Hello, and welcome to the October 2021 edition of "Cruiser Connections." Our goal is to keep our Cruiser community informed of the happenings, celebrations, and news of the school district, our students, staff, and schools. We’re excited to have you join us on this journey, and we look forward to your feedback.
October 2021 Edition at a Glance
- Message from the Superintendent
- OH Dept. of Health Issues New Guidance on Managing Those Exposed to COVID-19
- 25 Teachers Participating in National Research Study
- “The Hill We Climb” Art Installation Unveiled at GMHS
- New Touchless Water Fountains and Faucets to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
- District Continues Equity and Diversity Efforts
- District Technology Committee Resumes Work
- Supply Chain Issues Impacting Meal Offerings
- Cruiser Marching Band Qualifies for State Finals Contest
- Work Continues with Installation of Newline Interactive Displays
- Insights into Teaching and Learning – How Teachers are using iReady
- Going Building by Building on the “Safety Road Show”
- District Seeks Qualified Applicants for Various Positions
- Groveport Madison Schools in the News
- Calendar
From Superintendent Garilee Ogden
As a member of the education community, I believe we underestimated the long-term impact COVID would have on students. I think that most superintendents expected that once schools reopened, students would experience some transition issues similar to what we see every year when students return from summer break each year. However, I don't think we could have anticipated what we've seen this school year.
In the first two months of the school year, discipline referrals are considerably higher than at this same time in previous years. It's true even among some of our youngest children.
As I talk to other area superintendents and read about what other school districts across the country have experienced for the start of the 2021-2022 school year, the fact is that for a sizeable number of students, the return to 100% in-person classes has been very difficult.
Even though we’d spent nearly two years (pre-pandemic) teaching students about maintaining a positive mindset and helping them with their social skills development, it appears that some students have either forgotten those skills or they’re simply out of practice. At slightly more than two months into the school year, we’re just now starting to see a “return to normalcy.”
I've done a lot of reading on this issue, and early research suggests that the behavior issues schools are experiencing reflect the stress the pandemic has placed on children by upending their education, schedules, and social lives. Big transitions can be even more challenging for students dealing with grief, mental health issues, or the layered effects of poverty and racism. Experts have stated that anxiety and chronic stress can also trigger a child's "fight or flight" instincts. While some students retreat, others feel like they're on high alert — turning a nudge in the hallway into cause for an outburst. You can get these really big reactions over really small things.
We're working very hard to help students regain their footing and support them in coping with various social interactions. I can't thank the Groveport Madison community enough for your support of our school district. Your investment in our schools has allowed us to place at least one guidance counselor in each of our schools, but we've also been able to add social workers and counseling support to help students and their families. These are services that many of our peer districts wish they had. I can tell you it's making a huge impact on our ability to help students not only from a social-emotional standpoint but also from an academic standpoint.
We had a very positive discussion about this issue at our October 13 Board of Education meeting. I encourage you to check out the YouTube recording of that meeting at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfZH8yhxqbw&t=2634s to hear directly from our principals, counselors, social workers, and school safety staff. Go to the 1:11:00 timestamp of the recording to follow the presentation and dialog.
It will be hard to know the effects that COVID-19 will have on students for some time. However, I can say because of the leadership of our Board of Education and the support of our staff and community, we have been able to quickly and positively respond to these issues and concerns.
OH Dept. of Health Issues New Guidance on Managing Those Exposed to COVID-19
On Mon., Oct. 25, the OH Dept. of Health released new guidance for students and staff exposed to an individual confirmed as having COVID-19.
Direct contacts for COVID-19 are individuals identified as being directly exposed to COVID-19 by the positive case.
Direct contacts, regardless of vaccination or masking status, may remain in the classroom environment if they do the following:
- Wear a mask for 14 days after their last date of exposure.
- Self-monitor, or parent-monitor, for symptoms of COVID-19.
