Gut flora, Covid and Health

News from the makers of yourgutplus+ and Phyto-V

The distributors of the probiotic Yourgutplus+ and phytochemical rich whole food supplement Phyto-V, both used in the recently published National Covid-19 nutritional intervention study, wish to apologise for their delay in sending out orders due to the very high demand.

They have reassured us that all will be resolved within 48 hours.

In the mean time, a detailed gut health page is available providing detailed information on:

  • Why gut health is so important,
  • What happens when it goes wrong,
  • Practical tips to maintain a healthy gut
  • The evidence for pro/prebiotic supplements

They have also informed us that there will be a shortage of Phyto-V until June. As well as the lifestyle strategies highlighted in the link above, they have recommended Pomi-T as the best alternative. This is another unique phytochemical rich rich purified food source which was also evaluated in a major study.

Many of the ingredients are identical to those in Phyto-V and the other ingredients also have similar high levels of healthy phytochemical which are known to have strong synergy with probiotics, by acting as prebiotics, as well as abilities to reduce excess inflammation, restore oxidative pathways and even also have potential anti-viral properties.