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Boating News and Boating Stories

January 2024

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Coast Guard WARNING: Documentation Renewal

BoatUS: Be Vigilant When Renewing

Your Boat’s US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation

Click Here to read the recent Coast Guard warning regarding Documentation Renewal.

Is an Electric Boat in your future?

20 Electric Boats To Choose From Click Here

For another opinion here are 11 Common Problems With Electric Boats (Helpful Examples)

Or perhaps a Hinckley hybrid is more to your liking

The system, developed in a partnership with Twin Disk, the transmission manufacturer, will first be offered on the company’s 40-foot Picnic Boat 40 S (one of three models currently in production) in 2024. Click Here for more details.

If your budget doesn't allow for a new Hinckley, contact me to find a used one for you. (There's no fee on the buyers side).

The Arctic P in the Guinness Book of World Records.

The Arctic P arrived at the Antarctic Peninsula with a purpose. An unexpectedly warm summer had melted the Ross Ice Shelf (also known as the Great Ice Barrier) at its eastern end, providing the crew an opportunity to travel further south than any other vessel in history. The endeavour was a success – Arctic P made it an impressive 677 nautical miles from the South Pole, clinching that all-important entry in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Click here to learn more about this fascinating research vessel turned Super Yacht. She's available for charter too.

S/V Alvei

Would you buy a doomed 1920's schooner in Fiji for $100?

"When I got there, she was anchored out in the harbor and was looking a bit rough. A ferry had hit her and part of her head rig was hanging in the water." Cap't Geoff Jones.

This is an amazing story of my good friend Geoff Jones, from Mystic, CT who did indeed purchase this "doomed" vessel for $100, and after investing in bringing her back from being sunk, spent 3 years sailing her in the Pacific eventually bringing her to Mystic, CT in 2022, and after a layover, left for Nova Scotia in 2023 and is now heading for Suriname in South America for new deck work, as of this writing.

A great story told by LI Boating World. You can follow her adventures in real time here

How Fast Does Your Boat Go?

Most power boaters are happy moving at 25 - 30 knots (28-35 mph). For traditional sailboaters, 8-10 knots is moving.

Consider the foiling F50's used in the Sail GP Series.

The latest F50 Cats have been clocked above 100 KPH or 60 MPH. Powered solely by the wind (and some very fit and capable sailors).

Click here for the latest, January SailGP 2024 news and some awesome videos.

Six Degrees Of Separation - who can I connect you to?

The theory that everybody on this planet is separated by only six other people. Six degrees of separation between us and everyone else. Never is it more true than if you work, or know somebody who worked, on a private yacht. (That would be me). Ever wonder how far away you are from the the King of England?

In my younger years I was fortunate to be aboard Prince Phillips' yacht Bloodhound and met his captain, Francis Drake.

If you know me, that's your connection to the Queen of England (now King Charles - he learned to sail on board Bloodhound) and perhaps the most famous sailor in history, Sir Francis Drake, who was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. Consider what it must have been like in the 15th century to spend over 1000 days on board the Golden Hinde.

Imagine a young (teenage) sailor having beers aboard Prince Philips' yacht with a direct descendant of Sir Francis Drake. Where do you go from there?

To see who else you can claim to have a connection to, watch for more connections to famous individuals in future Rudders & Moorings newsletters.


We are looking to replace the inventory of all the boats we sold in 2023. If you would like help getting yours sold, let us know.

Larry Rutter cell: 401-338-3554 or email:

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