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Winter Clothing Donation Event

The sad aftermath of the White Rock Lake Fire offers everyone an opportunity to unite and share in the experience in their own way.

A small group of volunteers in neighboring communities along the Westside has pulled together to try to offer some seasonal ‘comfort’ to those that lost the most. It is a chance for the community to come together and give a warm hug and pass their love along. Donations of winter coats, jackets, cozy sweaters and fleece and winter hats and mitts are the focus to give away of this drive to share the love.

Donations of the winter gear will be offered to those who lost homes and possessions and were impacted by the White Rock Lake Fire on a Drop In basis at the Killiney Beach Community Hall located at 516 Udell Road off of Westside Rd , Vernon.

Families can expect to come in at their leisure and simply select whatever they desire.

DROP IN HOURS for families impacted by the WRLF are: 

MONDAY OCT 18 11am-2pm

THURSDAY OCT 21 11am-2pm 

FRIDAY OCT 22 3pm -6pm

SATURDAY OCT 23 11am-2pm

MONDAY OCT 25 11am-2pm

In the event that there are still donations left after the families have visited, the space will be open to the general public. We will be accepting cash donations for goods and will pass these donations on to families that were directly impacted. 

This is an opportunity for all of those neighbors and friends who would like to make a contribution directly to families to come to the Hall and contribute to the event to support families. 

Ladies and gentlemen, please feel free to come in and Shop.

DROP IN HOURS for the general public are:

THURSDAY OCT 28 11am-2pm

SATURDAY OCT 30 11am-2pm

Regional Covid safety standards will be observed.


Thank you to all the volunteers along Westside for your empathy and energy,

and thank you to all that contributed to this worthy event.

Contact Wendy for more information