April 22, 2021
Weekly Update
A Message from Principal Simpson
Dear Parents,

Last week I promised an update on our quarantine timelines. At the Board meeting on Tuesday, we decided not to change our current quarantine timelines. Our quarantine timelines are as follows:
  • Elementary Classes (k-5): Full 14-day quarantine

  • Middle School Classes: They can test Day 8 (after exposure) and, if they test negative, they can return on Day 11 or choose to be out the full 14 days. 
  • Individual quarantines (not involving a full class) are allowed to follow the shortened timelines described for Middle School.

I also want to give you a current COVID status update; we currently have one fourth grade class out on quarantine (who can return on Monday, April 26) and one first grade class who was quarantined yesterday (they can return on Tuesday, May 4).  

If you’ve listened to the Board meetings the past few months, you will have heard these updates. But, I want to be sure everyone knows our plans for the 2021-22 school year.
  • We will not be offering remote learning next year.
  • We will be in school five days a week.
  • We plan on being able to offer electives to middle school students.
  • We will have cohorts, but with some additional flexibility for students to interact outside of their cohort group. 
  • We will follow any state mandates, including any masking mandates. 

Also, during the Board meeting, we reviewed the Parent Survey Results. Thank you to everyone who participated. We will be analyzing your feedback and will provide updates on any action items over the next few months. Don't forget, if you participated in the survey, your student(s) may wear Dress of Choice tomorrow, April 23. 

I want to thank Student Council and the CEC for a fun Kindness Week. Seeing students who are super excited to turn in their Kindness Bingo cards has been the highlight of my week. A HUGE thank you to the whole community as well for your generosity to the food bank. The donations have been overfilling the bins--way to go BFA!

Have a wonderful weekend! As always, don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you!

Mrs. Simpson
BFA News
Did you Complete the SAC Parent Survey? If so, Your Student Gets an EXTRA DOC Day!
For those of you who filled out the SAC Parent Satisfaction Survey earlier this year and included your family number, your student(s) can participate in an EXTRA Dress of Choice Day tomorrow, April 23! More than 400 families shared their thoughts, and we're grateful for your participation in the survey.
First Responder
First Responder
First Responder
Kindness Week Activities
First Responder
This month, Student Council partnered with the Community Events Committee (CEC) to show BFA's appreciation to our neighboring first responders.

Student council dropped off gift baskets to the local fire station, police station, and UC Health hospital. In addition, student body president, Aaron Bayne, thanked our school resource officer, Officer Eich, by giving him a his very own gift basket (although, we have it on good authority that he shared it with his peers at the station!).

Throughout kindness week, Student Council wrote chalk messages of kindness on the sidewalk, passed out kindness bingo cards (you have them to thank for that 8-second hug!), handed out lollipops with messages, and will be sharing a treat with students on Friday. They also have been assisting with the food drive throughout the week.

On behalf of the CEC and the rest of the school, we would like to thank Student Council and their liaison, Ms. Poleschook, for all their work which brought smiles to so many faces this past week.
ONE Day Left to Donate to Food Drive!
There is ONE DAY LEFT to participate in the CEC's Kindness Week Food Drive! We are collecting food and other items to support Integrated Family Community Services (IFCS)--the primary low-income safety net service provider of basic human services to the South Metro Denver communities. 
The CEC set a goal of donating 1,000 items--and, thanks to your generosity, we've ALREADY met our goal. So, let's see if we can reach 200 percent of our goal and really show our community what KINDNESS looks like at BFA. Thanks to A LOT of work by our Student Council, here are the standings as of Wednesday:

Kindie = 133
1st Grade = 130
2nd Grade = 104
3rd Grade = 160
4th Grade = 205
5th Grade = 269
6th Grade = 91
7th Grade = 107
8th Grade = 51

The GRADE LEVEL with the most donations, will receive a treat. Let's see which grade can rise to the top! Click here to be directed to the news article with suggestions for each grade level.
If you have any questions about the Food Drive, please feel free to reach out to the CEC Food Drive coordinator, Alyssa Gale Freund
Results of Board Election and Appointment
Thank you to the three candidates who accepted nominations to serve on the BFA Board of Directors. We appreciate the time you took to participate in this process and your willingness to serve the BFA community!

