We, the Sisters of Menino Jesus Community, share our effort to work in harmony with our Chapter Statement, which challenges us every day in the face of the dangers and threats of our common home. This is the challenge of Integral Ecology.
Laudato Sí, warns us of the various points that we can experience in our daily lives in this care of the common home, especially the care for those who are most affected, mainly the poor, assuring them of their inalienable dignity. Pope Francis concludes by saying: “humanity still has the capacity to collaborate in the construction of our common home” (n.13).
This writing that brings hope, without, however, failing to point out the imbalances of the human race in the conservation of the planet, the unique home we inhabit. This imbalance is sickening the Earth, in a broad sense, and its inhabitants, all the more evident with the pandemic that has been introduced in the world. Pope Francis consoles us by saying that “the Creator does not abandon us, he never backs away from his plan of love, nor does he regret having created us”. (Gilberto Aurélio Bordini and Isadora Maria Souza)
Our mission at Santa Casa does not escape this care, because taking care of the poor, sick and vulnerable is to do Integral Ecology. It is to experience the mercy of God. All this is experienced by us and by everyone who works with us.
In addition, in our local planning, we propose to partner with the Comunidade do Mãe Admirável to continue the Sister and Mother Earth Project and promote formative and celebratory activities based on Church documents, in particular – Laudato Sí, on Integral Ecology .
We are grateful for our Chapter 2021 Statement that motivates us to live to promote peace and educate ourselves in the understanding of Integral Ecology!