Volume 12, Issue 15 | Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

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Have a happy and safe spring break!
Please submit self-certification on April 6; school resumes April 7
Spring break will take place Monday, March 29 through Monday, April 5. Tuesday, April 6 will be a non-student attendance day due to our schools being used as polling places for the election. School will resume on Wednesday, April 7.

As we head into spring break, we encourage everyone to continue to practice the 3Ws (Wear your mask--Watch your distance--Wash your hands). We know, despite this, that you or a family member may find yourself experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or may even find that a member of the household tests positive for the virus. While we hope that this will not be the case, we want you to know what to do about school if it does.

We ask that our families continue to reach out to our school offices over the break and provide an update via phone message or email notifying us of any health updates. As we did in January at the conclusion of our holiday break, we ask that all families reinitiate the daily certification form on Tuesday, April 6 even though it is not a day of school attendance for students.

Our offices will be open on Tuesday to review these messages and certification forms in order to help support families. Additionally, you may call the office on Tuesday, April 6 during regular business hours to speak to office staff.

If you travel, we encourage you to review this applicable guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Additionally, you may have noticed a few symptoms no longer listed on your child’s daily self-certification form. As of March 16, the health department has removed abdominal pain, congestion/runny nose and nausea from the list of COVID-19 symptoms requiring school exclusion. As always, we encourage students who are not well to stay home to rest and recover; however, these three symptoms alone will no longer require our students to quarantine. The current guidance regarding exclusion can be found here.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership as we work as a community to support health and safety in our schools! Have a great spring break!
Reminder: District 58 extends instructional day starting April 7
District 58 is pleased to extend the instructional school day beginning Wednesday, April 7. Please see Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell's March 15 email for more information on this transition. Starting April 7, District 58 will implement the following schedule for all students (full remote and onsite):

Preschool Schedule: No change to the current schedule
  • Blended Sessions: 8:15-9:45 a.m., 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m., 1:15-2:45 p.m.
  • Special Programs: 8:15-10:30 a.m., 12:30-2:45 p.m.

Full Day Elementary Schedule: 
  • A.M. Kindergarten: 8:20-10:50 a.m.
  • P.M. Kindergarten: 12-2:30 p.m.
  • Grades 1-6: 8:20 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Full Day Middle School Schedule: 
  • 8:30 a.m.-2:20 p.m.
  • 2:25-3:00 p.m.: Band/Choir/Orchestra
Parent education: Learn more about District 58's new math curriculum
District 58 implemented Bridges in Mathematics, a new math curriculum, this year for students in grades K-8. To help parents and guardians understand the new curriculum and better support their child's learning at home, District 58 created this introductory video last fall. In addition, we are pleased to share the below new videos that highlight how the new curriculum helps students use key models to build conceptual understanding of the four mathematical operations. The videos describe the key mathematical models used in grades K-5.
District 58 will postpone several assessments until fall
District 58 will postpone the 2020-21 Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR), the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) and the Illinois State Assessment (ISA) until fall 2021. By delaying these assessments, District 58 can maximize the time students spend learning in the classroom this spring. In addition, the Illinois State Board of Education recently gave school districts the option to delay these assessments.

The ACCESS assessment for English Learner (EL) students, which is administered individually by EL and dual language teachers, is still taking place this month.
Take District 58's School Environment Survey by this Friday!
Plus, the State's 5Essentials Survey is due April 2
Parent and guardians: Have you taken District 58's School Environment Survey yet? If not, please consider spending just few minutes providing feedback on your child(ren)'s learning environment! Your input will inform the District's school improvement efforts. Don't delay - the survey closes on Friday, March 26.

In addition, the State's 5Essentials Parent Survey is open through Friday, April 2. This survey gathers data related to five indicators that can predict important student outcomes, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. Your participation in this survey will help District 58 understand the conditions at your child’s school and guide improvement. Take the 5Essentials Survey.
Save the date: 2021-22 registration will open Tuesday, April 13
District 58 will open 2021-22 school year registration on Tuesday, April 13. Both new and returning students will be able to register online via PowerSchool. More information will be shared after spring break!
Register for Summer School and Extended School Year by April 30
Looking for summer learning opportunities? District 58 can help! District 58 will offer four Summer School sessions and the Extended School Year program this summer!

