The April
For ocean lovers, divers,
and "deep-thinkers."
Where Eagles Soar!
Spotted Eagle Ray, Palancar Reef, Cozumel, Mexico ©
This month Our Story Behind the Video & Photos section features encounters with hawksbill sea turtles and spotted eagle rays.
You'll also experience what it feels like when the "Cozumel Express" takes you for a wild ride!
In the Book Corner, your new beach-read is now available!
Check out my new Cozumel-inspired mystery/adventure thriller, Fugitive In Paradise.
I hope you enjoy this Sea-gram, and share it with your friends and family.
Paul Mila
-- Special Mention--
On May 21, 2022, people around the world will celebrate the 5th World Fish Migration Day.
Friends of Nancy Wasburne, the Pioneer of Freshwater Discovery in Michigan will post the video that she dedicated to celebrate the event, in loving memory of her dedication to freshwater. Sea-Gram joins the celebration by including her video in this issue.
The Cozumel Express
So you like to drift-dive?
Cozumel is called the "Drift-diving Capital of the World" because of the steady current that flows north through the channel between the Yucatan mainland and Cozumel Island.
But sometimes the current isn't just steady; it rips and carries you along on what I call, The Cozumel Express. These few seconds of video shot by diver Stephen Smith shows why.
Hang on for the ride!
Stories Behind the Videos & Photos
Diver Stephen Smith got this GoPro shot of me shooting video of a hawksbill sea turtle as it searches for a snack on a dive site called Palancar Bricks.
Then, from my reverse angle diver Peter Roseman (white fins) scoots out of the way, as I see Stephen moving in with his Go Pro. He takes the still-photo of the turtle, and me shooting video of the turtle and him.
Hawksbill Chow-down
Hawksbill turtles don't breed on Cozumel, but they love to visit and feast on the abundant sponges that decorate the reefs. We watched this hungry hawksbill rip into a juicy sponge with its powerful beak.
Note that the water here is so clear it almost appears the turtle is on land!
Eagle Rays Soar!
As our Scuba With Alison dive group, Peter, Tony, Stephen, Ellen, Lorie, and I, descended on the Palancar Caves section of Palancar Reef we saw two eagle rays circling.
As we reached the bottom at about 60 feet, one eagle ray departed. The other ray stayed for several minutes, repeatedly circling and descending to root out crustaceans hiding in the sandy bottom.
Two fish, a permit and a blue runner, hoping for scraps pestered the ray, which appeared very agitated by the fish.
Finally, the ray soared over our heads as it left the area.
Enjoy this dramatic video!
My Grandkids Visit Cozumel!
Ava, Emma & Luke joined parents Laura & Russ on a trip to Cozumel for the first time, as a friendly pelican watches.
Ava, finning through the water.
Emma swims through a school of sergeant majors.
Watch them find a stingray at Residencias Reef, squid and a large barracuda at Chankanaab, and lots of fish at the Money Bar snorkeling with Mom!
* * The Book Corner * *
Tropical Adventures From Tropical Authors
Available now: your summer beach read!
Book #6 in the
Manetta Mystery/Adventure Series
A fugitive finds safety in paradise . . .
. . . but for how long?
Click the book cover for Amazon information, or my website button if you'd like to order a signed copy.
Support a Great Cause!
Click on the photo for the event trailer!
Diveheart is a nonprofit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
The purpose of Diveheart is to provide and support educational scuba diving programs that are open to any child, adult or veteran with a disability, with the hope of providing both physical and psychological therapeutic value to that person.
Other Fun Things to Check out!
My beachfront studio condo in Cozumel, Mexico is available for rent.
Perfect for your romantic getaway or dive vacation!
For additional details please visit:
Also call 516-578-1482
Loggerhead Marinelife Center Update
There's always something exciting going on at Loggerhead Marinelife Center. Check out:
Great Beach Reads
Click on the Tropical Author's logo and check out exciting tropical stories from tropical authors.
Please also visit my page:
Two Great Dive Industry sources of Information:
* * * * * * * * *
For New York Area Diving
For the best
Cozumel diving
contact Alison Dennis:
Looking to buy your
Slice of Paradise?
Contact Nancy Edwards
Fulvio manages my
Little Slice of Paradise.
For other properties that Fulvio manages, visit:
* * * * * * * * *
Your home for exciting dive adventure novels, non-fiction, children's books, and YouTube videos.
Just click on the reading dolphin, and swim around our website for more information.
Thanks for visiting;
we'll see you next month!
Paul J. Mila
75 Titus Avenue
Carle Place, New York 11514