Stay up to date on what is happening in Baldwin County School District by reading November's edition of the Baldwin Beat!
Oak Hill Middle School presents students with REACH Scholarships
Two Local School Leaders Named GA Superintendent of the Year Finalists
Seventh REACH Class Signs
Allied Arts: Fifth Annual Baldwin County Schools Exhibition Coming Soon
GAgives on Giving Tuesday
Tuesday, November 30, 2021, the Baldwin County Charter System Foundation for Excellence will partner with GAgives to accept donations to support the Baldwin County School District students and staff through scholarships and employee recognition programs. For every dollar donated locally, GAgives will match it. You can help by: 1) Making a donation to the Foundation on Giving Tuesday and 2) Passing this information along to family members and friends via email, social media, or any other communication method you have available to you.
The Baldwin County School District reflects on the heroism of America's veterans and those currently serving in the United States Armed Forces. We thank them for making the ultimate sacrifice and dedicating their lives in service to preserve our freedoms.
During this month's Board of Education Meeting, the Baldwin County School District recognized employees who served in the United States Armed Forces. They were presented with a certificate of recognition for their years of service. We are honored to have this heroic group of employees be a part of our school district. Please click the presentation below to view our tribute presentation which highlights each individual's branch and years of service.
Governor Brian Kemp proclaimed November 7, 2021, as Retired Educators Day. There are more than 140,000 retired educators in Georgia. Through the Retired Educators Association, these educators have donated thousands of hours of volunteer service and continue to work to better society.
The Baldwin County School District is grateful for the work done by retired educators, and their commitment to our students and community. To all the retirees of the Baldwin County School District, we would like to say thank you for being amazing examples of the true meaning of dedication. Your hard work has been an inspiration to us all.
Project Linus Provides Blankets for Students
Ms. Cookie Noel with the Milledgeville Oconee Region Project Linus Chapter presented the school district with blankets for our homeless students. The blankets are uniquely designed and beautifully crafted, and we are so thankful to receive them for our students.
The mission of Project Linus Chapters is to provide love, a sense of security, warmth, and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.” Project Linus now consists of hundreds of local chapters and thousands of volunteers across the United States.
'Baldwin Grows' Brick Campaign
The Baldwin Grows Learning Garden initiative continues to expand. The garden is located on the campus of Baldwin High School and provides students with hands-on agricultural learning experiences. School gardens are a great way for students to learn where food comes from and can promote healthy lifestyles. To provide handicap accessibility around the Baldwin Grows Garden, we are in need of additional brick sponsors to help us create a brick pathway around the garden.
To make this dream come true, we need 100 more brick donors. All sponsors will have a permanent place in the garden for years to come, so don't miss out on this opportunity. Attached is the Brick Order Form. Make checks payable to the Baldwin County Schools Charter System Foundation of Excellence and in the memo section write "Brick Project". Please mail your check to the attention of Gina Whitaker at 110 North ABC Street, Milledgeville, Georgia 31061.
Lakeview Academy Students Take Virtual Trip to 13WMAZ
Mrs. Crane's and Ms. Caron's (GCSU Student) class had the opportunity to take a virtual field trip through WMAZ, Channel 13 to learn about weather fronts, and how the weather and news are reported. Ms. Caron organized the Zoom meeting with WMAZ weather anchor, Taylor Stephenson. Taylor Stephenson did an amazing job teaching them how the green screen comes to life during the weather report. They were able to witness a live broadcast as it was being filmed, and Lakeview Academy received a shout-out during the live feed from the anchor, Wanya Reese!
Baldwin High School Held
Apply to College Day Event
Baldwin High School students participated in Apply to College Day on November 9th. Seniors stopped by the media center to apply for college, and over 40 applications were submitted to Georgia Colleges. Volunteers from Communities in Schools, Georgia College & State University, Georgia Military College, and Central Georgia Technical College were available to assist students with applications and to encourage them with future plans.
Baldwin High School was recently selected to participate in the Georgia Apply to College program, an annual event sponsored by Georgia Student Finance Commission and supported by Communities in Schools, the Georgia Department of Education, the Georgia Independent College Association, the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education, the Technical College System of Georgia, and the University System of Georgia.
