October 14, 2021
From the Office of the Bishop
Bishop's Spotlight
Bishop San enjoyed his visitation with St. Alban’s in Salisbury this past weekend where he also got to view and bless the quilts that will be going home with our Agape families this Christmas (see article below). He commends the entire parish for their resilience, love, and dedication as a community living into God’s vision for the Church. He complimented Arlene White, Senior Warden, and other lay leaders who have been doing a wonderful job in leading the parish, particularly in the last two years and as their search process continues. Bishop San also recently visited St. Paul’s in Marion Station – a beautiful church situated in the fields of Somerset County. He commended the pastoral leadership of the Rev. Mike Lokey and the lay leadership, whose example once again showcases how a small church in rural Eastern Shore can be a central worshipping community for fellowship & Christian faithfulness. The Bishop continues to be inspired by the level of commitment that all the parishes across the diocese have been exhibiting during this season of Pandemic – showing great creativity, adaptability, and technological savvy even in the most remote areas of the Diocese. The Bishop is always excited when he goes on his visitations – "Sunday visitations are the most inspiring and fulfilling day of my week!"
Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.

New Dean of the Southern Convocation Announced

Bishop San recently announced the appointment of a new Dean for the Southern Convocation, The Very Rev. David Michaud of St. Peter’s in Salisbury, who accepted the Bishop’s appointment during a meeting last week. The Very Rev. Michael Moyer recently resigned the position to accept a call to be Rector of St. Alban's in Tokyo, Japan. Look for more on Rev. Moyer’s transition in a future eNews as we draw closer to his departure.  
Auditor's Report 2020

The Auditor’s Report for 2020 was presented and approved by the Diocesan Council. The Audit Committee said, “the financial position of the Diocese of Easton is stronger at the end of 2020 than it was at the end of 2019.” This comes in spite of the challenges of Covid that resulted in the temporary closures of churches and camp. We aspire to continue this trend moving forward and are grateful to all who contribute and support God’s work in our myriad communities.

Agape Ministry is planning its annual Christmas party for our children and their families. The event is scheduled for Saturday, December 4th from noon till 3 o'clock at Christ Church, Cambridge. The Optimist Club of Ocean City and Ocean Pines has donated funds for a holiday lunch. Can you help stock the gift "shop"? We need new and gently used toys and games for the children's caregivers to choose from and for the children to pick for their siblings. The children also choose presents for caregiver moms, dads, and grandparents. Popular items have included costume jewelry, lotions, scarves, Christmas items and decorative household items. We often fall short of gifts for men: belts, hats, gloves, socks, tools, lotions, aftershave, wallets. Packaged food items are also appropriate. 

  • Cambridge: Christ Church: 601 Church St / Cambridge (M-Th 10am-3pm)
  • Easton: Office of the Bishop: 314 North Street / Easton (M-Th, 10am-3pm)
  • Stevensville: Camp Wright: 400 Camp Wright Lane / Stevensville (M-F, 9am-3pm)
  • Salisbury: Pat Layton: 301 Powell Ave. / Salisbury (Call Ahead: 410-202-6049)

Interested in being a drop off location? Let us know! 
If you need someone to pick up your donations, contact Pat Layton by phone or text (410-202-6049) and we will arrange pickup.
We will be setting up for lunch and helping kids choose and wrap gifts. Anyone interested in coming should contact Pat Layton as above to sign up.

When Carrie Connelly (St. Alban’s Salisbury) asked her ShoreBirds Quilt Guild to help make quilts for Agape children, she had no idea the amazing response she would get! The guild has a long history of making quilts for charity and so the idea was very well received. The guild decided they would make about 25 quilts to be distributed at Agape week at Camp Wright in June 2020. The quilters got busy and were on their way to meeting this goal when the Pandemic hit.

One thing not affected by COVID was quilting and so by the end of May the Shorebird ladies had made 43 Agape quilts of all shapes, colors and patterns. Although delayed for over a year, the quilts will finally make it home this Christmas as they become a special part of the Annual Agape Christmas Party. The members of St. Alban’s, along with Bishop San, blessed the quilts last Sunday during worship services. We are grateful for the thousands of hours of work donated to give comfort and warmth to each of our Agape children.
4th Mondays at Noon on Zoom
Every 4th Monday of the month the Diocese of Easton, in partnership with Province III, offers an hour-long lunch session for Christian formation educators (including children, youth & adult formation leaders). Our sessions in October, November & January will look at different aspects of ministry in this nebulous time.
  • October 25th: "Living with Covid" - Theological Shifts and Congregations
  • November 22nd: "Healing Trauma: Body Mind Spirit - Part One" - Understanding the Affects of Covid
  • January 24th"Healing Trauma: Body Mind Spirit - Part Two" - Strategies for Helping Our Parishioners (and Ourselves)
Please contact Joanne Fisher or Kate Riley if you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive future invitations - all are welcome.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 2587 9611
Passcode: 935103

October is Diocesan Heritage Month!

