Yard Waste Collection is now year-round. Residents must call 311 to make an appointment for yard waste collection. DPW only collects yard waste in paper bags and will collect up to 20 paper bags of yard waste from residences that receive DPW’s trash and recycling services. Residents are still able to leave their paper yard waste bags at the point of trash collection and drop off their yard waste at Fort Totten Transfer Station during normal business hours.
The Benning Road Transfer Station is closed for residential drop-off services. The Fort Totten Transfer Station is open for residential drop-off, bulk, trash, and recycling from Tuesday – Friday 10 AM – 2 PM, and Saturday from 7 AM – 2 PM.
Special Waste Collection Events (i.e., Household Hazardous Waste, electronics recycling, and document shredding) have been relocated to RFK Lot 3, 2400 E Capitol St NE (across from the DC Armory). Special Waste Collection Events will take place on one Thursday and one Saturday each month through March 2024. View the current schedule here.
DPW helps community groups that organize Saturday neighborhood clean-up projects through the Helping Hand Program. The program will lend tool kits that include five rakes and brooms, two shovels, and 20 trash bags. For more information click here.