Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association Works for You
TCNA Winter 2020 Newsletter - In this Issue
What's Happening in the Tuscany-Canterbury Area
  • Neighborhood Association Meeting Summary
  • Johns Hopkins Report and update
  • Delegate McIntosh: Proposed Legislation - Historic Tax Credit for Condominium Associations
  • Captain Shorter: Northern District (see Safety Committee Report)
  • Recognition of Contributions:
  • A.J. O'Brien
  • Kenna Forsyth
  • Snow Plan for Tuscany-Canterbury

Calvert School Updates

Safety Suggestions & Crime Updates 
  • "Tuscany-Canterbury is one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore"

Streets and Greens Committee
  • University Parkway
  • 39th Street Calming Plan
  • Meeting with MPC

Construction & Improvements Around the Neighborhood
  • Demolition of old Carnegie Building on University Parkway

Neighborhood Questions and Comments

Sale Prices of Homes & Condos (October & November)

Neighborhood Restaurants Updates for Winter

Monthly Calendar of Events  (See more events and details at end of E-newsletter)
  • First Friday Get Together: January 3
  • TCNA Board Meeting: January 8
Tuscany-Canterbury is a beautiful neighborhood in all seasons. Thank you to John Robinson, our E-newsletter photographer for capturing these great pictures this fall. If you have neighborhood pictures that you would like to share, send them to

Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood Association November Meeting: Summary
Report from Johns Hopkins University
Jennifer Mielke provided the following JHU community updates at the TCNA Membership Meeting:
The Charles Village Retail Area project , a five year planning process is on schedule and due to be finished by December. The creation of a pedestrian walkway, more lighting, streetscape trees and greens, and decorative banners will all enhance the corridor as a friendly area which supports the local businesses. During non-peak hours the plan is to have one lane of traffic so there is more room for pedestrian traffic. 

New tenants include a Chase Bank in the 3200 block of St. Paul Street and a new business at the corner of 33 rd and St. Paul. At the corner of 33 rd and North Charles Street, Blackstone Developers is converting the apartment building to a boutique hotel, to be called The Study at Johns Hopkins . A quality hotel with much attention to detail that will boost the retail area, The Study will boast a restaurant and conference space and is set to open in 2021. This project is a complete renovation, not a tear down. The parking lot that already exists off Lovegrove Alley has the capacity to handle the projected hotel parking needs. 
The Agora Institute
The architect Renzo Piano is designing the new  Agora Institute which will study civil discourse on Wyman Park Drive. The building will be all glass and provide a different look on campus. It is set for completion in the fall of 2022.
University Parkway: Traffic Calming
On the issue of slowing down traffic on University Parkway, Hopkins is ready to listen and work on short term solutions, but they are “not there yet” in terms of a larger commitment. They will look at all city proposals and pledge to work together and be a good neighbor on the issue. 
International Students At Hopkins
Jennifer reported that the number of international students at Hopkins is currently 5,952. The university is involved in helping students who are encountering visa problems due to the present administration in Washington. 
Hopkins Security Force and Other Questions
While Hopkins is deep in its search for a Vice President of Security, the Hopkins Police Force is in the pre-building stage and no steps have been taken since passage of the legislation last spring. There are plans for an Accountability Board which will be comprised of fifteen members including students, faculty, staff and community members. The Board will look at broad issues such as policy and procedures, training, and outreach. The application process has been launched and is in progress; Jennifer encouraged members to share this information widely and encourage interested people to apply so that Hopkins can be on track to submit a list to the State Senate by the opening day of Session on January 8, 2020 for confirmation.

 In response to a question, Jennifer confirmed that there are no plans to build a pedestrian bridge over N. Charles St, although the problem of students crossing the street while paying attention to their phones continues.
Proposed Historic Tax Credit for
Condominium Associations
Delegate Maggie McIntosh presented the status of her proposed legislation for  Historic Tax Credit for condominium associations. She said the bill is not yet written but is in the formation stage, and she wanted to give the parameters of what is being proposed after doing some research on the present program. The Historic Tax Credit is a popular program which is managed by the MD Historical Trust and is allocated to certain historical structures. Currently, approximately $11 million is appropriated annually through legislative general funds, of which $9 million go to commercial projects and $2 million goes to homeowners. The tax credit may not exceed $50,000 (20% of qualified expenditures) for homeowners (the cap for commercial projects is $3 million).