In 2015 it was determined that the month of October would be designated as ‘Diocesan Heritage Month’. As part of this year’s observance, we are asking that Sunday, October 24th be celebrated as “Essential Workers Sunday”. Read More. Some ideas to consider for October 24th include:

In addition, I am encouraging every parish to designate any Sunday in October to be Diocesan Heritage Sunday. Read More.
National Make A Difference Day
October 23, 2021

National Make a Difference Day is celebrated on the fourth Saturday of October every year. On this day, communities unite together to make some differences to others. Whether it is big or small, millions of people come together in a common mission to improve society. We encourage you to make a difference in your community.
Attend FORMA for Only $25

Anyone wishing to attend the virtual Forma Conference in January can do so at the discounted cost of $25 by registering through the Diocese. This discount of over $100 is made possible by our partnership with Province 3. Look for registration information in the next eNews or email Joanne Fisher for more information.

The annual Forma Conference is an opportunity to encourage and develop Christian educators, inside and outside the Episcopal tradition, to grow in how they educate and minister. This year, our theme is "The Church for Today and Tomorrow." Read More  
154th Diocesan Convention To Be Virtual
Save the Date – March 5th, 2022

Due to continuing concerns over the Covid-19 pandemic and its variants, our 154th Diocesan Convention scheduled for March 5th, 2022, will be held once again using a digital format. The Bishop extends his deepest appreciation to the Standing Committee and Diocesan Council for their wise counsel and to St. Peter’s Salisbury for their continued flexibility (they have agreed to defer hosting until 2023). The convention committee that helped run the 2021 convention will again gather in planning for 2022.  
Bishop’s Institute Fall 2021 Training Sessions
for Licensed Lay Ministry
Worship Leader Training, via Zoom – Three sessions required
  • Dates: October 20, October 27, and November 3, all Wednesdays
  • Time: 7:00-8:30 pm
  • Resource: Opening the Prayer Book by Jeffrey Lee (available from Amazon)

Eucharistic Minister Training, in person only
  • Dates:
  • Southern Convocation – November 13 - St. Paul’s Episcopal Center, Hebron
  • Northern Convocation – November 20 – Site to be announced
  • Time: 9:30am–Noon
  • Resource: The Cup of Salvation by Beth Wickenberg Ely (available from Amazon)

Eucharistic Visitor Training*, in person only (Participants must have completed E.M. training.)
  • Dates:
  • Southern Convocation – November 13 - St. Paul’s Episcopal Center, Hebron
  • Northern Convocation – November 20 – Site to be announced
  • Time: 1:00–3:30pm
  • Resource: A Manual for Lay Eucharistic Visitors by Beth Wickenberg Ely (available from Amazon)

Please contact Dee Rinehart,, to register or ask questions about training.
* Those who plan to participate in both the EM and EV sessions should pack a lunch.
We had the wonderful opportunity to send Ms. Kathy off to a joyful and exciting retirement last night. Kathy served as Camp Wright's registrar for 20 years and has been the face of our organization for countless camp families and members of our community.
Join us in congratulating her on a job well done and thanking her for all the laughter she brought into our office and our hearts. Enjoy your next chapter, Ms. Kathy! We'll see ya soon!
Two Evenings and a Weekend Retreat
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
of Unfolding Light

We are so grateful to offer these unique events in collaboration with our friends at the Center for Spiritual Deepening.
Whatever your situation or location, we hope you'll join us with Steve Garnaas-Holmes, either in person or via Zoom!

Wednesday November 17th and Thursday November 18th at 7:00 pm

A Weekend Retreat with Steve Garnaas-Holmes  
Writing as a Spiritual Discipline
Friday, November 19th - Sunday, November 21st
The Foehliage Retreat Center , Galena, Maryland

The Foehliage is pleased to offer this in-person weekend retreat with Steve Garnaas-Holmes whose transformative prayer and poetry infuses his readers with gentle inspiration.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Join us anytime for a spiritual retreat on the grounds of The Retreat House --
an opportunity to step away from your daily routine, to pause and to unwind.

