Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
May 25,2021
Mayor’s Message to the Community

As we’ve all heard, San Anselmo Mayor Brian Colbert received threatening and racially charged messages this month. Mayor Colbert has been an immensely effective Council member and Mayor of our neighboring city, and also stands as, incredibly, the first Black person to be elected to any Town Council in Marin. Threats or racial slurs are clearly and completely unacceptable.

It is time for us to look deeply, not only in Town policy but even more so as individuals, at the ways the color of one’s skin so profoundly affects a person’s life. For this reason the town created and supports the Racial Equity and Social Justice committee (RESJ).
To be sure it is a big ask, for those of us who have not suffered racial injustices, to actively challenge the status quo. It is made more difficult if beginning to think about this triggers feelings of guilt, fear or defensiveness. We who are White can, and I ask that we do, work to rise above these reactions. I ask that we begin by acknowledging, even to ourselves, that indeed injustice does exist, and to seek out opportunities to notice it, to compassionately talk about it, and then to begin making what changes we can in our immediate environment to grow beyond it.

Within the RESJ as well, conversations have not been easy, but we will continue to do our very best. I also have long worked with our Climate Action Committee, on another deep, challenging and vital topic. I have come to realize more and more deeply how these two issues of our time are intimately intertwined, not only because neither can be addressed without the other, but because of their origins in the human journey.

At this point in our growth we can envision a new way, arising from much greater communication, diversity and knowledge, that offers a rich life with a far smaller footprint and a commitment to justice. Indeed we are at a crossroads between immense possibility and catastrophic collapse. If anyone can work through this time with grace, art and good will, it is Fairfax. Let us be kind to each other and meet the times.

Thank you.

Bruce Ackerman
Mayor of Fairfax
Progress Report on Child Vaccinations 

Marin County Public Health is on track to reach its goal of vaccinating half of local youths aged 12 to 15 by May 22. There are approximately 14,000 local residents between 12-15. Since that group became eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine on May 13, 6,671 have received doses, or 47.7% (as of May 20). So, almost half of them have been protected with the first week of eligibility. 
Vaccinating this age group – as all eligible groups – is critical to putting the pandemic behind us. In addition to the many pop-up vaccine clinics and commercial pharmacies offering vaccines in Marin, pediatricians soon will have the capacity to administer vaccinations in their own practices. That will allow parents and teens who have concerns about the vaccine the opportunity to work with their personal pediatrician to navigate the choices.  

There are many free COVID-19 vaccination options in Marin County. Some locations require an online appointment; others are open for walk-ups. Learn more on the vaccine finder webpage
The Marin County Public Health Mobile Vaccine Team is scheduled to visit:
Fairfax Community Farmers' Market
Wednesday June 2nd
Time: 4-8PM
Location: Bolinas Park/Parking spaces on Bank St adjacent to the Bank St. Parking Lot.

Pfizer and Janssen vaccines will be available.
Climate Action Committee Update

This week, the CAC, together with Sustainable Fairfax, will be at the Farmers Market to help you think about what you can do. Larry Bragman, our representative on the Marin Water District, will be there to answer your questions about the drought, and how we are facing it. This is an important manifestation of our changing climate. We must deal with it, and we must prevent worse from coming. 
Together, we can. 
Career/Mentorship Opportunities with Marin Clean Energy

Tailored energy career training and job training support is being offered in partnership with SEI, MCE and Energize Careers.

Upcoming Meetings & Events
Open Space Committee Meeting
May 25th - 7pm

Racial Equity and Social Justice Committee Special Meeting
May 25th - 7pm

Town Council - Budget Workshop
May 27th - 10am

Planning Commission Special Meeting
May 27th - 7pm

Police Practices and Public Safety Alternatives (Subcommittee of RESJ) Meeting - CANCELLED
May 27th - 7pm

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.

Fairfax Farmers Market in Bolinas Park
Wednesdays 4-8pm

Chipper Day door-to-door Service for Fairfax Households
Each home in Fairfax will be serviced twice between May 17-September 27th

Please note: You need to pre-register for the pick-up service on one of the two days available to your neighborhood.

Please visit the links below for more information:

For instructions on how to prepare your materials for pick up: 

For a schedule of pick up dates, please go to:

NOTE: The website will ask you to enter your address. Based on your address, it will let you know the dates of the two Chipper Days scheduled for your area. You will need to register to receive the pick-up service on your selected date. Service is on a first-come, first served basis.
Fairfax Recreation
Music Pod 

We are excited to be able to offer this program over the summer months this year. Sign up now to secure your spot. 

Art & Nature Camp
For children 4 -5 years 
Week of July 12th
Monday – Friday from 9am – 12noon 

This camp is designed for transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten child/ren to get them comfortable for the new school year ahead. Children will learn how to work within a group of peers, enhance listening skills with music exercises and do hands on crafts and nature exploration.

Please sign up today for the charming art and nature camp led by an amazing local, seasoned and credentialed teacher! 
Peri Park

We hope you are enjoying the new play structures. Please note that the red "spider web" climbing structure will be reinstalled soon. The Parks and Recreation Commission (PARC) is evaluating a new park configuration that can also include the swings. Thank you for your patience as we figure out a way to include all the wonderful elements of the park, old and new.
You can still support the park and show your Peri Park pride by purchasing tees and totes! 

Visit our website to purchase and arrange local pick up.
Age Friendly Marin - Breakfast with Friends 
3rd Wednesday of the month, 9:30-10:30 am

Socializing is important for all ages and it's so good to connect. Join us for coffee, tea and/or breakfast and a friendly and enjoyable chat at Barefoot Café, in person

Please check out all of our offerings for our older community members: 

Join a Board or Commission!

Do you want to make a real difference in 2021? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on the Open Space Committee, Climate Action Committee, Volunteer Board and Planning Commission.

Spread the Word

We want to share the Town News with our whole community. If you know someone who would like to receive this weekly update, let them know they can subscribe here.

You can also share the link on your social media which will reach your whole network. Together, we can help keep everyone informed about upcoming meetings, events and more!
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El sitio web se puede traducir al español usando el ícono del globo que se encuentra en la barra verde de cada página.

Our website can now be translated into Spanish (and other languages) using the globe icon found on the green bar at the top of each page.