Delegate McIntosh said that she found out that individual condominium units can get historic tax credits (for things like replacing windows, chimney, etc.) but that right now there are no rights specified for a condominium association. So the conversation she will have while crafting the bill in the coming weeks will include amending the law to define condominium associations as non-commercial entities, defining the boundaries of common spaces which can be applicable, defining specific types of common space improvements eligible, and setting a dollar cap
somewhere between homeowners and commercial. The funding will come from the homeowners’ side of the present funds and will be available to communities around the state which have full ownership status. Delegate McIntosh stated that there will not be a minimum amount that must be spent, and the possibility of accumulating several small projects into one larger application will be explored.
Special recognition and thanks for decades of volunteering to improve Tuscany-Canterbury. These stones are placed in the Tuscany-Canterbury garden on 39th Street at Canterbury.
Kenna Forsyth

The Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood Association would like to offer a fond farewell to long-term neighbor, Kenna Forsyth, who will be leaving TC soon. Kenna has contributed her time and talents to our neighborhood for nearly 45 years. She has served as a TC Association president and a board member and has directed the garden, membership and newsletter committees.  Most importantly, she has been the glue that binds so many of us to one another.  We will miss her and hope she will visit us often.  Thanks, Kenna, for being such a good friend to Tuscany Canterbury. 
AJ O'Brien

For almost four decades, Andrew Joseph O’Brien, known as “AJ,” lived and led, in the good company of his wife Jane Pilliod, in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood. It’s Jane who gardened their Cloverhill home to colorful perfection. And it’s AJ who walked every street to ensure complete snow plowing in his years overseeing our private contractor. AJ served as TCNA president for many years and as a board member between terms of office. Best of all, he always seemed to know what was going on and to secure the required assistance to resolve neighborhood problems. We wish AJ and Jane best wishes in their new but nearby home at Roland Park Place. 
Leaves and Storm Drains
I t's not too late.   Leaf collection season began Monday, Oct. 28, and will continue through Monday, Jan. 6, 2020. During these dates residents can call 311 for special Monday pickups of up to 20 bags of leaves. Residents can make multiple appointments until all the bags are gone. Residents must call before 6 p.m. on Sunday to schedule a collection for the following Monday.

Citizens may make multiple appointments for up to two months prior to the pick-up-dates. On Monday, Sept. 30, City residents can begin scheduling their pick-up dates via 311. Place bags in the same location where your trash/recycling is collected. 

In addition to these scheduled leaf pick-ups, DPW will also collect up to five bags of leaves on the regular trash collection d ay.

When leaves collect on storm drains and are not removed, they can inhibit water drainage into the storm drains.  They stop the drainage of water to the storm drains. During rainstorms, roads can become flooded. When temperature freeze, the frozen leaves make it difficult to pull out of parking places.  Thanks for your support!
What to do if your street is not
plowed or salted?
  • Give he City 12 hours to clear the streets.
  • THEN

1.      If your street has not been done and your street is  not passable , call 311 and get a confirmation number.

2.     Then email Mary Pat Clarke at with SUBJECT LINE: SNOW. 
Or call Mary Pat at 443-676-6187 cell or 410-396-4814 (o). Even if the office is closed, for example on the weekend, Cindy, Stephanie, and Mary Pat will be regularly checking & returning office phone messages if there is a major storm.  They will follow-up with the Snow Call Center.

  • Your NAME
  • Your ADDRESS
  • The 311 Confirmation number that you were given 

3.  EMAIL and let us know the problem, too.

Residents, Condos and Apartment Responsibilities
  • Shovel your sidewalk

  •  Do NOT put snow in the street when you shovel your sidewalk, clean your car, or clear your parking lane.