Registration for General Education Summer School and Extended School Year is open now through April 30. Registration for other Summer School opportunities will be open from April 12-30. Click here to learn more!
Does your child receive special education services? Check your mail!
The Illinois State Board of Education annually surveys a representative sample of parents of students with disabilities to determine how well Illinois schools are involving parents in their children's educations. Survey results become a part of ISBE's Annual Performance Report to the U.S. Department of Education.

ISBE selected District 58 to participate in this year's survey sample. This month, parents of District 58 students with disabilities will receive a survey in the mail. Parents may complete the paper survey and return it by mail or complete
Looking for a job? District 58 is hiring!
District 58 is hiring several open positions for now, for the summer and for next school year. Some of the open positions include:

  • Maintenance Mechanic (immediate need!)
  • Middle School Principal
  • Teachers
  • Registered Nurses
  • School Secretaries
  • School Psychologists
  • School Psychologist Interns
  • School Social Workers
  • School Social Work Interns
  • Part-time Substitute Custodians
  • Speech and Language Pathologist
  • Instructional Assistants

Visit to learn more and apply!
March 22 Board Meeting
The Board of Education held a Curriculum Workshop on March 22. The meeting included information regarding winter MAP assessment data and curriculum updates. It also included a brief overview of the District’s post-spring break instructional model. Board Briefs will be posted at tomorrow. View the agenda.
Looking ahead
The Board will hold its regular April business meeting on Monday, April 12 at 7 p.m. at Village Hall and on the Village's YouTube livestream. Meeting agendas will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting on BoardDocs.
District 58 shares School Board election information
Four School Board members will be elected during the upcoming April 6 election day. District 58 encourages community members to inform themselves on the candidates and vote!
Belle Aire students create and celebrate "Farewell Day" holiday
If you drive by Belle Aire, you may notice brightly colored origami flowers decorating the school’s façade. These flowers hold great significance to the students, as they are a central component to a Belle Aire-created holiday called “Farewell Day.”

Earlier this year, Belle Aire sixth grade students developed their own holidays as a class assignment. Belle Aire students Rowan and Caitlyn created “Farewell Day,” a holiday concept so spectacular that the entire school decided to celebrate it! Belle Aire Principal Brent Borchelt described “Farewell Day” as follows:

“2020 has caused a host of stressors for everyone. As we transition into an (almost) full day of school, we will symbolically say farewell to those stressors. We will write down on origami paper one stress, worry, negative emotion, fear, anger, etc. that we've carried with us this past year. Then, we will fold the paper into a bloomed flower and hang the flowers in front of the school,” Mr. Borchelt explained. “As the days go on, we will be able to see those stressors fade out of our lives. The paper dissolves in rain, so it really will be a noticeable disappearance....and we won't be hurting the environment.”

The Farewell Day celebration takes place today, Wednesday, March 24. Students were encouraged to wear the colors pink, purple or blue. Pink represents self-love; purple represents dignity and self-respect; and blue represents strength, confidence and peace. Students in grades K-6 have been learning about this holiday and the celebration all week long.

“Thank you, Rowan and Caitlyn, for creating such a great holiday. This will be a perfect way to head into spring break and get ready to come back to school in April, refreshed and filled with positive energy,” said Mr. Borchelt.
PTA Council celebrates District 58 staff!
The Downers Grove Area PTA Council celebrated District 58 teachers, staff and administration by displaying this brightly lit marquee at the Tivoli Theatre last weekend.

Thank you, PTA, for your consistent support and partnership! We appreciate you!
Community e-flyers
Friday, March 26
Parent/Guardian School Environment Survey deadline

March 29-April 5
Spring Break
Tuesday, April 6
Election Day/Non-student attendance day

Wednesday, April 7
School resumes

Friday, April 9
7 a.m.: Financial Advisory Committee meeting at the ASC/Zoom

Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |