Curious about the future of Utah housing? We've got the event for you.
Over the past two years, the housing market has experienced a nationwide boom combined with supply constraints, driven in part by the Covid-19 pandemic. Demand far exceeds supply in many places throughout the country, and housing affordability is becoming a major issue. Some states are feeling the strain more than others — Utah foremost among them.
So what does our future hold? Join Envision Utah and hundreds of community leaders for breakfast and a chance to dive into that question with national housing expert Ali Wolf. Together we'll discuss current housing trends, steps for improved home affordability in Utah, and predictions for the future.
May 25
8:00 A.M. - 9:30 A.M.
The Little America Hotel
Be sure to mark your calendars and get your tickets soon — we can't wait to see you!

Interested in sponsoring this year's event? Contact Melissa Langford for sponsorship opportunities. 
Valley Visioning wins the 2021 APA Utah Merit Award 🎉
Envision Utah is proud to announce that Valley Visioning has been awarded APA Utah's 2021 Merit Award! 🥳

Utah County is growing fast! By 2065, Utah Valley will add one million people to its population, 85 percent from internal growth. This rapid growth will be a challenge, but with foresight and collaboration, it's an opportunity to make life even better than today.

That's why in 2018, the Association of Utah County Chambers and Envision Utah launched Valley Visioning. Over two years, more than 15,000 residents — along with business leaders, elected officials, university leaders, and others — came together to understand what choices we have to make as we grow and weigh in on the future they want. The Valley Vision is the result of that effort.

Check out our presentation on growth from the ULCT Spring Conference
Last week we had the chance to connect with elected officials and others community leaders in local government from across the state at the Utah League of Cities and Towns conference.

We were able to learn more about some of the concerns and challenges facing local municipalities. We also were able to share our research on Utahns’ values and priorities related to growth.

Check out our complete four-part series on disaster resilience in Utah!
Over the past several months, Envision Utah has sat down with experts to release a four-part series on disaster resilience on the Your Utah, Your Future Podcast!

Utahns want a future where we're resilient to natural disasters including earthquakes, flooding, wildfires, and drought. But just because we are prepared for these natural hazards doesn't necessarily mean we'll be resilient in their aftermath. Tune into all four episodes to learn more about the science of these hazards and what resilience looks like.

Part One: The first step toward achieving resiliency is understanding the risks we face. In Part One we talk with the experts about the science of earthquakes: what is an earthquake and why do they happen in Utah?
Part Two: Learn about the concrete steps we can take to become more resilient, including strengthening our water infrastructure and investing in a feasibility study for an early earthquake warning system.
Part Three: Dive into our final episode on earthquakes to learn about how we can ensure equitable disaster response and the steps we can take to strengthen the most vulnerable buildings we live, work, learn, and play in every day: URMS.

Part Four: Our final episode dives into resiliency in the face of our state’s most common natural disasters — wildfires, flooding, drought — and how these natural hazards not only compound one another but will be impacted by climate change in the future. 
Join the Envision Utah team!
Envision Utah is hiring! Check out our open positions:

Think you would be a good fit? Send us an application!
Support Envision Utah
Like all of you, we’re worried about keeping ourselves and our families healthy, and we’re concerned about both the short- and long-term impacts of the current pandemic. But thanks to your generous support, we’re also able to remain focused on other critical long-term issues like air quality, water, land use and transportation, education, disaster resilience, and more. Thank you for your support!
Envision Utah | (801) 303-1450 |