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It's About The Relationship!


"Our Post-Easter Jesus”

See Previously Recorded Messages

Happy Thursday Dear Church!

I hope this check-in finds you enjoying this amazing springtime weather. Thank you to everyone who guided me through worship on Sunday. Sundays like we experienced, make me so grateful that we have Brandon as our Minister of Music. I am just not as young and on top of things as I used to be. With the amazing support from all of our musicians and singers, and a pretty big dose of grace from God, we made it through. Thank you all for being patient with all of us as we navigated “the new.”

I hope you are experiencing joy during this Easter Season. I, personally, have been very fulfilled, looking at the post-resurrection sightings of Jesus. I think the thing that stays with me is the idea that when Jesus shows up … people change. I wonder, have you recognized Jesus this week? I can tell you, from my heart, that I have. He made his presence known to me several times in several different ways. In a way, it makes waking up a joyful time of anticipation. Anticipation of, “where is He going to show up today?” So far, no sightings this morning, but I am sure they will come.

This coming week we are headed into the final chapter of John’s Gospel. If you want to get a head start, click on this link to read the passage.

As you read, I encourage you to think about the “things” you do in your regular, day-to-day lives. I wonder, could that be where you can access Jesus’ presence. I am in the midst of my day (Tuesday) doing what brings me joy and purpose, so I expect to see Jesus soon.

I love being your pastor!

Holding you close and lifting you high!

Pastor Greg

Music Ministry

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Seeing God in Worship

The road to Emmaus story has always fascinated me. A couple of guys who should have been able to see and recognize Jesus but didn’t, even after Jesus himself walking them through the scriptures about the Messiah in the Hebrew Bible. Only when they partook in the Lord’s Supper one, if not the, central elements of our worship were they able to recognize Jesus who had already been in their midst. And then he disappears!

This story parallels what I think we often experience in worship. On one hand, worship is supposed to be a place where we experience the presence and relationship of God. This weekly experience of seeing God in an experience in which the veil between heaven and earth are thinner should be practice for seeing God in the mundane places of life where it can often be hard to see God and recognize God’s presence. On the other hand, sometimes our worship times, the repetitive structure, the familiarity, maybe the unfamiliar, can actually blind us to seeing God afresh in our midst. Let us always remember the invitation to have our eyes opened to see God afresh through our worship.


Continues Next Thursday, April 25th!

“The Secret Message of Jesus” by Brian Mclaren

Lenten Book study

Began February 22nd. 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Note this Thursday April 18th we will not be meeeting but will countinue on April 25th! So you can catch up on your reading!

For Lent this year, Pastor Greg has offered a book study on, “The Secret Message of Jesus,” by Brian McLaren. This has been a fascinating look at how one of our leading progressive Theologians look at the life, words and actions of Jesus. Order your book today. I encourage you to not read ahead, but by sections with your group. Click on the ink below for a place to order:

Strike a Pose and Say Cheese!

I will continue to ask you after worship for a quick capture!- Julie

The Church will be updating our member photo board! Starting. Julie Hume will be in charge of capturing a terrific photo of you and your family after Church on Sundays. We have so many great smiles in our congregation, let us make them shine!

The Outreach Ministry!

Greetings from Outreach,

Our April Basket of Hope is gathering needed items to hand out to our neighbors experiencing homelessness. We are making progress collecting the items needed, but there is still a way to go. Our goal is to assemble 100 Blessing Bags, that church members can take with them to hand out when they meet someone in need. We will be stuffing the bags after church on May 5, but ask that you bring your items no later than April 28.

Please prayerfully consider how you can help this Ministry to help our neighbors. Gather your hotel provided shampoo, conditioner, lotion and soap. Head to the store, or shop online with a special wish list created for this project.

Here is the Amazon Wish List Link:

Below are the items that are still needed to assemble 100 bags:

Fruit cups or applesauce100

Small water bottles100

Small size bottles of shampoo 94

Small size bottles of conditioner 92

Small size bottles of hand lotion 96

Small bars of soap 90

Travel size packs of wet wipes 76

Small size of deodorant 100

Small size bottles of sunblock 75

Tubes of Chapstick or lip balm 58

Pairs of socks 18

Hefty Slider Jumbo Storage Bags, 2.5-gallon size 2 boxes of 12

We have already collected enough tooth brushes, tooth paste, floss, combs, Kleenex, washcloths, pudding cups and granola bars for 100 bags.

Thank you so much for all the ways you help our Outreach Ministry! Blessings to you!

Hello from Outreach!

All are welcome to join the Board of Outreach! We meet the first Thursday of each month at 5:00 pm in the Fireside room and on Zoom. Contact Linda England at or 858-748-3304 if you are interested in getting involved.

Outreach brings forth local and global service projects, from fundraising for medical supplies in war-torn areas, to gathering and assembling supplies for our unhoused siblings in our own county. By joining Outreach, you could contribute your passions to our church by voicing your ideas for service projects, suggesting new projects, and contributing to these projects in whatever ways you feel comfortable. By joining Outreach myself, I have found tangible ways to realize my dreams for our church, community, and world.

Have a great week!



Who's got an upcoming BIRTHDAY?  

The Community Church of Poway wishes the following members a Happy Birthday. We hope you have a blessed day celebrating YOU! 

Check back next week!


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Adult Scripture Review:

Sunday’s following worship in the fireside room!

Every Tuesday!
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Books & More

Starting on April 30 at 10 am in the Fireside Room we will begin a new book, The Personal Librarian by Maria Bennedict and Victoria Christopher Murray. A remarkable novel about J. P. Morgan’s personal librarian, Belle da Costa Greene, the Black American woman who was forced to hide her true identity and pass as white in order to leave a lasting legacy that enriched our nation. This book was an instant New York Times Bestseller, Good Moring America Book Club Pick. It was named Best Book of the Year by NPR, and Notable Book of the Year by the Washington Post.

All are welcome to join us.

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We have a special activity planned for April 23 at 10:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Lisa Bronner will present her book Soap and Soul and we will make a sugar scrub to take home. Lisa will have her book available to purchase. It is full of eco-friendly, non-toxic solutions for cleaning and caring for your body, home and beyond.

You may recognize her last name, she is the granddaughter of Dr. Emanuel Bronner, the founder of Dr. Bronner’s natural cleaning products. We ask those who are interested in attending on April 23 to sign-up in advance, to ensure that we have adequate supplies for the sugar scrub. Please contact Linda at

Please join us, all are welcome!

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Centering Prayer:

Tuesdays at 6:30pm

Contact Colleen Clementson at or on

her cell at 858-663-6584, for the ZOOM invite

Your Favorite Weekly Joke 

Thank you for checking out our BUZZ! Here is what you were waiting for! If you have a favorite joke or any tips to make the BUZZ even better, please send emails to :)

Joke of the Week:

What is the tallest building in the world?

The Library- Its got the most stories…

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