Proclaiming the Gospel; Equipping the saints; Mobilizing the Church
Romans 10:15
January, 2022

Dear Family of WMO,

Shalom! Peace and blessings in Messiah Jesus to you. We trust you have started the New Year, 2022, with great expectation from the Lord.
California – USA

It is known all over the globe and within the United States that California is one of the most liberal places in the world. Spiritual darkness is at an all-time high in this place but it has been said that the deeper the darkness, the brighter the light. The grace of God is deeper than the death of sin.
Please meet Pete Morales, Manager of Thousand Trails RV Camp in Palm Springs. Although he is a very busy man, Pete makes time to worship and serve Jesus our Lord. He is a man who is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus, yet God has given him wisdom in his work. Pete knows we direct an Evangelistic Association and when we are staying in his park, he is always redirecting people to meet us; either to hear the Gospel or so that we can pray for believers.

Please pray for Anastasia. She is one of Pete’s employees and after she met us, the Lord opened the door for us to share the Gospel with her. Convicted by the love of Jesus and the need for repentance of sins, she met us after she got off work to pray. She prayed and made a commitment to the Lord Jesus and Darlene and I were able to give her a new Bible. Praise God for souls getting saved! We know the angels in heaven are even now giving glory to God.
Costa Rica ~ January 24-30

God willing, we will conduct a three-night evangelistic outreach in the city of Santa Cruz. We are working with several churches for these outreaches and they will be helping to follow up with the new believers who will be saved. We thank you for praying for: The salvation of many; the recommitment of others to Jesus; protection over our staff and the volunteers coming from both South Dakota and Hawaii to build the house of prayer which will function as a center for intercession over global evangelism to Jews and Gentiles (Romans 1:16).
Panama ~ February 8-10

We will be meeting with key pastors to pray together and plan toward future evangelistic outreaches to the people of Panama. One of the locations the Lord has led us to is Colon city, which is where Spanish Jews arrived from Spain during the Inquisition. We appreciate prayers for protection and wisdom in meeting with these pastors and planning for the future. Evangelism is a work needed around the world and WMO exists to serve with churches to meet this need. Thank you for your prayers.
Honduras ~ February 10-21

God willing, we will conduct Evangelistic Outreaches in two towns: Los Charcos Valle de Guacoca (February 11, 12, 13) and Cofradia (February 18, 19, 20). Specifically regarding the work in Honduras, we appreciate prayers for: Protection; that many would be saved; unity among the churches; follow-up of new believers by the several local partnering churches; for our staff going there to preach the gospel; the financial support to cover the budgeted needs in Honduras; for the churches to be encouraged in evangelism and refreshed with the power of the Gospel of Jesus. Many people in Honduras struggle economically and with a lack of hope which has resulted in a mass exodus toward the US/Mexico border. Hope in Jesus is the only way. Jesus is the Lord God and He is faithful to help those whose hearts earnestly seek Him.
Thank you so much for your prayer and support. Jesus is the only hope for the World. Thank you for being a part of this team! Jesus is the head and we are His servants. Thank you for your partnership in bringing His Good News to both Jews and Gentiles (Romans 1:16).
In Jesus our Lord,

Henry and Darlene
Fruit from the Vine: Personal Testimony from a Partnering Pastor

Henry Matarrita is an Evangelist with a capital “E.” In Henry’s case, as well as Darlene’s, the “E” stands for Enthusiasm, Encouragement, and, of course, Evangelism.

The word enthusiasm, etymologically, means to be infused by God. Because Henry is a man who spends much time in prayer with God, the Spirit of God infuses Henry’s preaching, making it palpable. Our people were riveted to Henry’s intensity. Sunday morning instructed Gentiles to fulfill their role in the salvation of Jews (Rom. 11). Later, Henry presented the Gospel powerfully and succinctly from the words of the two thieves (Lk. 23); entitled: “How Amazing is the Grace of God by Faith in Christ Alone.”

Following the evening service, Darlene’s gift of encouragement (as well as Henry’s) was sincerely felt by many of our church folk at a local restaurant. Strikingly for evangelists, Henry and Darlene were interested in the pastor, his family, our ministry, our other church families sitting at the table, their lives, etc. Previously, Henry had encouraged this Pastor by his interest in our ministry and in our church’s potential to do a Jewish campaign in our town. We spent three hours in prayer and planning on that day. 
Likewise, Henry’s evangelistic fervor was seen that Sunday night. Using the message of the two thieves, preached earlier, Henry successfully led a man out of his “head” salvation and into a “heart” salvation by the amazing grace of God by faith in Christ alone!

It is the sincerity of their soul-winning heart for the lost, the transparency of their genuine concern for believers, and their energetic expression of a Spirit-filled life, that makes Henry and Darlene Matarrita so Endearing (with a capital “E”). Pray for their evangelistic campaigns around the world, “to the Jew first, and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16, KJV). 

- Pastor Tommy Miller
(Faith Baptist Church, Cheyenne, WY)

Ways you can give

To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address. All gifts are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be mailed to you at the end of the year.  Thank you for your financial gifts that keep us on the frontline.

All support for tax receipts mail to:
World Mission Outreach
Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A.
53 S. Pu'unene Ave., Unit 108
Kahului, Hawaii 96732

Safely donate online:
-Click the donate button
-Or Text giving: Text “GIVE” to +17029194448

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