Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week while we are Physically Closed but Spiritually Open.
Spotlight On: 

Weekend Celebrations!
June 13th is a Celebration Sunday:  proudly honoring both the 335th Birthday of King's Chapel, and "Pride," the celebration of LGBTQ+ members here and worldwide as God's beloved children.  Both are stories of God's unending love, of tenacious human spirit, and of death and resurrection over and over. With hearts full of gratitude we fling out our arms to welcome all this Sunday! 

As part of our celebrations, we will welcome David Waters as a new member during our Morning Light service.  At our Morning Prayer service our full choir will perform joyous, traditional music as their farewell for the summer. You won't want to miss what Heinrich and they have prepared. We look forward to hearing the full choir again at our Homecoming Sunday on September 19th, which we hope will be both in person and virtually. Mark your calendars for September 19th and watch for more news.  
From the Minister

My Dear Friends--

I smile to think we find ourselves at last in Ordinary Time. We could be forgiven for thinking that the "ordinary" in Ordinary Time refers to the ordinariness of a time outside of Christmas or Easter, or their preparatory seasons of Advent and Lent. But no, that "ordinary" comes from the Latin ordo, from the innovation of ordering, or numbering, these Sundays outside of the church's other seasons. Of course, we're a people fond of order, aren't we? We like things numbered and categorized, made orderly and legible, the better for us to understand and catalog them.

This Sunday I wonder if we can hear the challenge in Mark's Gospel. "With many such parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it." Why parables? Why these stories that so often confuse and confound? You've probably heard me say by now that part of our call as a people of faith is to show up not only for the glories of Christmas and Easter, or even for the profundities of Advent and Lent, but rather to show up Sunday after Sunday in Ordinary Time-to come, again and again, to abide with one another in faith as we gather round the table to offer our sacrifice of praise and attend to our sacred stories. In this way we travel together, a pilgrim church on a pilgrimage of faith, turning over those stories, listening to them again and again, each time catching a glimpse of something new, developing the ears to hear and the eyes to see what Jesus has to say to us, here, today. Dear friends, what a joy to be with you on the journey!

In faith and love,
News and Announcements

Minister for Education David Waters - Summer Program Away from King's Chapel

As part of David's preparation for ordination, he is working full time until the beginning of August at Hebrew Senior Rehabilitation facilities in a "pastoral clinical education" program.  This intensive course of pastoral care, supervision, and group trainings is a prerequisite for his next steps forward. As a consequence, David will not be available for ongoing church matters at this time, and we ask that you reach out instead to our Senior minister, Joy Fallon for ongoing pastoral, worship or program concerns, or to our Parish Administrator, Gretchen Horton on other issues. Both David and Joy will preach during the summer, and one will always be available for any emergency pastoral needs. At the completion of David's coursework in August, we will update you on his new availability; we rejoice that his service with the church continues for another two years.  Thank you for continuing to support David by prayer and deed as he explores his call to ordained Unitarian ministry.
Pride Month Block Party
Friday, June 11th from 5:00-6:00 PM on Zoom

This is King's Chapel's 11th year of formally celebrating Pride with LGBTQ+ community members and their allies.  Join us for a virtual Pride block party on Zoom:  Friday, June 11 from 5-6 PM.  Register here and come celebrate with us!

A highlight of the festivities will be a short video by Sudeep Agarwala, a long-time singer in the King's Chapel Choir, about his beautiful two-Dad family. Love is love, and it will warm your heart!

Do you have a memory of queer history at King's Chapel?  Please feel free to share it at the block party.  
Please consider wearing rainbow clothing, beads, stick-on tattoos... whatever Pride regalia you like... someone might win a "Best Rainbow" award! Check local businesses such as  The Garment District,  Boston Costume, or Boomerangs for costumes and accessories (optional but strongly encouraged). 
King's Chapel Trivia Night!
Thursday, June 17 at 5:30 PM on Zoom

Join the King's Chapel History Program on Thursday, June 17 for a Member's Trivia Night! Celebrate King's Chapel's 335th birthday and test your knowledge of King's Chapel history during this fun, casual event.
In This Issue
Sunday Services

June 13, Morning Light  9:00 AM on Zoom 
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Skip Lewan, Music
  • Mary Katherine Morn, Lector
June 13, Morning Prayer
Available to watch all day on YouTube 
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
  • James Bockmier, Lector
Scripture: Mark 4: 26-34

Did you miss last Sunday's service? If so, click here to watch the sermon. 
From the Bench
We wrap up this weird and wonderful virtual season this Sunday for our KC birthday Morning Prayer, the last video we will assemble before changing to the summer schedule and fervently looking forward to Homecoming in September.

The celebratory organ music is Christopher Steel's Flourish, as well as the suitably titled Festive Finale by Phil Lehenbauer.

Our hymns are perennial favorite O God, Our Help in Ages Past and Forward Through the Ages, with boisterous descants to send you off to your summer celebrations.

In a normal year, Daniel Pinkham's setting of The Forman Benediction is the last piece the choir sings for the season. So that will be our anthem this Sunday, with words by our beloved former affiliate minister Charles Forman, and music written by Dan for the 2001 UUA general assembly in Boston.
Upcoming on Zoom

Pride Block Party!
Friday, June 11 | 5:00 PM
Please register in advance here.