- Isolate and get tested if they start to experience symptoms associated with COVID-19 (regardless of the level of severity).
Consistent with guidance for others quarantining in lower-risk environments, students and staff may discontinue these quarantine procedures after seven days - if they don’t develop symptoms and test negative between days 5-7.
Recommendations for Participation in Extra-curricular Activities
Asymptomatic direct contacts may continue to participate in extra-curricular activities if they do the following:
- Wear a mask when able. (This includes: transportation, locker rooms, sitting/standing on the sidelines, and anytime the mask will not interfere with breathing, the activity, or create a safety hazard.)
- Test on initial notification of exposure to COVID-19.
- Test again on days 5-7. If they are negative at this time, they will test out of quarantine.
25 Kdg - 2nd Grade Teachers Participating in National Research Study
The District currently has 25 K-2 teachers participating in a Johns Hopkins research study on handwriting in partnership with Learning Without Tears. Students in the classes will be administered a handwriting assessment in the Fall and the Spring. Teachers will receive free materials and training in the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.
"The Hill We Climb" Art Installation Unveiled at GMHS
After seven months of work GMHS art teacher, Megan Stauffer-Miller led the unveiling of a 10-foot tall permanent art installation before the October 1 homecoming football game. The art piece was designed to illustrate the challenges and successes that students, educators, and families have faced navigating the past year and a half. It also represents the collaborative efforts of current students, alumni, staff members, administration, and community members who are invested in Groveport Madison's youth; and marks the end of a three-year partnership and financial commitment from the Ohio Arts Council and their embedded artist, Groveport resident, Juliellyn Byrne.
When looking for inspiration, Stauffer-Miller and Byrne came across the poem “The Hill we Climb,” by U.S. Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman. The poem reads:
“When the day comes we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid
The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light
If only we’re brave enough to see it
If only we are brave enough to Be IT!”
Students rolled out 650 ceramic tiles and hand-formed the letters and flowers. All of the pieces were then painted, glazed, and fired. Once assembled, the tiles were grouted into a specially fabricated frame made by Fortin Ironworks.
The art installation can be seen on the backside of GMHS, facing the football field.
Touchless Water Fountains and Faucets to Prevent Spread of COVID-19
The District's maintenance department is doing what it can to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools. Over the past few months, they have installed 54 new touchless water fountains and 338 touchless faucets in our schools. Most of the supplies and equipment were paid for with ESSER II federal stimulus funds.
District Continues Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work through Panorama Education
Educational excellence means creating learning environments where every student feels safe, included, and empowered to achieve. Groveport Madison Schools has contracted with Panorama Education, one of the country’s leaders in diversity and inclusion measurement and training institutions to help us in this effort.
Twice per year, our students and staff participate in a survey to gauge their feelings about diversity, equity, and inclusion within their school. The schools use the data from the survey results to develop diversity and equity plans, and experts from Panorama Education conduct professional development sessions with the schools’ staff to help them implement their plans.
District Technology Committee Resumes Work
The District technology committee has reconvened and will resume work on the District's technology plan, looking into the current state of the technology implementation at all grade levels. The committee consists of District administrators, teachers, parents, and community members. They will meet throughout the school year and provide suggestions for future technology purchases and implementation(s). If you're interested in joining this endeavor, feel free to email scott.sibberson@gocruisers.org for more information.
Supply Chain Issues Effecting Meal Offerings
Over the past few months, you may have seen news stories about disruptions in the supply chain across the country resulting from the effects of the pandemic. Industries, including food and foodservice, shipping, construction, automotive, and numerous others, have been impacted by manufacturing and labor shortages across the country in ways that we've never experienced before. The same is true for our food services operation. We see many instances where some food offerings are unavailable, and we've had to offer substitutions. Our food services provider, Chartwells, LLC, will make every attempt to update the Nutrislice webpage of our website to ensure daily menus reflect availability.
