Operator School is Next Month
Afternoons only | Tu/Th, February 2 - 28 | Online
Register now for ABC's Digester Operator School, taking place every Tuesday/Thursday afternoon in February! Our course, designed by Operators for Operators, Operations Managers and Digester Owners, is an all-virtual, interactive experience and even includes digester tours!

These are live classes where our expert instructors will lead you through the course content--full of everything you need to maximize performance of your digester(s) and avoid costly and smelly mistakes--and answer your questions.

Afterwards, you'll be a part of the alumni of Operator School students, who are a resource for help anytime after the course ends. You'll also meet your educational requirements to become an ABC Certified Operator.
To make it easy to operate your digester AND attend Operator School, our virtual school is held in just 3-hour blocks on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-4pm ET throughout February. From February 2-28, you'll earn up 21 valuable PDHs* in total and complete 9 sectors covering the science of anaerobic digestion, pumps, hydraulics, mechanical systems, odor management & prevention, safety, and more.

Note: This is the ONLY virtual Operator School planned for this year. In-person Operator School will be held at BIOGAS AMERICAS in Chicago this May and during the summer at the University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh.
ABC Members should log into the Member Portal of the ABC website to receive their member discount.
*21 PDHs applies only to full program attendees who attend all sessions.
Full Program (21 PDHs):

$1,700 for non-members
$1,400 for ABC members
Single sessions (3 PDHs each):

$350 for non-members
$200 for ABC members
Our Virtual Platform
With our popular virtual platform, you will network with instructors and fellow attendees face-to-face just by turning on your camera and microphone! 

Included in tuition are 360 degree virtual tours of two digesters, given by the actual operators running those sites. We'll get right into maintenance, issues to avoid with common pieces of equipment, and best practices to avoid costly, and sometimes smelly(!), mistakes.
Schedule at a Glance
Thurs. Feb. 2
1 & 2
Fundamentals of Anaerobic Digestion,
Applying the Fundamentals to Operations
Tues., Feb. 7
Math for Digesters
Thurs., Feb. 9
4 & 5
Mechanical Systems, Hydraulics
Tues., Feb. 14
Safety - Part 1
Thurs., Feb. 16
Safety - Part 2
Thurs., Feb. 23
6 & 7
Lab testing and What Does it All Mean, Odor Management & Prevention
Tues. Feb. 28*
Gas Utilization
*There is no class on February 21 due to Presidents Day.
About the American Biogas Council
The American Biogas Council is the only national trade association representing the entire biogas industry in the U.S. We represent over 300 companies in all parts of the biogas supply chain who are dedicated to maximizing the production and use of biogas from organic waste. Biogas systems protect our air, water and soil by recycling organic material, like food waste and manure, into renewable energy and soil products. Learn more online at, Twitter @ambiogascouncil, and LinkedIn.
American Biogas Council
1211 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20036