  •  Park as close to the curb as possible during snowstorms so that the plows can get through.

  •  Remove snow from storm drains (so that streets don’t flood).

What else happens in Tuscany-Canterbury during snow storms?
Baltimore City's Snow Plan 2020
for Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood

TCNA met with Baltimore City and learned the following information about their Snow Plan.

Tuscany-Canterbury streets are divided into primary and secondary streets. The main difference is that primary streets are treated by city employees using 5-ton trucks. Secondary streets are treated by private contractors using various sizes of smaller trucks.

The snow treatment of primary and secondary streets begins  AT THE SAME TIME .
The city’s goal is to complete  primary routes once in two hours  and  secondary routes once in four hours . Variables affecting this goal are weather conditions, street conditions, the amount of snow, and the time required to replenish salt supplies from city salt barns. Routes are repeated until streets are passable.
Primary Streets 
  • 39th Street
  • Charles Street
  • Canterbury Road
  • Linkwood Road
  • Tuscany Road
  • University Parkway
Secondary Streets
  • Cloverhill Road
  • Highfield Road
  • Ridgemede Road
  • Stony Run Lane (39th to Stoney Ford)
  • Stoney Ford
Streets not done by Baltimore City
  • Tuscany Court
  • Stony Lane from Stoney Ford into the Gardens of Guilford

TCNA has requested that the large plows should not plow snow in the entrance to Tuscany Court or in the intersection of 39th and Stony Run Lane.   If these intersections are plowed shut, TCNA has requested that smaller plows come back and clear them. 

Safety Committee 
Paul and Maria Gallo, Committee Chairs,
Monthly Crime Statistics 
(Neighborhood has 4000 residents.)

During the last newsletter at the end of October, there was 1 police report. A breaking and entering was reported on the 200 block of Stony Run Lane.
Some neighbors want regular updates about crime data. Source of information    
Report from November 2019 General Meeting
Captain Jeffrey Shorter ( ) and Sergeant Amy Street attended the meeting. Captain Shorter is new to the Northern district. He shated that " Tuscany-Canterbury is one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimor e ". He shared some crime prevention and safety tips. One request he has for the community is to let him know if you have a Ring doorbell or other video surveillance camera at your home. The police are trying to compile a list of all the Ring doorbells in the neighborhood. That way if a crime occurs they can contact members of the community to try to gather images of the perpetrator. 

If you capture anything suspicious on your Ring or other video, it can be sent to the police at the following email address:
Or text to the tip line at 443-902-4824.

Here are some good reminders for safety around the holidays. 

If you are traveling
  • Get automatic timers for your lights
  • Ask a trusted neighbor to watch your home or condo, pick up your mail, packages, paper, etc. and shovel your sidewalks 

If you are out for the evening 
  • Turn on the lights and a radio or tv so it looks like someone is home 
  • Do not display gifts where they can be seen from the outside 

If you are shopping  
  • Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings 
  • Park in well-lit areas, be sure to lock your car, and keep all shopping bags in the trunk
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash
  • Keep your purse close to your body and your wallet in an inside coat pocket 
  • Have your keys ready to enter your vehicle as you approach it and lock your car doors immediately upon entering the vehicle 

If you are parking
  • Do not leave packages visible in your car (even if it's in a garage)
  • Always lock your car
Calvert School Updates
Julia Martin Frazier, TCNA Calvert School Liaison Committee Chair
The first semester at Calvert School is nearly complete, and communication between TCNA and Calvert School throughout the fall has been open, productive, and ongoing. Traffic and parking issues during morning and afternoon carpool have been closely monitored, and discussed. In mid-November, I met with the Head of School and the Director of Finance, to discuss ongoing concerns about improper drop off and pick up procedure, which causes congestion and safety issues for people and vehicles alike. We also discussed the long carpool lines which at certain times, block intersections of Tuscany Rd. More globally, we discussed some apparent general disregard for our neighborhood and its residents, evident in select drivers, racing through the neighborhood for drop off and pick up. 

