Camp T. Brady Saunders is offering a Virtual Merit Badge program this summer! Registration costs $20 per person per Merit Badge. To find a list of the Merit Badges offered, when they will be held and to register click here.
The Heart of Virginia Council is looking for volunteers age 21 years or older to assist in the lawn care of our Scout reservations. The schedule will be flexible to fit your free time and training will be offered to interested individuals. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up and express which location you would be interested in working on.
In addition to bi-weekly Camp Card Scout prizes, we are introducing VIP treatment for our Camp Card Champion Units! The Top-Selling Pack will receive Early Registration, Preferred Housing and FREE Slushie tokens for Cub Adventure Summer Camp in 2022! The Top-Selling Troop will receive Early Registration and Early Merit Badge selection for Winter Camp 2022! For more details and information on 2nd and 3rd Place Unit prizes, visit our website. The next bi-weekly Scout prize drawing is June 30th! Pictured here are the next two giveaway prizes! [More Info]
There seems to be some questions concerning the number of Merit Badges a person is authorized to instruct. All Merit Badge Counselors are to be approved by the Council Advancement Committee, according to the Guide to Advancement. They must be registered members of the Boy Scouts of America and have completed Youth Protection Training...
The Friends of Scouting Campaign provides critical operational funding for our local Scouting programs. With your support, we have reached 64% of our 2021 goal, raising a total of $863,562. Thank you for your continued support of our Scouts! [More Info]
Introducing Camp Masters Popcorn & Whitley's Peanuts!
Camp Masters Popcorn is joining our Fall Product Sale line-up with Whitley's Peanuts! Not only did Camp Masters Popcorn win our Scouts over in a blind taste test, but they offer lower price points and FOUR different flavors of microwave popcorn! Unit Leaders, be sure to sign-up to participate so we can reserve your fundraising materials! The first Unit training kick-off is July 28th!
In observance of Independence Day, the Heart of Virginia Council Leadership Center and Scout Shop will be CLOSED Saturday, July 3rd and Monday, July 5th. We hope you make this 4th of July memorable by counting your blessings and truly appreciating our freedom!
Donors and Friends of Scouting are invited to tour the Heart of Virginia Council Scout Reservation located in Maidens, Virginia. Register today so you can see how your investment is making a difference with our youth. Tour dates include:
- July 1st: 9:00 am - 10:30 am
- July 8th: 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Join Scouting families across the country in a spirited Summer of Service! Scouts have always been a force for positivity and goodness in our communities. Now more than ever, our world needs that Scouting spirit once again. Let’s step up and answer the call to make a positive impact in our neighborhoods and communities. Join us in a summer of service! Make the pledge today! [Details]
Want to learn more about our 2022 Council contingent to Philmont Scout Ranch, the Boy Scouts of America's premier High Adventure base? Explore more than 214 square miles of rugged northern New Mexico wilderness and experience this legendary country during the summer. Are you up for an adventure? Apply for the Philmont 2022 trip now! [Details/Application]
Upcoming Events and Service
If you have a Scout looking for something fun and exciting to do this summer while also enjoying the outdoors, this is your last chance to register! The theme for this year is "Back to the Old West" and here's just a few of the activities that will be offered: Archery, Swimming & Spray Grounds, Mining, Campfires and much more! To register, email
Don't miss your chance to enroll your Cub Scout in one of this year's Cub Day Camps. The theme is Weird Science, so be prepared to be mystified by the spectacular outcome of your child's experiments. You can find more information and each district's registration links HERE.
The main element of summer camp is program! Camp T. Brady Saunders has plenty of programs to keep young men and women engaged and teach them valuable skills while working towards rank advancement. Shotguns, archery, paddle-boarding, sailing, rope course, biking, trailblazing, fishing, camping, troop competitions, Ranger Challenge, and ADVENTURE at every turn. To register, email
The PINTwood Derby will be held on August 21st from 11 am to 2 pm at Hardywood Brewery. Come out and Race Pinewood Derby Cars and socialize at an event benefiting the Heart of Virginia Council. Your entry includes a Pinewood Derby Car kit! This event is for adults only and pizza and beer will be provided for all competitors. [More Info & Register]
Buckskin offers a 360 degree leadership experience that integrates classroom teaching with hands-on practice and reinforcement. This exciting combination will equip your Scout with the tools, experience, confidence and enthusiasm needed to make a difference as a leader. Buckskin is for Scouts who are at least 14 years of age and Star rank or higher. [Registration]
Wood Badge is the premier adult leadership training course of the Boy Scouts of America. If you haven't taken it yet, you should! [Register Today]
Roundtables will commence in August! Roundtable is a resource for Scout leaders, volunteers, parents and youth leaders to come together and learn and share information. Each District hosts their roundtable the first week of the month.
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Only four percent of Boy Scouts achieve this remarkable milestone. [Eagle Scouts]
Tributes and memorials are a way for us to honor, cherish, or remember our Scouting mentors and loved ones. [Honorees]
Check out your district for upcoming events and important news!
Heart of Virginia Council