Retreat House at Hillsboro has many fall and community offerings!!

To receive our newsletter, and other email offerings, please sign up here. 
You can un-subscribe at any time.

See our calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069, click the buttons below or contact Francie Thayer.
Happenings Around The Diocese
St. Paul's Berlin Open House: October 17, 2021: 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Please join St. Paul's Berlin as they honor their beloved rector, The Very Rev. Michael Moyer for his 22 years of loyal service and wish him well on his journey to his new post in Tokyo, Japan. They are also celebrating the renovation and restoration of their historic church Est. 1825. There will be guided tours of the church and light refreshments.
Christ Church, Cambridge The FUN DOG SHOW IS BACK!
We have all missed the puppy kisses and tail wagging. Come to Sailwinds Park in Cambridge, Maryland on October 30th from 9 am to 2 pm to enjoy the dogs again with a Halloween theme. Click here for flyer.
St. Peter's, Salisbury Inquirers Class begins Novemember 9th. Register Today! Interested in becoming Episcopalian, or just curious about the church? Already Episcopalian but want to know more about the faith? Have some questions about worship, or practices, or beliefs, or something else associated with the Episcopal Church? Sign up and take part in this fall’s adult Inquirer’s Class, Tuesday evenings at 7pm. We will begin with a zoom meeting and decide how we want to meet as a class for future meetings. The class will meet six times to learn and discuss issues regarding Episcopal worship, the prayer book, church history, beliefs, church organization, practices and more. The class is informal and can be tailored to topics the group wants to explore. A schedule and a list of topics is available by clicking here:,
There are no costs but advanced registration is required: email Father David at or call the Parish Office and give name and contact information. Deadline for registration is November 1 – so that Father David can order materials for the class.
Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford Modern Day Missionary On Tuesday, October 5th Holy Trinity’s Mission Team hosted a Zoom presentation by Matt and Lori Stephens. Both Matt and Lori are Master Mariners who one year ago pulled up stakes from their work in the oil industry in Houston to serve as missionaries on the Logos Hope. Matt, Lori, and their two children have been traveling to islands in the Caribbean bringing the Good News of Christ to each port they visit. The overall purpose of their work is to mobilize local churches around the world into gospel mission so that everyone could have the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus.  We recorded their presentation and it is available for viewing by clicking on the link below.

When you click on the link, if your are asked to sign in, just click on the "X" in the upper right hand corner and you will be taken directly to the video.
Note: The Logos Hope Mission is is our October Mission project. Matt and Lori presented that there are missioners from poorer countries on the Logos Hope who need financial support to be able to continue their good work. We would like to respond to Matt and Lori's selfless request for help for these other missioners. If you are interested in making a donation you may address your check to The Church of the Holy Trinity and write "Logos Hope" on the notation line. Thank you!
Christ Church, Easton is looking for someone to lead contemporary music
Job posting is available on our website. If you know someone interested, please have them contact Megan at
Organist Wanted: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Princess Anne, Maryland seeks a part time organist for Sunday services from approximately 9:30-11:30am. St. Andrew’s is a historic church in downtown Princess Anne and is rich in the traditions of the Episcopal Church. We have a beautiful Allen pipe organ with 3 manuals, pedals, and MIDI capabilities. Applicants are expected to have a working knowledge of common Hymns, must be able to read music, and ideally, have experience with liturgy. Ear musicians need not apply. The organist is expected to accompany church holidays, weddings, funerals, evening services as needed, and occasionally other significant services as scheduled. Please submit a detailed resume, complete with past experience in the areas outlined above to the church at
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Joanne. Churches are also encouraged to add to their local enews.