These concerns were taken seriously, and the following week, the school's Director of Facilities was stationed every morning at the intersection of Canterbury and Tuscany Roads, and politely requested that each offender please honor the school's contract with the neighborhood to follow proper carpool protocol, and were asked to kindly avoid parking on Canterbury and all side streets for drop off and pick up. In addition, a rather pointed letter was sent out to all Calvert families from the headmaster, reminding them of the need to follow the rules that the school, and thereby they themselves, have agreed to, with respect to the neighborhood. Weekly reminders have been sent out as well, through each lower school child's homeroom announcements. I have seen much improvement, and our committee will continue to keep dialogue with the school, and hold them accountable for maintaining these improvements.

As always, I welcome your thoughts, concerns, and reports of Calvert School -related issues. It is good to see change happening, with good will and effort from both the neighborhood and school alike.
Streets and Greens Committee
Rose Weeks, Chairperson
Greens Subcommittee : Bonnie Boland, Chai r
Priorities for enhancing safety, environmental
friendliness, and livability 

Join Us! The committee, which will meet every other month and communicate via email, welcomes all who are interested in improving the livability and environmental friendliness of our neighborhood. Please contact  Rose Weeks if you are interested in learning more.

UPDATE : Streets Priorities: During the past two months, the committee members have met with Council member Mary Pat Clarke, Johns Hopkins University, and Baltimore City Transportation Department about some of the Neighborhood Improvement Projects. A report will be provided in the February newsletter about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"
Upcoming JHU demolition project at the Old Carnegie Building
115 W. University Parkway (St. Martin's Drive and University Pkwy)

Meeting on December 18 at 6:00 with Johns Hopkins University to discuss the plans. Broadview Apartments, Game Room, Lower Level.
This is the information that TCNA received from Johns Hopkins University. Dates are based on the preliminary schedule that they received from the contractor and may change.

  • The contractor for this project will be Whiting-Turner.
  • Mobilization onsite would begin during the first week of January, 2020, with installation of fencing around the perimeter of the site, site clearing, and utility location/shutoff.
  • Hazardous material abatement inside the building will begin in mid-January and continue through mid-February.
  • Demolition of the building structure will begin in late February and continue through May.
  • Following the building demo, the site will be graded, a driveway will be installed to provide access from San Martin Drive to the recycling area, and grass will be planted.
  • Accounting for possible weather delays, we expect the project to be fully completed by mid-June.
  • Work onsite will begin no earlier than 7:00 AM, and end no later than 7:00 PM each day, in accordance with Baltimore City regulations.
  • JHU will work with an exterminator prior to the start of building demolition to clear the building of any pests.
  • The project plans call for maintaining nearly all of the existing trees onsite. Tree protection measures will be in place to protect trees during demolition operations.
  • The project will install lighting along the University Parkway sidewalk to make up for the building lighting that will be lost with the demolition.
For more information about the history of the old Carnegie building, CLICK HERE
If you have a neighborhood question or issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.

Andy and Lu Parsley. Co-Presidents TCNA
Traffic Alerts
If you want to get the weekly Alerts about traffic advisories and road closures from Baltimore City, you can sign up for text message from BCDOT.
  • CALL 311 - 7 days a week between 7 am to 10 pm
  • Report the issue on the Baltimore City website
  • Download the Baltimore City 311 App to report the problem

If the problem is not resolved, Kevin Gillogly is Tuscany-Canterbury's Mayor's Rep in the Office of Neighborhoods. You can email him to follow up to ask for help.
Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
October and November 2019
Thanks to board member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter.