At the Board meeting this week, the candidate elected by the BFA School Voting Group was announced and the appointment by the BFA Board was made. We’re very pleased to announce that Mette Castor was elected to Seat 1, Class A, and Haley Maglieri was appointed to Seat 2, Class A.
We welcome our newest Board members and offer our sincere thanks to all our current Board members for representing the BFA community and upholding BFA’s mission and vision.
Make Weekly Summer Camp Choices by May 7
If you are planning to send your student(s) to BFA’s exciting Summer Camp, please sign up for the weeks you’ll need care by end-of-day on Friday, May 7. We’ve had a lot of student registrations but, with so many parents working from home these days, we’ve not received the typical number of Summer Camp sign-ups. And without enough campers signed up for each week, we won’t be able to offer the program. If that's the case, we’ll let you know by close of business on May 10.
STEAM Week 2021
Next week, our school will welcome Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) educators to BFA for STEAM Week 2021! This event will provide each class of students the chance to participate in two, 30-minute activities.  

Monday, April 26
  • Preschool and kindergarten activities will feature the Butterfly Pavilion and Snapology Lego robotics.
Tuesday, April 27
  • First and second grade activities will feature the Colorado Ballet and CodeNinjas.
  • Third and fourth grade activities will feature Snapology Lego robotics and KidzArt.
Wednesday, April 28
  • Remote student activities will feature Snapology Lego robotics and KidzArt as well as a virtual activity from DaVinci Adventures.
Thursday, April 29
  • Fifth and sixth grade activities will feature DaVinci Adventures and Science Matters engineering.
Friday, April 30
  • Seventh and eighth grade activities will feature Aeon Unmanned drone training and CodeNinjas.

There are a few volunteer slots left and we need your help to make the event a success! Please visit the SignUpGenius and check for opportunities that may fit with your schedule.
Participate in the Monthly SAC Meeting!
Would you like to be involved in reviewing policies that drive the direction of BFA? Then, please join the School Accountability Committee (SAC) at their monthly meeting as they review: Facility Use Policy, Facility Fee Schedule and the Grading Policy. The SAC is meeting at 4:30 p.m. today, April 22, via Zoom. The details of the Zoom meeting are available on the BFA calendar. If you would like information about serving on the SAC or participating in the Zoom meeting, please contact Woody Haynes.
Important Sweetheart Ball Information;
Plenty of Volunteer Opportunities!
Looking for volunteer hours? We need your help to make the Sweetheart Ball a night to remember! This year’s Sweetheart Ball, Light Up the Night, is from 6-8 p.m. this Saturday, April 24, at BFA. If you’re interested in volunteering, please visit the Sweetheart Ball SignUpGenius.
Attendees: We’re really looking forward to the 2021 Sweetheart Ball on Saturday! The Sweetheart Ball will feature dancing, yard games, selfie stations, refreshments and so much more. The weather looks great so far, but this is Colorado and that could change! Please remember, the event will be outside on the turf so dress accordingly.

Buying and Selling Tickets: The Sweetheart Ball is a SOLD OUT event and there is an active waitlist. 

With COVID protocols in place, the PTO MUST have record of all those who have purchased tickets. With that being said, if you are no longer able to attend and would like to resell your tickets, please email The PTO will then reach out to the next person on the waitlist. 

If you were unable to purchase tickets and would like to be added to the wait list, please also email All resell transactions MUST be done through the PTO. Any ticketed guests that have not been accounted for WILL NOT BE ADMITTED! Thank you!
Help Wanted
PTO Elections Open Monday
Positions Still Available
The PTO is an integral part of the BFA community. Since it began serving BFA, the PTO has raised funds to provide all manner of items for the school, including playground equipment, library books, a climbing wall, the outdoor classroom, and the MakerSpace as well as tools and resources needed by the teachers, staff and administration. In addition, they organize multiple social events to bring together the entire BFA community.
The mission of the PTO is to seek resources to strengthen, enhance, and encourage the educational and social experience at Ben Franklin Academy. Each year, the parent community is asked to vote for open executive officer and committee chair positions. Voting will be open from Monday, April 26, through Friday, April 30. Before voting begins, please visit the PTO webpage, and click on PTO Elections to view the candidate bios. Your vote is important. Each family unit is permitted to cast one vote per position. Election results will be announced at the PTO meeting on Sunday, May 16.
Thinking about volunteering for the PTO? There’s still time! The following positions are currently open for next year:
  • Social Media Committee Manager
  • Spirit Rock Committee Manager
  • Spirit Wear Committee Manager
  • Sweetheart Ball Committee Manager

