Updates in Pediatrics
Editor: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP

header with photos of various children
April 27, 2022 | Volume 13 | Issue 17
Fine particulate matter exposure from secondhand cannabis bong smoking
In 1981 the first major epidemiologic studies on the nonsmoker effects of secondhand cigarette smoking was published followed by, in 1986 the US Surgeon General concluding that secondhand smoke was a major health risk to nonsmokers. Second hand tobacco smoke (increases respiratory and cardiovascular disease, preterm birth, decreased immune function, etc.) is now classified as a Group A carcinogen.

Secondhand cannabis smoke (SHCS) is uncharacterized in homes but is known to contain health risk factors (several hundred toxic chemicals, carcinogens and fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) many at higher concentration that in tobacco smoke). This information however appears to be largely ignored as 27% of young adults believe SHCS exposure is safe (1 minute of cannabis bong smoking exposure causes significant endothelial damage in rats).

A cohort study examined levels of PM 2.5 before, during and after 8 cannabis social smoking sessions in a room where a nonsmoker may sit, to quantify SHCS levels from social cannabis smoking in the home setting.

Air concentrations of PM 2.5 particulate matter increases dramatically in a home where social cannabis is smoked, potentially exposing nonsmokers to levels hazardous to health significantly greater than that experienced in cigarette smoking homes. “SHCS in the home is not safe”.
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May 12- 15, 2022
Will be held at W Hotel in Fort Lauderdale Beach, FL.

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