Welcome to the May 6th edition of CanChild Today! We are excited to invite you to our upcoming events, share research opportunities and feature publications by some of our members.
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Register for F-Words Workshop on May 18!
Tuesday | May 18, 2021 | 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM ET
The F-Words Foundations I Workshop is a training session introducing the F-Words for Child Development. You will learn the 21st-century concepts and changes in the field of health and disability, the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Framework (ICF), application of the F-Words in practice, and more!
Who is this workshop for?
This online training is relevant for a variety of audiences who work with, care for, and/or experience disabilities and/or medical complexities, including, but not limited to:
- Family members (e.g., parents, siblings, people with disabilities)
- Health care and community service providers
- Educators
- Health care administrators
For service providers:
Register via Eventbrite. Space is limited to 25 service providers.
New podcast on children's development!
To Enhance Function, Promote Children’s Development | Peter Rosenbaum | DMCN
This video is published by the Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology (DMCN) on their Youtube Channel, DMCNvideos.
Dr. Peter Rosenbaum will publish an editorial entitled To Enhance Function, Promote Children’s Development. This video podcast introduces the ideas he will share in the editorial, recognizing that children with disabilities may not do things nicely and 'normally' but they are still making developmental progress. "I think there's more than one path to success. And I would strongly encourage all of us to enable and support children to do things in whatever ways they can. Because the more they do, the more they practice. The more they practice, the better they get at it. If they never do it beautifully, that's, to me, not a big problem," says Dr. Rosenbaum.
Stay tuned to our social media accounts to find out when the editorial will be available in the Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology journal.
Parenting a child with a rare condition!
For our next Luke's Legacy Family Research rounds, Genevieve Currie will share research and stories about parenting a child with a rare condition.
Join us on Wednesday, May 26 at 7:00 PM ET (Ontario time) via Zoom or Facebook Live.
For questions or more information, please contact Kinga Pozniak or Rachel Martens at
The Hamilton Spectator featured the work of Prof. Carol DeMatteo and her team on developing the Back2Play App.
The Back2Play app tracks concussion symptoms, physical activity, and heart rate via a smartwatch and assists children and youth during their recovery from concussion.
The team has started Phase 2 testing and needs more participants. If you are interested in using the app and sharing feedback, please contact or 365 - 366 - 5620.
Thriving with Intellectual Disability –
A Photo-elicitation Study
Researchers at York University are interested to know what thriving or being one's "best self" means for youth with intellectual disability and their families. Teens (12-18 years old) and parents interested in participating will share photos and join an online interview.
For more information, please contact:
Early bird registration for CP Symposium!
Join the COLLABORATE, INNOVATE, ACHIEVE: CP-Achieve and AusACPDM Virtual Symposium 2021 on June 17 to 18!
Discover the latest research on Cerebral Palsy, participate in meaningful discussions, and connect with scientists and individuals with lived experience. Speakers include CanChild Director Dr. Jan Willem Gorter and Associate Member Assoc Prof. Adrienne Harvey.
Recent Publications by CanChild Members!
Family-centredness of a provincial autism programme: A quality assurance evaluation using the Measure of Processes of Care
Family-centred services recognize that each family is unique and acknowledge parents as the experts on the needs of their children. A way to evaluate the 'family-centredness' of services is through the Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC), a survey parents fill out to share their perceptions of the extent to which the health services they and their child(ren) receive are family-centred. Using the MPOC, parents of children with autism spectrum disorder evaluated the applied behaviour analysis (ABA) treatment programmes in Ontario. The overall provincial MPOC scores were consistent and relatively high, indicating that parents believe that the ABA agencies succeeded in providing a family‐centred environment. The developers of MPOC at CanChild have started working on a project to revise the measure to reflect contemporary expectations of parents. Authors: Williams U, Teplicky R, Rosenbaum P, Gorter JW. Child Care Health Dev. 2021 Feb 3. doi: 10.1111/cch.12852.
Early intervention for children with/at risk of developmental coordination disorder: a scoping review
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) affects children's ability to learn motor skills and master simple motor activities such as tying shoes or going down the stairs. DCD is present at the early stages of development, but it is often not identified until children reach preschool years. This study summarized the current evidence for identifying DCD in children five years old or younger. Results suggest that early intervention is helpful for children with DCD and may prevent negative psychosocial effects associated with the disorder. In addition, intervention should focus on encouraging children's participation in activities and building the capacity of parents, caregivers and teachers to manage DCD at home, school, and in the community. Authors: Zwicker JG, Lee EJ. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2021 Jan 10. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.14804.
Co-constructing engagement in pediatric rehabilitation: a multiple case study approach
This study suggests four principles of engagement for service providers. First, recognize that clients and families are unique. They differ in what engages them and in how they display engagement. Second, there are multiple ways to engage clients. Personalize each strategy to increase client engagement. Third, nurture and maintain a good client relationship to cultivate engagement. Establish trust, communicate openly, and work together. Lastly, monitor the client's level of engagement during therapy. Are they frustrated, tired, and bored? Reflect on the contextual conditions that might be affecting the clients and apply re-engagement strategies. By paying attention to these principles, service providers may optimize the co-construction of engagement experiences with youth receiving pediatric rehabilitation services. Authors: King G, Chiarello LA, Phoenix M, D'Arrigo R, Pinto M. Disabil Rehabil. 2021 Apr 18:1-12. doi: 10. 1080/09638288.2021.1910353.
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