Conservancy's Curatorial Team to Address the Contributions of Women on the SS United States' Engineering, Art, and Design
The Conservancy is pleased to announce the new, rescheduled date for our virtual panel discussion, "First Ladies of the Sea."

Led by the Conservancy's curatorial team, this enlightening presentation will provide an in-depth look at the work involved in developing our latest digital exhibition, "Transatlantic Trailblazers: The Women Behind the Art & Engineering of the SS United States." The discussion will also provide further insight and analysis into the leading roles women played in creating this maritime masterpiece.

The "Transatlantic Trailblazers" exhibition explores the pioneering roles Mira Jedwabnik Van Doren, Hildreth Meière, Elaine Kaplan, and others played in the design, art, and engineering of the SS United States, the largest ocean liner ever built in America. From groundbreaking propeller design to some of the most luxurious - and safest - seagoing interiors, many trailblazing women helped make the SS United States the pride of her nation.

This is one of several forthcoming events in conjunction with this exciting digital exhibition, including our donor-exclusive "Evening with the Curators" event being planned for later this year.


Event Featured Incredible Speakers, Moving Tributes, and an exquisitely-detailed 11-Foot Model of the SS United States
Hosted by the Conservancy's Hampton Roads Chapter, the "Heritage Program and Tour" at The Mariners' Museum in Newport News, Virginia, was a tremendous success that brought together supporters from across the country and raised over $10,000 that will aid the Conservancy's work to save the beloved flagship.

Festivities kicked off on Friday with the ringing of the SS United States' bell at Christopher Newport University and a memorial service at the gravesite of Commodore Leroy Alexanderson. On Saturday, supporters gathered to hear from former MARAD Administrator Admiral Mark Buzby, author Larry Driscoll, Maritime Industry Museum Executive Director Captain James McNamara, Brian Abbott, Gibbs & Cox Vice President Keith Harper, Conservancy Curatorial Associate Alaina Noland, and others who explored the SS United States' prominent place in maritime history.

Conservancy President Susan Gibbs, the granddaughter of the ship's famed designer William Francis Gibbs, presented Blue Riband medals to Melissa Muchulsky, on behalf of her husband Joe Muchulsky, a Conservancy advisory council member, former crewmember, and leader in the Conservancy's Hampton Roads Chapter, who passed away earlier this year; and Debbie Rindfleisch, who accepted on behalf of her husband, the late Jim Rindfleisch, a former caretaker of the SS United States.
The star of the show was Gene Berger's 11-foot model of the SS United States. (Photo above courtesy of Kyle Ober; photo to the left courtesy of the SS United States Conservancy's Hampton Roads Chapter.) Constructed over 14 years, the model painstakingly recreates America's Flagship as she was during her service career. CLICK HERE to see additional pictures of this stunning model and its incredible details, from seagulls on the funnels to passengers' vintage outfits, to the ship's signature (fireproof) deckchairs!

A tremendous thank you goes out to Hampton Roads Chapter co-chairs Stanton Daywalt and Elizabeth Fletcher, who organized this remarkable event with support on site from New York chapter co-chairs Paul Stipkovich and Glenn Lappin. Our thanks also goes to all the speakers, our videographer Bill Magee, and photographer Kyle Ober. Most of all, we want to express our immense appreciation to our fabulous chapter volunteers and supporters who made the trip to Newport News. Your passion and dedication are integral to saving the SS United States.

It is with profound sadness that the Conservancy shares the passing of Barbara Katz, a passionate supporter of the SS United States, whose grandfather traveled on the maiden voyage.

In 2016, Ms. Katz coordinated a generous $100,000 donation to the Conservancy in honor of her grandfather, Morris Schapiro. Baldt Anchor, Chain & Forge, a division of the Boston Metals Company - which was founded by Schapiro -manufactured the anchors and forged steel anchor chains for the SS United States. The photo above, of the Big U's anchor room, was captured by Ms. Katz's son, Jeffrey Katz, a renowned photographer.

Calling artists of all ages! The Conservancy is accepting submissions for our t-shirt contest saluting the 70th anniversary of the SS United States' maiden voyage.

Now through Sunday, May 29, ship enthusiasts, artists and designers of all ages and ability levels are encouraged to submit a design that could be featured on a special t-shirts that will be sold later this year to support our work to save America's Flagship.


"The staff. The Service. Everything was really first rate."
- James "Chip" Northrup, The Observation Lounge