New Reports Training
HMIS Reports Training
Business Objects launch
ART is dead! Long live Business Objects!
ART (the Advanced Reporting Tool) is retiring on May 13th. The Data Center is offering two options for training and a follow-up office hour for open Q&A to support this transition.

The new reporting tool for our ServicePoint HMIS software is called Business Objects.
Who should join the Training?
YOU! Since you are Agency Administrators, you need to know how to use this tool for monitoring your agency's data. If other users currently have an ART license (and can see "Connect to ART" when you log in to HMIS), they should definitely join us too!

Training Agenda
This introductory training will focus of navigating the new interface and making sure that users can find the existing ART reports you use. This is a great opportunity to use two screens if you can, and follow along with the demonstration.
Training dates
Two Training Options
  1. Friday, May 6 at 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (link)
  2. Thursday, May 12th at 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (link)

Login details
No registration is needed. Simply save the date and login at 11 am!

After the launch Office Hours
Once ART is retired May 13th, the Data Center is hosting an open Q & A for any lingering questions about the transition.
  • Thursday, May 19th at 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm (link)
Reminders and notes
Missed the training?
This training will be posted later on the page along with slides for reference after ART retires. But, we hope you can join for a live session to make sure your questions get answered! Remember, Agency Admins are expected to attend/review the News Archive to stay up to date with HMIS tools and reporting.

We look forward to this brighter future of HMIS reporting!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |