March , 2017
Tony Scinta
The early returns suggest that at least some of you are happy with this weekly newsletter (which is fantastic!), but so far it has been a one-way street, from the Provost’s office to you. To borrow an idea that first originated with NSC’s own Aaron Wong, we would like to hear about the great things happening in your world.  If you have something to share, send it our way!  We’re interested in the big things you do, but also under-the-radar efforts, like a small change that improved exam scores or increased student satisfaction. Don’t hesitate to spread the good word. 

For my part, this past week I met with President Patterson’s Executive Leadership Team and the Executive Budget Committee to continue working towards a final college budget for fiscal year 2018. This critical process began with budget requests from every campus division, and one of our foremost goals, guided by extensive analysis and number crunching from Kevin Butler’s office, has been to rank order and fund as many worthy strategic initiatives requests as our resources will allow. The process is ongoing, but we are headed in the right direction and will provide updates as the budget crystallizes.

Richard Yao
Did you know about the  Nevada State College Student Veterans’ Club?

Last summer, a volunteer group consisting of Sandi Patton, Fran Wilson, Betty Kim, and myself proposed a plan to increase the presence and support services for our student veterans.  Throughout the course of the year, NSC has collaborated with UNLV’s Military and Veterans Services Center and various veterans community groups to inform our work in developing more robust programming at NSC.  Perhaps most importantly, the Nevada State College Student Veterans’ Club was recently recognized by NSSA.  Under the leadership of President Bianca Islas and faculty co-advisors Sandi Patton and Fran Wilson, the club has worked diligently to promote the awareness of veterans’ issues and develop an institutional culture of inclusion for veterans.  ( Read more about their projects here.)
Sandip Thanki
Ever wonder how many veterans we serve each semester?

In Fall 2016, NSC had 122 veterans enrolled. This was a 7% growth from our fall 2012 enrollment of student veterans.  Since our inception in fall 2002, over 420 veterans have enrolled at NSC and over 80 have earned a bachelors degree. About 52% of our veteran students have been women.
Laura Naumann

Attention full-time faculty—Please complete my short survey on Supporting Faculty Scholarship by this Friday. The survey is anonymous and takes less than 5 minutes to complete. While portions of the survey are geared towards untenured faculty, tenured faculty (and lecturers) are welcome to respond about ways that NSC can support you in continuing your scholarship. I will use this information to inform programming during the academic year and for the Summer Scholarship Institute. Applications for Summer Scholarship Institute will be released in early April in conjunction with CTLE-sponsored workshops on developing Scholarship of Teaching and Learning projects

Gregory Robinson
I am so excited to make this announcement! This summer, Dr. Gwen Sharp and I will be leading a five week online class for NSC full-time faculty about best practices in online teaching. Nicknamed "Top Gun" by the NSC faculty that created it, this class will help you:
  • Improve your “teaching presence” as an online instructor
  • Learn more about current pedagogical strategies for online teaching
  • Increase active learning in online classes
and much more. If you are interested, please write Gregory for more information.  
Faculty Updates
Check out Christian Cervantes, an NSC Course Assistant, who took his presentation on diabetes to a new level in Pam Call's NURS 380 class
NSC Office of the Provost | 702-992-2663 |
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