HOVC Scouter Newsletter | August 12th, 2022

Featured in the August 10th Scouting with Heart Newsletter

Cub Scouts with Pack 436 enjoy their annual Raingutter Regatta on August 6th!

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Scouting Days at Kings Dominion

Put your hands up in the air and get excited for Scouting Days at Kings DominionAugust 26th - 27th! Tickets to visit the park are $41 per person, and $51 (this is a correction) per person if you'd also like to camp overnight.  For every ticket sold, HOVC will receive $5.00!

[Get Your Scouting Days Tickets]

Scouts Are Heading Back-to-School

As our Scouts and their families return to school in the coming weeks, we'd like to wish each and every one a happy, healthy, and successful school year! We look forward to supporting you in all of your adventures and accomplishments in the 2022-2023 Year in Scouting.  Bring a buddy to your next Pack or Troop meeting, and if they join, you'll receive your first Recruiter patch free of charge!

[Get the Recruiter Patch Form]

Winter Camp Registration Opens Now!

Don't sit around this winter being bored. Get your Scouts together and come to Winter Camp! We are pleased to announce that registration for 2023 Winter Camp at T. Brady Saunders opens TODAY at noon. Space is limited and this event fills up quickly, so please register early.

[Register for Camp]

[Get the Flyer (PDF]

Join A New Venturing Crew at TBS!

We are excited to announce the development of a brand new Council-sponsored Venturing Crew based out of Camp T. Brady Saunders! This special Crew will have an emphasis on shooting sports like archery, rifle, and shotgun. An Interest Meeting for prospective Scouts is scheduled for Sunday, September 18th at 2:00pm in the TBS Administration Building. No registration or RSVP is necessary to attend!

[Get Interest Meeting Info.]

National Summertime Pack Award All-Stars

From picnics and Raingutter Regattas to ball games and fishing derbies, Cub Scout Units have planned and participated in many fun and engaging activities this summer We want to know: Are YOU on target for the Summertime Pack Award? Visit the link below and let us know what your Pack has been up to and we'll add you to our All-Stars!  Big shout out to Packs 340, 876, 902, 2835, 521, and 360 for making great use of the summer months.

[Take the Survey and Apply for the Award]

“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.

- Malala Yousafzai

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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