Additionally, we anticipate next year's fundraiser being a BENefit Bash, so an army of volunteers will be needed to put the auction and event together. So, if you or anyone you know would be a good fit for the PTO, please contact Mollie Anderson, PTO president.
Ben's Brigade Meeting and End-of-Year Picnic
Ben's Brigade is holding their final meeting of the school year beginning at 8 p.m. tonight, April 22, at Max Taps. If you're interested in attending or need more information, please email Josh Pierce, Ben's Brigade committee chair.

Also, from 12-2:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 2, Ben's Brigade is hosting their annual Dads + Kids end-of-year picnic in the pavilion at Redstone Park. Ben's Brigade will supply hot dogs, burgers, chips, and water. If you plan on attending, please RSVP so they know how many to expect.
Get Ready for Teacher and Staff Appreciation
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is coming up May 3-7! The PTO will be recognizing all of our SUPER teachers and staff. Take a look at the flier for details about the events they have planned, as well as for ideas for how you can honor the teachers and staff who make BFA such a special place for our children. You can also use this printable note template to let your BFA superheroes know how much you appreciate them! 
Uniform Consignment Sale Coming up Soon!
Have your kids had a growth spurt or are you ready to get new uniforms for next year? If so, mark your calendars for the upcoming Uniform Consignment Sale from 10 a.m.-noon on Saturday, May 8, in the outdoor courtyard between the gyms. We have uniforms in all sizes and genders; see the flier for additional information and be sure to check it out!

If you want to sell items, please see the Uniform Tagging Instructions. Follow the instructions and drop off your items with the inventory sheet at school between May 3-6.

Any unsold items will need to be picked up between 1-2 p.m. after the sale on May 8. Please note that items will not be held after the sale and we will be donating them as we do not have the capacity to hold more uniforms at this time.
If you would like to volunteer to help with the sale, please visit the SignUpGenius.
CaveSim Returning to BFA!
The week of May 17, Cave Dave will be returning to BFA and will bring CaveSim to kids in full-day Kindergarten as well as students in grades 1-5. Invented by a caver and MIT engineer, CaveSim makes highly realistic artificial caves that teach STEM concepts. During the programs, students explore 60 feet of cave passages filled with artificial cave formations, and learn a huge amount about caves, conservation, bats, geology, biology, chemistry, and a host of other subjects. 
If you would like to help out, please see the SignUpGenius.
Parents of kids in grades K-5, be sure to look for information from your teacher about registering for this activity. To find out more about CaveSim, check out their website.
Science Fair
Judges Needed for Science Fair
Students in grades 3 and 5 are currently working on Science Fair projects, and we could use YOUR help judging. You don’t have to be a science expert to participate, and the best news is that the judging will take place via Zoom! 

You’ll be able to conduct a judging session one-on-one with the students so they can present their projects to you online. But don't worry—you’ll have a little prep time before the judging starts so Mrs. Ward can walk you through some important information. There is a simple Google Form that we will use for judging each student.

If you would like to help out, and feel comfortable with the technology as described above, please consider signing up for a time slot. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mrs. Ward.
Summer Volleyball Camp, Grades 5-8
Attention incoming 2021 fifth through eighth grade boys and girls...please mark your calendar for the BFA Summer Co-Ed Volleyball Camp which will take place July 19 - July 23 in the Thunder Gym! Registration is not yet open but see the flier for additional details. We will be monitoring and following all district guidelines, so please stay tuned. 
The camp is for enrolled BFA students only.
Please contact Kristen Haufschild with questions.
Spirit Rock
BFA Rocks - Sign Up to Rent the Rock!
Have a birthday coming up? Is your child celebrating something special? Or, do you just want to cheer on the Bolts? Rent the rock and shout out your news! There are just a few dates left for this school year, so reserve your dates today on the BFA Spirit Rock SignUpGeniusThe daily rate to rent the rock is $15 per day. If you have any questions about renting the rock, please see the flier or contact Sara Hope, Spirit Rock coordinator.
Upcoming Events
BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.