We are quickly approaching the holiday season and we are so excited to see our parish's celebrating with fun activities!! If you have a holiday event you would like to share with the Diocese, please send a brief article to Beth Devenny for inclusion in our future Enews.
St. Stephen's, Earleville Annual Christmas Bazaar is scheduled for Saturday, November 13, 2021 from 9:00am to 2:00 pm. Vendors, homemade baked goods, crafts, raffle, white elephant & of course, Santa Claus and lots of yummy foods to eat including chili & crab bisque!
St. Andrew's, Princess Anne Annual Bazaar is scheduled for Saturday November 13, 2021. Christmas items, baked goods, and white elephant sale items will be offered. There are always a variety of unique and fascinating items to buy including antiques, fine china, and useful household items. If you love bargains, then this is the place to be! Shop early for Christmas to find that one in a million gift. Mark you calendars and check back on this website to learn more as the time approaches.
St. Peter’s, Salisbury will be holding a HOLIDAY BAZAAR and MARKETPLACE on Friday, November 19th (5-8 pm) and Saturday, November 20th (8 am-1 pm). All are welcome in the air-filtered Parish Hall or online, beginning November 1st, at Offerings include unique gifts, oyster fritters, baked goods, wreaths and an astonishing assortment of experiences, services and gift baskets. Check as event nears. 
Holy Trinity Oxford Christmas Bazaar is Back! Re-Imagined!!
Saturday, December 4, 2021 9:00am - 12:00pm
Under a tent on the front lawn - Wreaths, Frozen Foods, Baked Goods, Silent Auction, Mini Trees, Baskets and more! Vendors Wanted - Space very limited.
Contact Sara Wangness 410-226-5017 or Sally Fronk 410-226-1044
Covid 19 Updates
From the Maryland Department of Health If you’ve tested positive for COVID-19, you may qualify for monoclonal antibody treatment. It’s not a cure, but it may lessen your severity of symptoms. Find out if you’re eligible

Maryland Department of Health launched a new public service announcement urging Marylanders to get their annual flu shots. In the new PSA, MDH also encourages eligible Marylanders to consider getting a COVID-19 booster at the same time. Learn more here.
Book your booster / vaccination appointment today. Make an appointment to get vaccinated by visiting or by calling COVID-19 Vaccination Support Center at 1-855-MD-GOVAX (1-855-634-6829) seven days a week, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Find other vax site locations near you at Federal Government vaccine finder - visit or text your zip code to 438829 to find a location near you.
Keep on slowing the spread of COVID-19 by
watching your distance, washing your hands and wearing your mask.
Prayers of the People

Please continue to keep in your prayers those infected with Coronavirus, those who have died as a result of the virus, and medical personnel, first responders and front line workers.
Pastoral Concerns

We pray for the repose of the soul of Brian Patrick Buckley.

We pray for the repose of the soul of The Venerable Reese Rickards. Reese served the Diocese of Easton for 27 years. In 1994, he was assigned Deacon of St. Alban's, Salisbury and in 2000 became the Archdeacon to the Diocese of Easton.

We ask that your prayers be with their families as they grieve their loss.

We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for The Rev. Paula E. Clark bishop-elect of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and her husband, Andrew McLean. The Rev. Kevin Cross. The Rev. Bryan Glancey & Barbs Glancey. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi & Weasie Kamihachi. Art Kendall & Bonnie Kendall. The Rev. Ron Knapp. Art Leiby. Tom Mendenhall. The Rev. George Merrill. Becky Richardson. Larry Samuels. The Rev. Pete Stanton.

We pray for the many lives that have been affected by the Coronavirus. For those who have died; for the family members that mourn their loss. For those who continue to heal and for the skilled caregivers that continue to fight this disease – we pray for you.

Submit prayer requests to: Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise specified. 
Diocesan Prayer Calendar

21st Sunday after Pentecost
(October 17th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Luke’s, Queenstown
and Old Wye Church, as they celebrate their 300th anniversary. For the
leadership of their Rector, the Very Rev. Charlie Osberger and his wife,

22nd Sunday after Pentecost
(October 24th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s, Vienna, and
St. Mary’s, Tyaskin, and for their Rector, the Rev. Dennis Morgan, and his
spouse, Jane.

23rd Sunday after Pentecost
(October 31st)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at All Hallows, Snow Hill
and their Deacon-in-Residence, the Rev. Andrew Cropper.

24th Sunday after Pentecost
(November 7th)
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Andrew’s, Princess
Anne, and for their Deacon-in-Residence, the Rev. Christine Sabas.

