Sunday Services Zoom link

Service Recordings

Giving Link

HUUF Calendar Link

contact Laura to add info

Peace Center

Our Fellowship meets every Sunday (September - May) at 10:00 am at the

Headwaters Peace Center 

1826 Mikrantip Rd SW

Bemidji, MN 56601 

For more information contact: 

Join us by zoom using the link above or following this sign-in information:

Meeting ID: 960 3461 6935 Call in number: 1 (312) 626 6799

Click here for Google directions
Nov. logo

November 5, 2023

Mindfullness Journey Home

Speaker - Peter Mayer

Coordinator - Tricia Andrews

Is “Blue Boat Home” by Peter Mayer one of your favorite songs to sing with our fellowship? HUUF now welcomes Peter Mayer as our special guest speaker and performer. When asked about his faith journey, Pete shared, "Nowadays, I would describe myself as a religious naturalist, and I am a member of a [Unitarian Universalist] church. I still retain a deep interest in religion, but you might say that concerts are my liturgies now."

Peter began playing the guitar and writing songs when he was in high school. In college he studied theology and music, and then spent two years in seminary. Afterward he took a part-time job as a church music director while performing at clubs and colleges, and writing and recording his music. In 1995, he quit his job and started performing full-time. Since then, Peter has gradually gained a dedicated, word-of-mouth following, playing shows from Minnesota to Texas, New England to California. He writes songs for a small planet–songs that celebrate life on earth and the mysterious and wondrous fact of our existence–songs about the vast cosmos that surrounds us and how we are a part of it all. He also writes songs about dress hats, pumpkins and pajamas, and even love and freight trains just like a good folk musician should. His music has been performed by artists like Kathy Mattea, David Wilcox, Claudia Schmidt, Anne Hills, Priscilla Herdman, Darryl Purpose, Billy Jonas, and Ronny Cox, to name a few. His work has been included in song books, church hymnals, and folk radio playlists across the country, and is the recipient of fellowships from both the McKnight and the Bush foundations. Peter lives in Stillwater, Minnesota with his wife and two daughters. 

November 12, 2023

The One Thing Necessary for Happiness

speaker - Rev Amanda Aikman

coordinator - Maggie Carlson

Really? Just one thing? Well, yes. And it's fairly simple -- can be described in five words.

The Rev. Amanda Aikman lives in Everett, Washington. She retired in 2016 after serving UU churches in Washington, Oregon, and BC for 25 years. She won fifteen national sermon contests, and is the author of over a dozen produced plays and two books, most recently a novel, "Miss Lister's Guest House." She enjoys urban sketching and thinks everyone should have at least one hobby that they're not very good at.

November 19, 2023

UU Jeopardy

speaker and coordinator - Maranda Stauffacher

It’s that time of year again. Join us for the annual UU Jeopardy game, learn new facts about Unitarian Universalist history, people and organizations. 

November 26, 2023

Generosity: Anecdotal Family Generation stories.

speaker - Eric Nelson (Lakota name, Hona)

coordinator - Sarah Baker

The theme of Generosity explores the idea that a generous spirit helps others. Eric Nelson has a message today to explore this with us and share his wisdom of generous spirits.

nameless coalition for the homeless

Beginning in November and continuing until mid December the children will be widening our love and connecting with the Nameless Coalition for the Homeless (see link above) by accepting items to donate to their needs. A collection box will be located next to the Social Justice table.

Items needed -

  • Gloves
  • Hats
  • Socks
  • Large jackets/coats*
  • Large/XL /XXL sweatshirts
  • XL/XXL T-shirts
  • Hygiene products (small toothpaste tubes, 3-in-1 body wash, band-aids, dixie cups)
  • Shelf-stable snacks (no prep needed)

*All clothing must be clean and in good condition

Items they cannot accept are non-shelf-stable food or food that requires prep, blankets, children’s items, items not in good condition

If you have any comments or questions, please contact me on Sundays after service, or my phone number is:


Susanne Rabel

Welcome to The Gift of Generosity!

November’s Religious Growth and Learning lessons will explore The Gifts of Generosity. Each session includes an exploration of what it means to give and receive:

Sunday, November 5th -

The Gift of Widening Our Love

In this session, we explore

moving from the idea that only people close to me deserve my generosity, to extending

our generosity to all beings.

Sunday, November 12th -

The Gift of Connection explores how being generous with others connects them and us more deeply. In other words, being generous helps moves us from isolation (“I am alone”) to community (“I belong.”) By being generous we receive and give the gift of connection.

Sunday, November 19th -

The Gift of Gratitude looks at how gratitude and generosity are closely linked. Gratitude helps move us from the feeling that we live in a world of scarcity (a non-generous world) to the idea that we live in a world of abundance (a generous world).

Sunday, November 26th -

The Gift of Hope We explore the connection between generosity and hope. The main idea is that when we are generous, we can inspire hope in others. We also look at how our faith invites us to be counter-cultural during the holidays. In the spirit of generosity, it asks us to shift from wondering, “What do I want for Christmas?” to asking, “What can I give for the Winter Holidays?”

HUUF Committee Links

HUUF Board

Social Justice



paul bunyan fix
Sometime Choir

HUUF is no longer using the PO Box address it has used in the past. From now on make sure that your are mailing any correspondence to:

Headwaters Peace Center 

1826 Mikrantip Rd SW

Bemidji, MN 56601 

huuf food

Sunday Snacks

If you enjoy gathering after Sunday fellowship for coffee and treats maybe you would be willing to bring treats yourself one Sunday. Better yet, sign up with a friend and each bring something. It can be store bought or made at home. Follow the link below to sign up or let Candy Roberts-Salter know and she'll get you signed up


Snack Sign-Up Genius
caring team

The membership committee is looking to expand the Caring Team! We're looking for an additional person interested in sending cards, making phone calls, or an occasional visit to the hospital. 

If this sounds like something you would like to do please contact:

Paula Peters 

218-760-1467 or email 

This is a great opportunity to

"practice love".

The Soul Matters theme this month is:

The Gift of Generosity

If you'd like to access the packet for this month's theme follow the link below and enter the password: huuf23

Untitled Design
The Gift of Generosity.

Meet the Members

Elaine Williams

Tell us about your family

I’m so honored to be HUUF member of the month for November 2023! I moved to Bemidji just over a

year ago from Lansing, Michigan. My parents live here; you might know them - Sean and Jennifer

Dunham? I’m the oldest of four and my “little” brother Barron is the closest sibling. I’m a single gal,

no kids, no pets, just a lot of personality. I work from home in my little Bemidji apartment.

What are 3 things you'd like us to know about you?

  1. I absolutely love animals. Please don’t make me choose between cats and dogs, I can’t.
  2. Yarn is my love language. I like to knit, crochet, and craft in general. Coloring, board games, card games, painting, sticker-booking, etc. I’ve been known to take my knitting to the movies, you could say I’m very dedicated to my crafts.
  3. Water is a happy place for me. It’s quite lovely to venture outside and have 10,000 lakes to choose from.
Elaine Williams

Briefly tell us about your journey to HUUF

As mentioned above, I moved to Bemidji a year ago. When arriving, I was eager to meet new people

and try new things, so HUUF was a natural progression. Church was forced as a child so to find a spiritual home that’s the right fit is spectacular. HUUFers are some of the warmest and most welcoming people on the planet and I’m so glad to join and have the honor of calling myself one you (UU!).

soul matters AI

Soul Matters is excited about supporting the work of a new UU effort called AI & the Human​, a small but growing group of folks working to bring the AI conversation into UU congregations. We are espeically grateful that AI & the Human is building a lot of their work around our monthly themes!

One piece of their work is hosting monthly interviews/discussions with academics, authors and AI researchers who focus on the intersection of AI and religion.

Robert Geraci, Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College. The conversation with him in September was entitled, Transcending Humanity

Exploring Technology, Faith, and the Future.

Follow this link to listen to September's AI and the Human conversation with Professor Richard Geraci
Peace Center

Board Members

Candy Roberts-Salter - President

Laura Dropps - Treasurer

Nancy Mason - Secretary

Deedee Buetner- Trustee

Allison Cease- Trustee

Mike Bjerk - Trustee

Amy Hartwell- Trustee

Jennifer Dunham - Trustee

Committee Chairs

Sunday Sacred Service- Maggie Carlson and Tricia Andrews

Newsletter- Nancy Mason


Membership- Paula Peters

    Caring Team- Nancy Benson and Deedee Buettner

Canvass- Brent McWithey

Facilities - Sean Dunham

Religious Growth and Learning- Susanne Rabel

Social Justice- Sarah Baker and Mike Bjerk

Finance- Laura Dropps

Technology - Fred Foresman

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