Bible Study
Wednesday, June 16 | 6:15 PM

Coffee with the Clergy
Thursday, June 17| 10:00 AM

King's Chapel Members Trivia Night
Thursday, June 17| 5:30 PM
Giving to King's Chapel

Please consider a stewardship offering in a spirit of thanksgiving to help us through this challenging time.  Every single gift in any amount is equally valued and helps enormously.

Prayer Circle 

The King's Chapel Prayer Circle, led by Cynthia Perkins, stands ready to pray for any who request it, in complete confidence.  

To request prayers, contact one of the clergy: Joy or David
or Cynthia Perkins:
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Communications Coordinator Jennifer Roesch with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5:00 PM.
Need to reach us?

While we are not physically at our offices, you can reach us via email. You can find our contact information with office hours on our website.
Summer Barbecues in the Garden are Back! First one on June 22 at 6:00 PM

As in years past, Joy and Bob Fallon invite you to join them for BBQs in the Garden.  How wonderful it will be to see each other safely again, in person! They will provide the main course (hamburgers, hotdogs and veggie burgers); all else (salad, beverage, dessert) is potluck.  If you are more comfortable eating food you have prepared yourself, please bring whatever you want. To still maintain distances, we will sit only four per table. If you are not fully vaccinated, we ask you to wear a mask when not eating. 

RSVP to Laura to let us know you are coming, what you will bring, and if you can help with set up or clean up.

Save the dates for the other BBQs: July 22 and August 19!
Summer 2021 Updates

Summer Worship Schedule & Prep for Reopening this Fall

As is true each year, after our Birthday Sunday in June, we move to our summer worship schedule. This summer, we will host a weekly Zoom service at 9 AM for all of those interested in in live worship by zoom.  The great advantage of this setting is that you can see and interact with the other worshippers. Each Sunday either Joy or David will preach, and Skip Lewan will lead us in music. If you have never participated in the 9 AM Morning Light service, this summer may be a good chance to try it out. We think you'll find a warm and supportive community. Click here to register for the Zoom link. You can also view the online calendar on our website. 

We also will offer three traditional Morning Prayer services available on YouTube for July 18, August 15 and September 12.  These services either will be a pre-recorded service or a real-time live-streamed service at 11AM, the regular time of Morning Prayer. Which method we are able to use will depend upon our ability to secure the necessary equipment and expertise.  Ideally, by the time of our return to live worship at the church on September 19, we will be able to offer a "hybrid" in-person and live streamed service from the main church. Internet access at King's Chapel has been upgraded, and staff are now making decisions about needed technology.  If you have specific knowledge about live-streaming productions, please let Gretchen know ( ). We welcome your prayers, patience and feedback on the services, as we experiment and learn. 
Editor's Note about the Between Sundays Newsletter this Summer

Starting next week, we will be sharing a shortened version of our weekly Between Sundays newsletter through the rest of the summer. We hope this will give us more time to prepare for our reopening this September, while still giving you all the updates and information you need. 

Submissions are still welcomed! Please contact Jennifer for short blurbs and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5:00 PM. 
From the Community Action Committee

Father's Day Gifts for Peace

Only two weeks until Father's Day!  This year, why not mark the day by making a donation to the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute through our King's Chapel Teamand supporting them in working for healing and peace for people in our community affected by violence?  Our team is 74% of the way towards our $10,000 goal-can you help us over the finish line?  All gifts of any size are immensely appreciated.  Thank you to the many people who have donated already.
Sandwiches and Worship with common cathedral

Last Sunday, King's Chapel members and friends came together with neighbors at common cathedral to share sandwiches and spiritual refreshment at their outdoor service for the unhoused, which has been meeting on Boston Common for over twenty years.  Thank you to all who helped make this happen:

Becky Wittenburg for being our faithful shopper and Kent Wittenburg for helping with delivery and making the sandwiches; Jennifer Kronstain, Nadia Stevens, Paula O'Keefe, Sally Brewster, Ciael Hills, Amanda Pickett and Carol Genovese for making sandwiches;
Carol Genovese, Emanuel Genovese, and Tim Nelson-Hoy for sharing the meal and attending common cathedral's worship service on Boston Common

For the first time in a long time a few of us were able to share not only food, but worship and community with our neighbors, in person, as they held their service by Brewer Fountain.  We cannot express how good it was to see the familiar faces of our neighbors, and to pray and sing with them as we used to do so often before the pandemic.

Again and again we heard people from common cathedral express gratitude for King's Chapel's consistent and reliable presence, this Sunday and many before. 
From the Environmental Action Initiative

Volunteers Invited (Needed!) to Join in Next Bell Ringing

The Environmental Action Initiative will once again ring our Revere and Son bell for Climate Action this month, on Friday the 11th at 11:00 A.M., to call attention to the eleventh hour of the climate emergency.  We need one more stalwart to help ring, and an unlimited number of volunteers to stand in front of the Chapel to call attention to the ringing and its meaning. Contact Sylvia Soderberg (617) 710-6320 if you can join. You can call or text this number. Do join us!
Small Steps to Greener Living
From the King's Chapel Environmental Action Initiative

Supplement your dish washing equipment with a soap bar. There is some disagreement about how well they work but you can experiment and see if a bar works well enough for you.