The goal of the Georgia Apply to College campaign is to provide all Georgia high school seniors with the opportunity to apply to college with a focus on providing assistance to first-generation and underrepresented students as they navigate the college application process. The month of November has been declared Georgia Apply to College Month by Governor Brian Kemp.
Early Learning Center Students
Receive Suzuki Violin Lessons
The Early Learning Center (ELC) is excited to collaborate with the Georgia College Department of Music to provide Suzuki violin classes for all of our 4-year-old students! Classes will begin with modeling the action of playing on box violins, learning rhythms, and singing melodies in small groups, to then transitioning to making music on brand-new violins! We are thankful for our partnership with Georgia College to bring this exciting program to our ELC students!
Oak Hill Middle School
Inducts New BETA Members
Achievement, Character, Leadership, and Service are the 4 pillars of the National Junior BETA Club. Eleven new members took the BETA pledge and became members of Division II of the National Junior BETA Club at Oak Hill Middle School. New inductees are: Connor Bradley, Maya Puri, Josi Scott, Keziah Calhoun, Charmarcus Thurmond, Tomaris Haynes, Jr., Lyle Sullivan, Christopher Townsend, Teri Anne Bradley, Robert Holmes, and Brihanna Caruthers. Congratulations BETA Club Scholars!
Hands-On Science at
Georgia College Early College
Mrs. Harris’ 8th Grade Science Lab students explored a CK-12 Simulation and completed an in-class lab. Students worked to determine the relationship between temperature and the phase changes of water. In the lab, students practiced writing strong hypothesis statements, making careful observations, and collecting data.
Reading Is FUN at Midway Hills Academy
Students enjoyed guided reading with Mrs. Dunn. They worked in small groups reading and building words with word cards. In Mrs. Dunn's reading class, the focus of learning is on reading strategies, word building, decoding, and fluency. Mrs. Dunn works hard at encouraging all of her students to read independently for pleasure. She wants all of her students to love reading.
Lakeview Primary's Kindness Club
Lakeview Primary School is excited to introduce the 2021-2022 Student Council, also known as "The Kindness Club". They want their main job to be spreading kindness around the school and community. They have come up with ideas to create T-shirts and display monthly acts of kindness. Be on the lookout for what they have in store to spread kindness through the school and community.
Midway Hills Primary Student Council
At Work
Midway Hills Primary 2021-2022 Student Council members chose to tie-dye their own shirts this year. Students selected their own designs and colors. Once the shirts are dried, the school's Student Council emblem will be added.
The purpose of the student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects.
Family-School Partnership Program
Parents are hearing many different acronyms these days that students are learning at school. This week we would like to share the answers to some frequently asked questions about PBIS, our Positive Behavioral Interventions and supports, from the George Sugai National Center on PBIS Neag School of Education.
November 16
November 16
November 17
November 22-26
November 25
December 17
December 17
December 20-January 4
December 25
January 1
January 5
Teacher of the Year Ceremony
Flag Football Game (Away)
Progress Reports
Thanksgiving Break
End of 2nd Nine Weeks/1st Semester
Early Release Day
Winter Break
Christmas Day
New Year's Day
Students Return from Winter Break
Baldwin High School 2022 Basketball Schedule
Infinite Campus is the Baldwin County School District's new student information system and gaining access is easier than ever before. Simply follow the link to two videos that provide step-by-step instructions on how to create an account and login. You can also find this information by clicking the "Infinite Campus" link under the parents tab on
Download the MyStop App Today!
Download the MyStop App Today!
Never worry about where your child's bus is ever again! Thanks to the new and innovative technology that the Baldwin County School District has invested in. As a result, parents of our students can now get real-time updates of their child's bus location through the MyStop app, which is available for download in the iTunes or Android marketplaces.
MyStop provides parents, and parents only, a live look at their child's bus while in transit using GPS technology. Parents can see the exact location of the bus as it's moving along its route and can even provide an estimated time of arrival.
Click on the following links to access district and school websites as well as all of the social media networks for our respective schools in the district. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are the best ways to stay up to date with the latest news and happenings in all of our schools. Give us a like or a follow and help share all the good news that is happening in the district every day!
Click the links below to access our district's strategic plan, Baldwin County Board of Education Board Meetings, Blog, School Web Pages, and About Us.
110 North ABC St.
Milledgeville, GA 31061
Phone: 478-453-4176
Fax: 478-457-3327