November 7, 2023

Fall FunFest Success

Thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed Fall FunFest on Saturday! We hope everyone had a fun time! Please take a few moments to complete this survey and give us feedback about the event.

Complete Survey

Today is Voting Day!!

Election Information
Read Press Release

We are thrilled to welcome Eric Glassey to our team as the Town's Accountant. Eric is an Army veteran with a Master's degree in accounting from NC State University. He comes to us with expeirence in the private sector as a Treasurer and Enterprise Resource Program (ERP) Manager. His first day with us was Monday, October 30, 2023 and his expertise in accouting is sure to be a valuable asset to our organization.

Operation Greenlight

Operation Green Light is in full effect! This week be on the lookout on all of our social platforms as well as our YouTube Page where we will feature Rolesville Veterans, Congresswoman Deborah Ross, and supporters of Veterans. Operation Greenlight is a nationwide initiative that aims to support veterans and raise awareness about the challenges they face.

November 18, 2023 9:00am - 10:00am


300 Southtown Cir. Rolesville, NC 27571

Are you a veteran living in or around Rolesville? If so, MSG Retired Jerry Mangum would like to extend a warm welcome to you! Whether you are new to the area or have lived here before, Jerry invites you to join in on upcoming events for veterans. To find out more, please reach out to him at 919-602-5490 or via email at You can also contact Eugene Padgett at 919-453-2297. 

Jerry and the team are committed to discussing any issues veterans may face, so don't hesitate to get in touch. Remember, veterans helping veterans is what it's all about!


Fall Recreation Programs


Adult Fitness & Conditioning
Strength Training for Teens
Gental Yoga
Senior BINGO
Game Cafe`
Sign Up

Make a BIG difference in your community and be a Volunteer! 

Fill out the general volunteer form and complete the background check to become a volunteer!  

Upcoming Events

Election Day

November 7, 2023

Board of Commissioners Meeting

November 8, 2023, 7:00pm

Town Offices Closed (Veterans Day)

November 10. 2023

Board of Adjustment Meeting

November 14, 2023, 12:00pm

Board of Commissioners Meeting

November 16, 2023, 6:00pm

Parks & Recreation

Planning Department

Economic & Development

Police Department

Public Works

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