The Bridge
June 11, 2021
The Mission of St. John’s is to be a community of God’s people who heal brokenness, build bridges, and exemplify borderless kindness.
Service Times
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I (in-person)
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II (in-person and Zoom)
1:00 p.m. Santa Eucaristía, Rito II (en persona)
Sunday Worship at St. John's
We worship God in a variety of ways.
Safety protocols will be observed in the church, i.e., masks, distancing, and limited attendance.
To participate in our virtual Sunday service at 10:30 a.m., you do not need to have a Zoom account or download Zoom. Simply click the link to join.
You may also join the service by telephone -
dial (346) 248-7799 and enter the meeting ID when prompted.
Meeting ID: 879 9502 6837
The Waiting Room is enabled for this event and is monitored by the Host of the day.
Please note: In order to minimize background noise, everyone except those people who have an active role in the service will be muted. At the Prayers of the People, you will be invited to put any personal prayer requests into the "Chat" to be read at the appropriate time.
The 10:30 a.m. English service will be recorded and video will be posted on the St. John's Facebook page, YouTube, and the St. John's website later in the day. Additionally, a recording of the English sermon will be available. Links to the recordings will be posted on our website (Austin St. John's).
Virtual Coffee and Fellowship
Join friends for a virtual coffee "hour" every Sunday! This begins after the 10:30am service (about 11:15am), so just stay on Zoom when the service ends. If you don't attend the service, you can click on this button to join the fun:
Be First to Say Hello
"I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives."
Tracy Chapman, Live Good, Compendium Publishing 2007
As we open our doors to in-person worship, we are seeing new faces - please give them as big a welcome as those longtime friends you haven't seen for a while!
Becoming Beloved Community
Mthr. Minerva and Deacon Victoria rocking their new African style stoles
Deacon Victoria, Sandra Ward, Paula Foy representing
St. John's Racial Justice Team
Lamentation and Healing
A Reflection by Deacon Victoria
Lately, I’ve been reflecting on lamentation. It seems that lamentation is a two-sided coin. On one side, the victim expresses their desire to no longer be victimized. On the other side, the wrongdoer expresses their desire to no longer do harm. When either one calls out to God for help, they are seeking release from the bonds that shackle them to pain and sorrow. In our prayer of confession, we lament the things “we have done and what we have left undone.”
The Sacred Ground Lamentation and Healing Service is our opportunity to lament our national history of enslavement and systemic racism. We are lamenting on behalf of our ancestors and ourselves. We are lamenting intentional and unintentional actions. We are seeking healing justice for those who continue to be victimized by this history. We are also seeking absolution so that we may participate in turning the corner on racial injustice.
Our mission statement declares that we are a community of God’s people who heal brokenness, build bridges, and exemplify borderless kindness. We have an opportunity to make a commitment to fulfill our intentions at this service. Please join us on Wednesday, June 16 at 7:00 pm in person or via Zoom.
On Wednesday, June 16th, (7-8pm) we will be gathering together (in-person and via Zoom) in the church for a special Sacred Ground Lamentation and Healing Service as it relates to “things we have done, and the things we have left undone” regarding social and racial justice.
We invite all members of our congregation and anyone else who is interested to attend. Hope to see you there!
Other Juneteenth Celebrations in and around Austin
(Festivals-Parades-Workshops-Virtual Events):
GEAYA/Central Texas Juneteenth – Parade
June 19, 2021 @ 10:00 a.m.
Parade starts at MLKing Jr Blvd/Salina St. and ends at Chestnut Ave/Pleasant Valley. If you are interested in attending and would like a map of the parade route, please contact Sandra E. Ward at or 916-501-4719.
Park Festival
June 19, 2021 - following Central Texas Juneteenth Parade
Location: Rosewood & Boggy Creek Park
2300 Rosewood Avenue, Austin 78702
Pioneer Farms
June 12, 2021, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Presentations, tours, exhibits, and a special 1890's barbecue lunch. For more information, please click the button below:
St. John's Notices and Activities
Becoming Beloved Community: Celebrating Juneteenth
Wednesday evenings in June - 7:00pm
During the month of June, St. John's Episcopal Church is focusing on the African American experience in Austin and in The Episcopal Church.
June 16 - we will gather together (in-person and via Zoom) in the church for a special Sacred Ground Lamentation and Healing Service as it relates to “things we have done, and the things we have left undone” regarding social and racial justice.