For additional weeks, please visit our website.
Communication from the
Office of the Presiding Bishop
Following a churchwide call for applications, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has named 24 delegates—selected from among 70 applicants—to represent the presiding bishop’s office at the United Nations 26th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, also known as “COP26.”
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry of The Episcopal Church is a member of the Circle of Protection Steering Committee . . . Representatives of the Circle of Protection, which is comprised of church organizations with nearly 100 million members in America and abroad, met with White House officials last week to urge passage of the family support bill and voting rights legislation.
Beyond the Diocese
New Online Leader Training Helps Churches Begin
Stephen Ministries St. Louis is now training caring ministry leaders through a live, interactive online training experience called the Bridge Leader’s Training Course (BLTC). This event fully trains Stephen Leaders—the pastors, church staff, and lay leaders who begin and lead Stephen Ministry in their congregation. Learn more here.
To learn more about Stephen Ministry, visit or call (314) 428-2600. Additional information about the Bridge Leader’s Training Course is available at
These grants are intended to provide funding for an Episcopal ministry (or ecumenical ministry with an Episcopal presence) in a diocese, congregation, or college/university that is currently engaging in or seeking a new relationship with young adults on and off college campuses. An informational webinar is offered Oct. 15 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern. Learn more and apply here. 
Episcopal Church Executive Council to meet Oct. 25-28th
The Executive Council of The Episcopal Church will convene a hybrid meeting Oct. 25-28 in Linthicum Heights, Maryland. Read more here.

Are you applying for a 2022 United Thank Offering grant?

Learn helpful hints on the application and budget process.

What: Informational webinar
When: Noon or 7 p.m. ET Oct. 26

Additional webinars will be held in November and January.
Grant application deadline: Feb. 4

Grant applications open for Episcopal Church Constable Fund, Roanridge Trust Applications are open for two grant opportunities offered annually by The Episcopal Church—Constable Fund grants, which focus on religious education, and Roanridge Trust grants, which support leadership development in small towns and rural communities. The application deadline for both is Dec. 12. Learn more here.
Episcopalians can now access analysis of the 2020 Parochial Report data including multi-year attendance and finance trends for individual churches and dioceses, as well as learn how COVID-19 impacted congregations from a special narrative report of qualitative data.
“My Way of Love for Small Groups”
Recommended especially for small congregations, this helpful resource includes outlines for nine sessions, prayers, discussion questions, resource links, and promotional materials. It is ideal for vestries, youth groups, confirmation classes, Bible studies, prayer groups, committees, ministry teams, and more.
“My Way of Love is intended for individuals seeking guidance in growth in love of God and neighbor, but we’ve also found that it’s a great resource for small gathered communities to use,” said Jerusalem Greer, staff officer for evangelism for The Episcopal Church. “A group, any group — inside or outside a congregation — can take the inventory on their own, begin their eight weeks of emails, and then share with each other how the journey is going.”

“My Way of Love for Small Groups” is an initiative of RenewalWorks, a ministry of Forward Movement, and The Episcopal Church.
Episcopal Church applauds US decision to allow more refugee admissions The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations has issued the following statement about President Joe Biden’s Oct. 8 directive raising the refugee ceiling to 125,000 people for fiscal year 2022, which began Oct. 1. Read more here.
Episcopal Relief & Development supports Food for the Poor’s response to earthquake in Haiti Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with Food For The Poor to provide humanitarian assistance to communities in Haiti that were impacted by the recent 7.2 magnitude earthquake.
With the support of Episcopal Relief & Development and other partners, Food For The Poor has designed a multi-step response that will support marginalized communities both in the short term and over time. Learn more here.
Episcopal Church 2021 Blue Book now available
Reports to the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church,” commonly referred to as “The Blue Book,” is now available online and in print. The Spanish translation of this publication, “El Libro Azul,” is also available in both formats.
“I encourage all Episcopalians to read through the research, findings, actions, and summaries contained in the 2021 Blue Book reports,” said the Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, executive officer of the General Convention. “They provide great insight into the myriad work taking place in all facets of The Episcopal Church as we navigate the pressing issues around us and envision our future.” Read more here.
Register now to exhibit at The Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention Registration for exhibit space at the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church is now open to all organizations and vendors. This triennial event is scheduled for July 7–14, 2022, at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland. Space is limited, and over half of the floorplan has been reserved. Read more here.
Church Pension Group Releases 2021 Annual Report The Church Pension Group (CPG), a financial services organization that serves The Episcopal Church, announced the release of its 2021 Annual Report. Through a series of videos, articles, photographs, and graphics, the Annual Report highlights CPG’s commitment to serve as a stable presence for The Episcopal Church even in the most turbulent of times. Read more here.