Seven Scouts from Troop 900 (HOVC) and Troop 103 (Tidewater Council) Completed another 50-Miler (54 miles) Hike in the Roan Highlands area of Tennessee and North Carolina.
May 21st, 2021
Cub Day Camps
Grab your goggles because Cud Day Camps are here and the theme is Weird Science. Kicking off the Day Camps this summer will be Cardinal District. Their camp is open to everyone in the Council and will be held from June 21st - June 25th. Registration for Cardinal Day Camp closes on May 28.
OA Summer Induction Weekend
The Order of the Arrow will be hosting its Induction Weekend June 4th-6th at Camp T. Brady Saunders. Everyone is expected to bring a filled water bottle, a face mask, and work gloves, along with a completed medical form (parts A&B). Registration for the weekend will close on Sunday, May 30th.
Tournament of Eagles
The 2021 Tournament of Eagles golf benefit event will be held on Monday, June 21st, at the Country Club of Virginia. Enjoy a day of competitive golfing and networking while supporting local Scouting programs. Registration and Lunch begin at 12:00. The tournamentโ€™s shotgun start is at 1:00 pm. A reception with food and awards will follow the tournament. 
Camp Card Sales Incentives
To congratulate Scouts on their Camp Card Sales we will be giving away Incentive Prizes bi-weekly. To enter the drawing you must sell at least 10 cards and for every 10 cards you sell your name will be added to the drawing. To join in on the Camp Card Sales fun, register at
Summer Camp
Camp T. Brady Saunders is offering shotguns, archery, paddle-boarding, sailing, rope course, biking, trailblazing, fishing, camping, troop competitions, Ranger Challenge, and ADVENTURE at every turn. Register today! [Details]
โ€œHistory and experience tell us that moral progress comes not in comfortable and complacent times, but out of trial and confusion.โ€- Gerald R. Ford
Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Mon-Tues 9:00am-5:30pm
Wednesday 12n-6pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00am-5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am- 12pm

Prepared.For Life.