Cruiser Marching Band Qualifies for State Finals
Performing its 2021 contest show, “La Nouba from Cirque du Soleil,” the 75-member Cruiser Marching Band wowed crowds at our home and away football games this season. They also wowed the judges at the Athens, Newark, and Tri-Valley band contests where the band received “Superior Ratings,” which allows them to compete at the OMEA State Band Contest. They will perform on Sun., Nov. 7, at 6:45 p.m. at Dayton Welcome Stadium. Good luck, Cruisers!
Installation of Newline Interactive Displays Continues
Working in conjunction with our maintenance department, the technology department has been installing Newline interactive display panels. The new displays are replacing the old SmartBoards, which are no longer serviceable. They are compatible with numerous devices and can even allow teachers to display work directly from students’ Chromebooks wirelessly.
The goal is to get the middle schools done this year and move on to the elementary schools next year (the high school was initially equipped with display panels). They are being paid for primarily through ESSER III federal stimulus funds.
Insights into Teaching & Learning - How Teachers are Using i-Ready
From time to time, parents may hear their child or their teacher mention i‑Ready assessments. i-Ready is a comprehensive assessment and instruction program that provides teachers with the resources to help all students succeed. By connecting diagnostic data and personalized instruction, i‑Ready simplifies assessment data, saves teachers time, and helps them figure out how to differentiate their teaching to better meet students’ needs. i‑Ready:
- Provides user-friendly dashboards and clear reports with actionable data that give teachers a foundational understanding of each student’s strengths and areas of need;
- Enables teachers to confidently determine each student’s on-grade level proficiency based on state and national standards;
- Delivers online lessons that provide tailored instruction and practice for each student to accelerate growth;
- Supports teachers with in-the-moment resources for remediation and reteaching at individualized, small group, and whole-class levels of instruction.
Going Building by Building on the "Safety Road Show"
The safety of our students and staff is our top priority. Throughout September and October, our Safety Director, Alyse Clark, and Gary Sigrist, Jr. of Safeguard Risk Solutions, met with the staff of each school to communicate the safety focus for the school year. We are taking a holistic focus on safety, ensuring that students and staff are physically and emotionally safe by focusing on emergency readiness plans and providing additional staff training on trauma-informed strategies and support.
District Seeks Qualified Applicants for Various Positions
The District's Human Resources Office seeks applicants for the following positions: substitute cooks, custodians, secretaries, and aides. These positions pay $17/hour. The department also has begun recruiting teacher candidates for the 2022-23 school year. If you know of someone who's a hard worker and committed to furthering the mission of Groveport Madison Schools, have them contact Human Resources Director Matt Cygnor, at (614) 916-1161 or by email at matt.cygnor@gocruisers.org for more information.
Groveport Madison Schools in the News
Important Dates to Remember
Tue., Nov. 2
Wed., Nov. 10
Thu., Nov. 11
Fri., Nov. 12
Nov. 24 - 26
Wed., Dec 15
Fri., Dec 17
Dec. 18 - 31
Mon., Jan. 3
Election Day
Board of Education Mtg., 7:30 PM, District Service Center
NO SCHOOL - Veterans Day
Interim reports mailed/Available in ProgressBook
NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Board of Education Mtg., 7:30 PM, District Service Center
Two-hour Early Dismissal
NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
Students Return from Winter Break
Share Good News About Groveport Madison Schools!
We know that great news occurs every day. We invite you to share positive news items with us via our social media outlets as well. News and information can be shared via personal messaging on Facebook (GroveportMadisonSchools). You may also email us at gm.communications@gocruisers.org, or call us at (614) 492-2520.
Stay Informed - Follow us on Social Media
We are committed to keeping you informed, as we use a variety of communications tools to make it as easy as possible for you to know what is going on in the Groveport Madison Schools District. In addition, many of our schools use social media as well. Look for them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Groveport Madison Schools | (614) 492-2520 | gocruisers.org
Office of Communications & Community Relations