All events will be recorded and available to anyone who registers. So, please register for all the events, even if you can't attend at the time they are shown!
select "This order contains a gift"
ship to "Jennifer Constantin's Gift Registry Address"
Congratulations to Shandrick Tasby, a former LACUE Region 7 Elementary Teacher of the Year, who was selected to serve on a
Flipgrid advisory board on Accessibility + Inclusive Design
As you know LACUE offers free membership, but did you know the many benefits of being a member of LACUE? We have a series of FREE virtual professional development events continuing through the end of this year. Check your email frequently so you don't miss out!

We also have all of our events listed on the LACUE website -

Why not invite all your colleagues to join LACUE, too! 
Special Thanks to our
Generous Sponsors