April Watershed News
Topics: Earth Day | Greenfielding at Coleman's Canyon Preserve
Salamander Surveys at Rebecca Springs | New Species' Name Honors David Baker
Texas House Backs Green Infrastructure | Bacteria Monitoring - Cypress Ck and Blanco Rv
Lowest Groundwater Level Recorded in Mt. Baldy | Upcoming Events

Every Day is Earth Day
Happy official Earth Day from everyone at the Wimberley Valley Watershed Association!

It's been a busy Spring. In this edition of the Watershed News, we're highlighting some of the WVWA stewardship activities and news made possible through support, partnerships and collaboration. Our Land, Water, and Connection initiatives are powerful tools to protect and conserve water resources in the Hill Country.

Thanks for doing your part, learning, lending your voice, and supporting the solutions that are truly making a difference. We're all in this together, and the challenges facing our region need a collective response.
Recycling, upcycling, & greenfielding at Coleman's Canyon

When WVWA purchased the Coleman's Canyon property in 2019, there was a lot of work needed to restore the land. Perhaps the biggest project was greenfielding the derelict buildings-removing structures and impervious cover. Finding opportunity in...

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Rebecca Springs, salamander surveys, and WHY they matter

Salamanders are sensitive critters. With external gills and limited habitats, they are good indicators of groundwater health. They rely on clean, clear, flowing springs to maintain healthy populations. Low water levels in aquifers lead to less...

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New Species Described at Jacob's Well Honors David Baker

The karst springs of the Texas Hill Country are unique and specialized environments. Thanks to a collaboration of biologists, a new species-Stygobromus bakeri-has been described from 4 central Texas limestone karst springs; Jacob's Well Spring...

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Texas House backs green solutions to water problems

Green Infrastructure funding received strong support as HB 2350 passed the House! This bill would help make fund nature-based solutions to reduce pollution and flooding. Wimberley's One Water School is a prime example of green infrastructure...

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Ecoli Bacteria Monitoring - Cypress Creek and Blanco River

The Wimberley Water Advisory Group, a group of volunteers, has monitored both Cypress Creek and the Blanco River near Wimberley for E. Coli bacteria for decades. Long-time supporters of this data gathering effort, the WVWA is coordinating with...

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Lowest Groundwater Level Recorded Since 2005

Groundwater, springs, creeks, and rivers are connected in the Hill Country. In March, groundwater levels in the HTGCD Mt. Baldy monitor well, a Middle Trinity Aquifer (Cow Creek) well, reached the lowest level recorded since Nov. 2005.

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The Wimberley Valley Watershed Association is a 501c3 non-profit organization. In order to carry out our mission, we rely upon generous donations by people like you who care about protecting and preserving the natural beauty of the Hill Country. Your contributions are tax-deductible. 
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