We invite all members of our congregation and anyone else who is interested to attend. Hope to see you there!
Scripture Based Book Study: Thursdays at 10:00am (Zoom)
(please refer to our website or to the Christian Formation email sent every Tuesday for more information and links)
Wednesday Morning Grounds Keepers
Every Wednesday morning at 8:00am, a group of dedicated members gather to keep our grounds and buildings neat and clean. You are invited to join them - for a day, for a month, or regularly. Many hands make light work! If you have questions about this ministry, please contact Hal Hughes (click on the name to send an email).
Labyrinth Community Garden
The Labyrinth Community Garden is growing! Spring veggies and herbs are abundant in the leased raised beds. If you are interested in obtaining a bed for you and your family, please contact Patty Arnold (click on the name to send an email).
Office Volunteers
These volunteers staff the Parish office during the week. The office is open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am-12pm.
Coffee Hour after Morning Services
Thanks to Sheri Rasmussen who has been graciously preparing coffee and tea after the 11:15 and 10:30am services. Sheri is retiring :) so we are looking for an organizer and volunteers to continue preparing the coffee and other refreshments to be enjoyed after this service. Carol Acurso has generously offered to cover on June 13.
This can be an individual, or a group - you can serve every week, one Sunday a month, or occasionally. This ministry includes set up and clean up. It has been suggested that this would be a cool ministry for the MEN of our parish!
We also appreciate Henry Welles and other volunteers who prepare coffee after the 9:00am service.
Heartfelt gratitude to Cindy Cox and Edna Hunter who gave of their time and talent for several years, ensuring we had refreshments after the morning services. They have earned their retirement!
For more information, please contact Fay Jones. (click on the name to send an email).
COVID-19 Related Information
Community Notices and Activities
Please watch the St. John's Facebook pages for notification of events which happen during the week.
For Prayer and Pastoral Care
St. John's is interested in meeting the pastoral needs of our community. If you have prayer requests please contact Sheri Rasmussen. If you need pastoral care please contact Mthr. Minerva or Deacon Victoria. If you would like the Daughters of the King to include you in their prayer list, please contact Sandra Ward. (Click on the name to send an email.)
If you find that your situation is causing financial, spiritual, or emotional difficulties, or if you are in need of food, do not hesitate to call Deacon Victoria (512-297-5953) or contact Mthr. Minerva (
We are a church family; when a family member needs assistance we want to try and help that member.
Our facilities are available for use at limited occupancy. St. John's requires masks at all indoor worship services. Masks are optional at all other events on the St. John's campus. Based on the CDC guidelines, all persons that are not fully vaccinated are encouraged to wear masks while indoors.
Fully vaccinated means:
- Pfizer and Moderna – 2 doses plus a two-week waiting period
- Johnson & Johnson – 1 dose plus a two-week waiting period
The Parish Office is open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am - 12Noon.
Ms. Paula Foy, Senior Warden
Mr. Hal Hughes, Junior Warden
Ms. Sandra Welles, Treasurer
Class of 2022
Ms. Paula Foy
Mr. Hal Hughes
Sra. Rosalinda Rodriguez
Class of 2023
Ms. Jessica Glasebrook, Clerk
Mr. Steve Kriechbaum
Ms. Sandra Welles
Class of 2024
Ms. Maria Caballero
Sr. Alfonso Hernandez
Ms. Sandra Ward
The Rev. Minerva Camarena Skeith, Rector
The Rev. Victoria Mason, Deacon
Ms. Fay Jones, Director of Communications
Mr. Philip Riley, Choirmaster and Organist
Sr. Alfonso Hernandez, Spanish Music
for other ways to make a donation.
You are invited to send photos and stories about yourself, your family, and our parish for inclusion in The Bridge. As we come back together, let's share our experiences! Please send your ideas, stories, and photos to Fay Jones, (newsletter editor) by 12:00 pm on Wednesdays.
Running event announcements two weeks prior to the date is recommended.
Fay Jones, Editor (
St. John's Episcopal Church
11201 Parkfield Drive
P. O. Box 81493, Austin, TX 78708-1493
Sunday Services
(In-Person in the Church)
9:00 am Holy Communion Rite I
10:30 am Holy Communion Rite II - hybrid (Zoom)
1:00 pm Santa Eucaristía, Rito II
For more information about St. John’s Episcopal Church, please visit our website at