development of therapeutics for several neurodegenerative diseases and is passionate about developing and implementing reliable models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) to identify novel drug targets.
Dr. Roffman, Co-Director, Mass General Neuroscience, Director, Mass General Early Brain Development Initiative, McCance Center Faculty Member, leads research which merges brain imaging, genomics, and clinical trials to examine folic acid abnormalities in schizophrenia.
Dr. Prokopenko, McCance Center Faculty Member, Dr. Tanzi, McCance Co-Director, and colleagues have completed the first systematic whole-genome sequencing study in AD, detecting 13 rare gene variants not previously associated with AD.
Dr. Holt, Athinoula A. Martinos Center, McCance Center Faculty Member, has investigated the neurocognitive basis of the core symptoms of psychotic illness, including delusions, negative affect and social impairment, reporting some of the first evidence for abnormalities.
Dr. Kim, Department of Neurology, Mass General, McCance Center Faculty Member, and his team have developed a three-dimensional human neural cell culture model of AD; his lab also studies how Alzheimer’s beta-secretase, BACE1, regulates synaptic and axonal ion channel trafficking using cellular and mouse models.
Dr. Sesso, Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine, Brigham & Women's Hospital, focuses his research on the epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular disease, especially hypertension, including how it relates to brain health.
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