Approaches to Couples Therapy
Do you experience your partner as not listening? Glued to social media? Annoying? What about arguments that start over the smallest things? Or the intimacy that isn’t like it once was? Do you sleep in separate rooms? Are you repeating an argument over and over again with no resolution? You may benefit from couples counseling.
Couples counseling is typically done with a professional psychologist, social worker, or marriage and family therapist. Sometimes when you and your partner decide to attend couples counseling it is a last resort, like throwing a Hail Mary in the last two seconds of a football game. No one goes into marriage wanting a divorce. When we commit to another person, there is no expiration date included. But sometimes couples recognize professional help could be beneficial early on, and go to couples therapy before things get too rocky, which can make fixing things a bit easier. Whatever stage your relationship is at, problems small or large can be addressed in couples therapy.
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We are open at all locations for in-office sessions, and have a beautiful courtyard and walking trails for outdoor therapy.
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Monthly Reader
Each month we will recommend a book someone at our practice has found useful.
This month's book:
John Gottman, Ph.D. and Nan Silver
Succinct in-depth information on diagnosis, evaluation, therapy, coaching, and medication.