The e-newsletter for Catawba County's Existing Industries

Vol. 16 Issue 1

Good afternoon Nathan Huret,

Happy New Year and we look to continuing our partnerships with our industry partners in 2024!

I would be delighted to connect with you and learn more about you and your company. Whether you are interested in learning more about the Catawba County EDC, discussing your company, or if you have any questions, concerns, or need local resources, I am here to assist and look forward to our conversation. 828-267-1564/(m) 828-244-1911

Is your company subject to Tier II or 112r chemical reporting requirements under the Emergency Right to Know Act (EPCRA)?

Catawba County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

8:30 am

100 Government Drive

Newton, NC 28613

Presentation by North Carolina Emergency Management Risk Management Program Staff outlining changes to the State's Tier II reporting requirements. Additional information on chemical planning resources and available site review visits.

For more information please contact Jason Williams

Register Here

Economic Development & Corporate Education

Unlock Your Leadership Potential: John Maxwell's Developing the Leader Within You 2.0!

Are you ready to lead with confidence, influence with impact, and leave a lasting legacy? If so, your extraordinary leadership journey starts here!

Starting January 19, 2024

Kristin Wright

828-327-7000 x. 4297

Revolutionize Your Employees' Career: Dive into the Future of Technology with CVCC's Maintenance Tech Bootcamp

(Mechatronics Fundamentals)

Unleash your employees' potential through hands-on instruction, cutting-edge lab experiences, and comprehensive training in Mechanical Systems, Fluid Power, and Electrical Systems.

Aligned with the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC), these courses will equip your employees' with essential skills for advancement within their career.

Redefine their professional journey today!

Mechanical Systems- January

Fluid Power- February

Electrical Systems- March

Tuesdays and Thursdays

5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

CVCC- Alexander Complex- Taylorsville, NC

Total Cost $795.00.

Scholarships Available

Kristin Wright

828-327-7000 x. 4297

Catawba County EDC | (828) 267-1564 |