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Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Services for this week

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Kabbalat Shabbat

Friday, 6 PM

Shabbat Morning Services

Saturday, 10 AM

Community Havdalah

Saturday, 8:30 PM
Kavvanah of the Week
This year we are exploring kavvanot - short orientations or intentions that reflect the part of ourselves that we bring to a particular moment.
Kavvanot can be used for moments and actions of any size and significance.

For taking a test:
Holy One
today I will be tested.
I pray:
lift up my knowledge
so when I reach for it
it will be there
ready to set in place.
shine your light
on my intuition
so that what I barely know
will come into clear focus.
guide my intelligence
so that I may skillfully join
idea to idea
question to answer.
and when I am done
let me celebrate
with all that I am.

Rabbi Deborah Silver
Torah Service Prayer
Here is the new prayer we have created for our Torah service. Thank you to Elliot Finkelstein for the idea! Please join in from home.

Nishmat Kol Hai, Breath of Life
bless the people of this community
their families and their friends
here and at home.
HaShekhinah, Beloved One
bless our neighbors in this city
may we live in harmony
may we be proud of each other.
HaTzur, Protecting One
bless this country, its government,
all who strive for its welfare
all who risk themselves to protect it.
Elohei Avoteinu, God of our ancestors
bless the land of Israel
may it flourish in hope and in honor
spread over it a shelter of peace.
Ma’ayan Hayyenu, Wellspring of our lives,
bless the Jewish people
may we be ambassadors of our tradition
may we be spared from distress and shame.
Hamakom, All-present One
bless the world and all that is in it
help us defend it and preserve it
for the generations that will follow us.
May all this be so,
And we say,
Parashot Behar + Bechukkotai
Shabbat Mevarchim HaChodesh
Torah: Leviticus 25:39 - 26:46
Maftir: Leviticus 26:44-46
Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19 - 17:14

The Torah reading for this week is in the panel above. If you do not have a Humash at home you can find it on the link below. We are reading Triennial Year 2, but you might like to read the full portion (“Full Kriyah”).
Our Shabbat brochure with yahrzeits and simchas for this week is attached. You might wish to take special notice of those who are sick and take a moment to direct your thoughts towards them.
Thank you!
Thank you to all those listed below who performed the mitzvah of supporting our community this past week.
Caring Committee Fund

In memory of George Lew
From: Elliott Lew

General Fund

In honor of all who helped put together the Jazz Seder video, including Mr. Omer!
From: Kat Kay

In honor of the affirmation of Sam and Karl Mintz
From: Dr. Daniel Mintz & Dr. Sarah Allison
Yahrzeit Fund

In memory of Herman Cohen
From: Jonathan & Jeanne Cohen

In memory of Patsy Kanter
From: Nathan & Robin Lew
Contact Us

Ricardo Totah
Executive Director 
Meryl Zimmerman 
Education Director

Sarah Lustig
Office Assistant
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