Not yet a DCCA member? New memberships start at just $15.
Click here to join or renew online or download the form to renew by mail.
Spring Cleaning? Check out these DPW Service Notes
Yard Waste Collection is now year-round. Residents must call 311 to make an appointment for yard waste collection. DPW only collects yard waste in paper bags and will collect up to 20 paper bags of yard waste from residences that receive DPW’s trash and recycling services. Residents are still able to leave their paper yard waste bags at the point of trash collection and drop off their yard waste at Fort Totten Transfer Station during normal business hours.
The Benning Road Transfer Station is closed for residential drop-off services. The Fort Totten Transfer Station is open for residential drop-off, bulk, trash, and recycling from Tuesday – Friday 10 AM – 2 PM, and Saturday from 7 AM – 2 PM.

Special Waste Collection Events (i.e., Household Hazardous Waste, electronics recycling, and document shredding) have been relocated to RFK Lot 3, 2400 E Capitol St NE (across from the DC Armory). Special Waste Collection Events will take place on one Thursday and one Saturday each month through March 2024. View the current schedule here.
DPW helps community groups that organize Saturday neighborhood clean-up projects through the Helping Hand Program. The program will lend tool kits that include five rakes and brooms, two shovels, and 20 trash bags. For more information click here
Proposed Changes to ANC 2B's Bylaws
Wednesday, August 9th
7:00 PM

ANC 2B held a special meeting on July 20th to discuss changes to their bylaws, which will be considered at the regular ANC 2B meeting on Wednesday, August 9. The proposed changes to the bylaws can be found here. The ANC's current bylaws can be found here.

There are many changes to the bylaws, so as a courtesy to our members, DCCA has prepared a comparison of the two documents. 

The meeting agenda which contains a zoom link for meeting access is posted on the ANC website. You can sign up to receive all ANC meeting notices and newsletters here

Remember - before there was Barbie Pink - there was Pixie's Pink!
The Dog Days of Summer event is back and the merchants and restaurants in neighboring Logan are ready to put on a show! Stroll over this weekend to check out offerings and take advantage of Miss Pixie's sale!

See a map of participating vendors and businesses here.
DOEE Resident Survey on Sustainability
The Department of Energy and Environment and the Office of Planning released Sustainable DC, a plan to become the healthiest, greenest, most livable city for all residents. The original plan is now due for its next update. DOEE has been engaging with community members through focus groups and pop-up events to gather input on the plan from those most impacted by issues of racial equity, economic justice, and climate justice and are now seeking feedback through an online survey to help understand which priority areas should carry forward in the updated plan.

Click here to take the survey.
Ward Day at Building Museum is Upon Us - Free for Ward 2
Thursday, August 17th
10:00 - 4:00 PM
401 F Street NW

As part of the Washington, D.C. community, the National Building Museum invites residents of each D.C. Ward to visit the Summer Block Party installation, Look Here, with free admission to all exhibitions during Ward Day. Dupont (Ward 2) will join Ward 7 residents on August 17th for a complimentary day at the museum. To receive your admission wristband and visit all of the exhibitions, please bring an ID or piece of mail with zipcode to confirm your Ward Day eligibility.

In addition to the exhibits there will be hands-on craft activities in the Great Hall throughout the day. The Councilmember from each Ward will be present on their ward day from 10 am to noon and there here will be community organizations like the DC Public Library tabling each day with storytime at 11am and 1pm.

Click here for more information.
Dupont Days Season Finale Performance - Free for Neighbors
Friday, August 18th
8:00 PM
Keegan Theatre

Keegan Theatre's last Dupont Day of the season is August 18th. Get a free sneak preview of Lynn Nottage's SWEAT at 8:00 pm at Keegan Theatre. Filled with warm humor and tremendous heart, SWEAT tells the story of a group of friends who have spent their lives sharing drinks, secrets, and laughs while working together on the factory floor. But when layoffs and picket lines begin to chip away at their trust, the friends find themselves pitted against each other in a heart-wrenching fight to stay afloat.

Reserve your tickets at
Summer Sporting Flex: Something for Everyone
  • Find a cold room and wide screen to watch the Nationals on the road this weekend.

  • Head north on 16th for the Mubadala Citi DC Open - one of the oldest and most prestigious tournaments in tennis!

  • Feeling more athlete than spectator? Find a nearby weekend fun run!
Newslinks of Note
D.C. Has Millions Of Opioid Settlement Dollars To Spend. How Will They Be Used?

She can stir a crowd. But can D.C.’s new police chief keep the city safe? - LINK (WaPo paywall)

Probe finds former top Bowser adviser sexually harassed second staffer - LINK (WaPo paywall)

Hotly Anticipated Sushi Showpiece Has Arrived in nearby Georgetown - LINK

Amparo, (Mexican food by Christian Irabien), coming soon signage up on P Street - LINK
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | |