The Lord has been good to me

Heavenly Father, we often feel uneasy when we come to you in prayer. Lord, we often do not know how to pray as we ought. It is the Holy Spirit, that you have poured into our hearts, that helps us in our weakness? It is the Holy Spirit that helps us in so many ways, especially in inspiring us to call upon you confidently as Our Father? We realize that the most important aspect of our prayer to you is our loving relationship with you, for you see within each one of us the person of your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Father, help us to confide in the action of your Holy Spirit in us, and not be anxious about what we are to say. Help us always speak to you as the loving Father that you are. With Jesus, we pray: “Abba, Father”.  


Fr. Vidal Martinez, OSM
The Book of the Names of the Dead

During the Month of All Souls, it is custom to give a place of honor to a book in which community members and visitors can write the names of their beloved dead. The Book of the Names of the Dead was inspired by the ancient practice of recording the dates of the deaths of loved ones in a necrology, a public record or registry of death. This practice provides the living with an opportunity for healing and consolation in the face of grief.

The Book of the Names of the Dead will be placed in the Chapel of Mary beginning Monday, Nov. 1, and will remain there through the month of November. It will be left open for people to write the names of their deceased loved ones and for others to read the names, remember, and pray for the repose of their souls.

Remembering all these men and women who have gone before us, “marked with the sign of faith,” helps us better understand and appreciate our faith in the Christ our risen Lord who conquers sin and death and brings new life to all.
Celebrate the Return of the Christmas Festival of Lights!

This year’s Festival will look a little different due to the ongoing pandemic. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to produce a safe but fun Festival.

Tickets will be sold online in advance in order to control the nightly capacity.

The Grotto’s Christmas Festival of Lights features over two million lights and hosts nightly indoor holiday concerts performed by many of the region’s finest schools, churches, and civic choirs. The Festival reflects the special season of hope that Christmas offers.

Continuous entertainment for all ages is offered in The Grotto’s plaza area, including outdoor caroling, puppet shows, and an assortment of musical guests.

For more information about this year's Festival, including Covid-19 safety protocol, please click here.
The Grotto's Operating Hours: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Upper Gardens admission sold until 5:30 p.m.

Following state guidelines, masks must be worn in all indoor spaces at The Grotto, and outdoors where crowds are gathered or social distancing cannot be maintained.
Daily Mass

12 noon in the Chapel of Mary
Recitation of the Rosary

Daily recitation of the Rosary at The Grotto will take place everyday, one half hour before each Mass. On Friday's, we pray the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary (Servite Rosary).
Priest's Office Hours

Monday - Saturday
10 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
3 p.m. - 5 p.m.

The Servite Friars gladly await your request for confession, spiritual guidance and blessing of articles. You may also set up an appointment for a blessing with the relic of St. Peregrine. The office is located at the Visitor Center.
The Grotto Gift Shop: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Click on the video and take a moment to relax and experience the serenity of the sanctuary.

Today, the tall trees which surround the Christus Statue have grown considerably since the statue was installed in 1931.

Join Fr. Vidal Martinez, OSM, Rector of The Grotto, for a daily stroll through the garden.

Each day, enjoy photos and videos taken by Father Vidal, often during hours when the grounds are closed.

Today, take a look around the Upper Gardens at this beautiful time of year.

The Servite Friars (from left to right)

Father Vidal Martinez, OSM, Rector:
Father Ignatius Kissel, OSM:
Father Leo Hambur, OSM:
Father Edgar Benedi-an, OSM:
Bible Study Livestream

Saturdays: 9:15-10 a.m.

All are welcome to the weekly Bible Study Livestream with Fr. Edgar Benedi-an, OSM. For more information, please click the button below.