Address and Sale Price: October and November 2019

  • 4000 N Charles St #1106 $97,000
  • 4000 N Charles St #705 $99,000
  • 4100 N Charles St # 813 $185,000
  • 103 W 39th St #A1 $186,000
  • 230 Stony Run Lane #3A $235,000
  • 230 Stony Run Lane #4B. $308,000
  • 3801 Canterbury Rd #502-504 $525,000

Note:  This data represents real estate activity from October 1 to November 30, 2019 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood.  The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   
Source;  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email: j

Neighborhood Restaurants: Winter Updates 
Thanks to Ann Bond who updates restaurant information monthly

Sunday night  
Half-price burger night
T uesday night
All Pasta ½ price
Wednesday night
12oz. New York Strip Steak $14.00

Call for hours on Christmas Day
Open regular hours on New Year’s Eve and Day
3 811 Canterbury

Delicious Indian Cuisine
Under new managemen t
Expanded menu
Open Daily
Lunch Buffet 11:30 – 2:30
Dinner: 5:00 – 10:00 
Christmas Evening 5:00 – 9:00
Call for hours on New Year’s
410 366-6603

15% off in-store purchases (except tobacco products) for TCNA members. Show this to the cashier on your phone or a printed copy for your discount.

A large selection of wine, beer, and liquor; grocery items; and delivery service.

Open on Christmas and New Year’s Day.

Happy Hour Menu
Tuesday - Friday 4-7pm
All Night Sunday
Happy Hour Menu Available at the Bar

Mezze Madness
December 23 & January 27
Endless Small Plates; House wine $2
Reservations recommended

Closed Dec 25, 26 and Jan 1, 2
Events Happening In and Around

December 16 6:00 – 8:00
Stony Run Stream and Watershed

Café Azafran, Space Telescope Science Institute
3700 San Martin Drive
Light refreshments served. Free parking directly across the street

A Collaboration between the Friends of Stony Run and the Fall 2019 “Social Ecology” Course at Johns Hopkins University

Public meeting and brainstorming session regarding the urban history, social life, and community relevance of the Stony Run stream and watershed in Baltimore. The Stony Run unites many neighborhoods of North Baltimore, but much of the stream is buried underground and invisible. Throughout the fall of 2019, undergraduate students in the “Social Ecology” course taught by Professor Anand Pandian have been working together with Friends of Stony Run to develop interpretive strategies and resources to better integrate the stream and its history with the lives of local communities.
December 18 6:00
Broadview Game Room, Lower Level

Meeting with Johns Hopkins University to discuss plans for demolition of the old Carnegie Building.

All are welcome.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Makeup collection days for trash and recycling for Christmas and New Year's Day
January 3 5:30-7:00
Neighborhood First Friday Get Together
Alizee Bistro Bar, 4 West University Parkway
All are welcome.
January 8. 7:00-8:30    
 Tuscany Canterbury Board Meeting
Broadview Apartments, 105 W 39 th Street, Lower Level Game Room

All are welcome.
January 12 7:30
Chamber Music by Candlelight

Programmed performed by Baltimore Symphony musicians
 January 26 at 3:30pm
Benedict Kloeckner, cello

German cellist is prizewinner of numerous international competitions, and has performed as a soloist and chamber musician worldwide.

4200 St. Paul Street Website for more information
September 29, 2019 – January 19, 2020
Baltimore Museum of Art

Generations: A History of Black Abstract Art
Generations: A History of Black Abstract Art offers a sweeping new perspective on the contributions black artists have made to the evolution of visual art from the 1940s to the present. Artists featured include pioneers of postwar abstraction once overlooked by history, such as Norman Lewis, Alma W. Thomas, and Jack Whitten, as well as artists from a younger generation such as Kevin Beasley, Mark Bradford, Martin Puryear, Lorna Simpson, and many others.
If you know of other events that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator by January 15 for the February newsletter.
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association        
T uscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Co-Presidents:   Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Vice President:   Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents:   Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer:  Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary:  Alison Moliterno   (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members :
  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
  • Paul and Maria Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Hannah Mazo (Ridegmede Condo, Ridgemede Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street )
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Rose and Brian Weeks (Cloverhill Road)
  • Steve Summers (Ridgemede Road) 
  • Chris Whitaker  (Tuscany Road)