You Are Not Your Diagnosis

I am super excited to announce that I became a Certified Energy Codes Coach, which is a potent Program that hugely enhances and magnifies the healing potential in all of us. I introduced some of the Energy Codes practices and principles to a long term client 3 months ago. Energy Codes is a profound system which helps us integrate Body-Mind-Breath for authentic healing and wellness.

To gauge the progress, and start to share the content and practices of the Program, I created 7 questions, the answers to which are provided below in my client's own words:
1.   What did you discover?  I discovered that I was not my diagnosis. Over the past several years, from your PT/MFR(MyoFascial Release) Therapy sessions. I was able to end a 3 year long regimen of using opioids and significantly reduce my levels of pain. Over the past 3 months, I discovered that my physical body could be further released from its restrictions by developing skills and implementing practices from your new Mind-Body-Breath approach. I found that it enabled me to work more directly in addressing the root cause of my detriorating lack of mobility. I discovered that aging does not necessily have to be debilitating.
2.  How does that tie to your symptoms and diagnosis? My symptoms are extreme tightness in my neck and mid-back, limiting my mobility, producing pain and fatigue. I was diagnosed with a rare No Cause No Cure disease. Under your care, my symptoms are well managed, yet rebounding of tightness makes it an all-consuming effort to maintain a modest amount of mobility.
3.  What was your sense of taking a Mind-Body-Breath approach? My sense of success in trying your Mind-Body-Breath approach is that I started to experience longer periods of time when I was almost non-symptomatic, coupled with significantly less rebounding.
4.  How did your perception shift? My Mindset shifted through hands-on therapy and self-therapy, reinforced by repetition of instructional and custom audios, all aimed at integration of Mind-Body-Breath.
5.  What new practices have you adopted?
  • Extensively employing my new skill of deep breathing.
  • Attaching intension of unconditional love to each deep slow IN breath
  • Attaching intensions of awareness/acceptance to each deep slower OUT breath
  • Repeatedly listening to your audios on Unconditional Love, Deep Breathing, and Deep Body Relaxation (Click on Link to Listen to Audios)
  • Repeatedly listening to your customized instructional audios from each therapy session
6. With all your exploration, what did you discover was holding you back from opening your body up mentally, emotionally and energetically?
  • My attitude on healing flipped when I absorbed the fact that only 5% of thinking is conscious. I was trying to consciously think my way to wellness, which simply does not work or everyone would do it. This wasted a lot of time.
  • With 95% of thoughts coming from my subconscious, I knew my best path to healing was to develop skills to better connect my mind to my always-in-the-present-moment body. I had to EXPERIENCE the result to believe the path.
  • The hardest part of the Mind-Body-Breath approach to healing my chronic pain was acceptance of the science behind taking a Mind-Body-Breath approach, and the challenge I created by not sooner opening up my analytical mind to let go enough to enable my body to heal itself.
  • A very significant element of the Mind-Body-Breath approach (besides further developing my essential skill of deep breathing) was repetition of message. Repetition of information contained in your instructional and custom audios was a big part of transferring that new information from conscious to subconscious, making change easier.
7. What have you observed and learned about yourself? As it turns out, quite a bit! Probably the best advice I could give the readers of this BLOG is that all of my changes would not have occurred without your help and further developing a keener sense of moment-to-moment awareness. In my experience, and as you have taught me, there is no change without awareness.
  • I realized that to heal I needed to change, and trusted you enough to follow your guidance to strengthen my Mind-Body-Breath connection
  • I observed that at times I was angry and defensive, hiding behind a sense of guilt, the awareness of which was aided by applied kinesiology testing
  • I have softened my body by being anchored in unconditional heart-centered love and giving my emotions space for their energy to flow through me
  • I learned that healing is an inner journey, driven by truth and love, with truth for me defined as being unhidden, being more straight-up of who I am, and also accepting the truth behind being in every moment, irrespective of the external environment.
  • I learned to release my mind, thoughts, analysis, and let go, and to breathe into my heart, so that my mind could be directed to follow where it can create that necessary time between stimulus and response to calm and filter how I react
  • I learned to take responsibility for myself as the creator of my own vitality, excited about the healing potential of connecting Mind-Body-Breath
  • I know that I want to feel OK inside, and that healing is a process, the success of which is a matter of awareness and acceptance of life as it unfolds
I am pleased and fulfilled to hear this beautiful share from my client and honored to witness such a beautiful transformation.

I will be sharing more of the content and practices of the new information, and I intend to create an online learning experience with more teachings and private coaching for deeper support.

Are you ready to awaken to your full potential?

What questions do you have?

How can I support you?

True healing can only happen from the inside out...

In Love and Health,
